Description of the EP
«6B01509 – Physics and Computer Science»
Purpose: preparation of a qualified teacher of physics and computer science, competent in the subject area and in the organization of the educational process in the conditions of the updated content of secondary education.
Learning outcomes for the educational program:
The graduate after the successful completion of the educational program:
- describes the laws of general and theoretical physics, the laws of higher mathematics and the nature of celestial bodies, analyzes physical phenomena and processes;
- skills of working with physical means are formed; they are able to find solutions to complex problems; they are able to calculate, process and analyze the received data;
- knows the structure of programming languages, digital technologies in creating programs, working with hardware and software; performs calculations of complex algorithms using modern programs, forms skills in working with educational applications;
- knows the theoretical foundations of computer science, the directions of development of microprocessor and operating systems, the principles of creating databases, methods of work. Describes the main methods of designing cloud computing and platforms;
- knows the methods of teaching physics and computer science, determines solutions; effectively uses digital educational resources, knows how to work in an inclusive education system, distinguishes the criteria of the assessment system;
- knows the methods and principles of the formation of environmental competence taking into account age characteristics, the theoretical foundations of psychology and pedagogy, entrepreneurship, the culture of fighting corruption;
- uses the spiritual values of the Great Steppe critically; is able to plan extracurricular activities and educational work;
- organizes research work in the field of professional education, develops students' skills in writing scientific projects and working with literature;
- creates conditions for students to adapt to the mastery of target languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.