Research interests: «Development of integrated teaching of the results of scientific research in the process of teaching chemistry in higher educational institutions»
Participation, management of scientific works:
- Republican competition of students’ scientific and research works. Startup project "Nanny". Zeynel Elnura II place. 2024.
Participation in advanced training courses:
- 31.01.2023 - Advanced training courses within the framework of the applied sciences project "strengthening the pedagogical educational potential of kzemp/QCBS-03, coordinated by Hyame University" (72 hours). Arkalyk
- 11.11.2022-11.21.2022 graduated from advanced training courses "Application of innovative technologies of training in the professional field. Features of the organization of innovative activities in chemistry " (72 hours). Astana.
Teaching aids:
- Akhatova S.Zh.. Planning a lesson in chemistry // Educational and methodical manual. –Arkalyk, 2022. – p. 39.
- Akhatova S.Zh., Dosmagulova K.K.. Fundamentals of nanochemistry // Educational and methodical manual. –Arkalyk, 2023.–p. 35.
- Akhatova S.Zh., Kemelbaeva A.K.. Pedagogical skills // Educational and methodical manual. –Arkalyk, 2023.–p. 93.
- Akhatova S.Zh., Nurkenova A.D., Dosmagulova K.K.. Analytical chemistry // Collection of lectures. –Arkalyk, 2023. –p. 82.