Description of the EP

«6В01601 – History»

Purpose: preparing a history teacher in accordance with modern requirements of mastery.
Learning outcomes for the educational program:
The graduate after the successful completion of the educational program:
- describes the theoretical foundations of all stages of world and national history;
- is able to use world and domestic historical research, main directions and scientific approaches in the professional sphere;
- uses innovative teaching methods, demonstrates proficiency in modern educational technologies;
- demonstrates professional skills in teaching history using digital educational resources in solving practical and professional tasks;
- critically uses the theoretical foundations of pedagogical and psychological disciplines and spiritual values of the great steppe, is able to organize educational work;
- forms students' skills of observing the rules of life safety, taking into account physiological age characteristics, moral values and patriotic qualities through the study of the history of the region;
- applies the principles of inclusive education and technologies of criterion assessment in the course of professional activity;
- owns the skills of organizing scientific-research work, forms the secondary school students skills of organizing scientific research;
- applies anti-corruption knowledge in professional activities; uses methods of planning and organizing business activities.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502