Description of the EP
«6В01505 – Biology»
Purpose: training of professionally qualified teachers of biology.
- formation of fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of biological sciences, necessary in professional activity;
- training teachers who are competent in understanding the goals and objectives of biological education, professionally qualified and capable of high personal achievements;
- education of future biology teachers, broadcasting innovative pedagogical ideas.
Learning outcomes for the educational program:
The graduate after the successful completion of the educational program:
- translates the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in biology and related disciplines in the professional environment;
- demonstrates skills in working with laboratory instruments, devices, materials in the organization of educational and research activities, and academically competently evaluates experimental and calculated data;
- effectively defines and practices the principles of teaching methodology, effective learning and teaching, inclusive education and criteria-based assessment technologies, bases of entrepreneurship;
- actively interprets new achievements in the field of digital technologies and didactics (including ICT) in teaching and learning, in modeling natural processes;
- uses languages that functioned in educational environment for academic and professional purposes, and manages written and oral linguistic communications;
- evaluates the educational process, competently uses the main tools of social, humanitarian, historical sciences and regional study;
- analyzes the regulatory and legal framework of secondary education with updated content, the process of the national policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education, logically distinguishes the educational and program documents;
- applies the bases of pedagogical and psychological skills, forms healthy, supportive and safe environment in accordance with the age characteristics of students in the organization of the educational process and work in the classroom;
- critically chooses the methods of organization and research in experimental and project activities, the formation and development of the scientific worldview of students.