Description of the EP

«6В01705 – Russian language and literature in schools with non-russian language of training»

Purpose: to prepare a qualified teacher of Russian language and literature, competent in the professional field.
- improving the quality of training of a philologist, his professional competence through the study of cultural (primarily linguistic and literary), socio-historical, in accordance with the social order of society and education;
- improving the general educational skills of students: language, speech, spelling, punctuation, stylistic;
- improving the quality of training of a specialist - philologist, his professional competence through the study of cultural (primarily linguistic and literary);
- formation of functional literacy and all types of competencies (language, linguistic (linguistic), communicative, cultural);
- improving the ability of students to comprehend the laws of language, correctly, stylistically correct use of language units in oral and written speech in different speech situations;
- further development and improvement of the ability and readiness for speech interaction and social adaptation; readiness for work, conscious choice of profession; skills of self-organization and self-development; information skills;
- providing high-quality professional training of future teachers of Russian language and literature in accordance with the social order of society and education;
- formation of a system of key competencies for future teachers of Russian language and literature: socio-cultural, linguistic (communicative), professional in the field of the fundamental foundations of OP and learning technologies;
- mastering the methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, formation of psychological literacy, culture of thinking and behavior.
Learning outcomes for the educational program:
The graduate after the successful completion of the educational program:
- has an idea of the regulatory framework of secondary education, the updated content of secondary education, the trends of the national policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education;
- applies skills and abilities to integrate knowledge from socio-humanitarian and natural science fields in solving pedagogical professional tasks;
- has theoretical knowledge in the field of Russian language and literature, the necessary types of subject competencies (linguistic, literary, communicative, etc.);
- demonstrates practical skills in oral and written speech for speech interaction for various educational purposes;
- has modern methods and technologies for the implementation of the educational process in the Russian language and literature, focusing on the educational needs of the student, depending on his age, sensory and intellectual abilities;
- uses knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and psychology in the organization of the support of the educational process of an educational institution, demonstrates practical skills in solving pedagogical and psychological problems; owns strategies and techniques for improving pedagogical skills;
- has the skills of conducting his own research work and organizing project and research activities of students;
- has knowledge and skills of using ICT and IT technologies, digital learning technologies in education, linguistics and other activities;
- applies technologies of criterion assessment, updated content of education, inclusive education in the implementation of the educational process;
- demonstrates a high culture of speech and thinking, the ability to manage emotions, readiness to use knowledge about the impact of harmful and dangerous factors on humans and the natural environment, about the physiological characteristics of students to accompany the educational process.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502