Description of the EP

«6В01504 – Chemistry»

Purpose: training of professionally qualified teachers of chemistry.
- education and formation of a comprehensively developed personality of a student;
- forming systematized knowledge in the field of chemistry;
- organization of the pedagogical process in chemistry at the modern scientific level;
- implementation of scientific research, design work online.
Learning outcomes for the educational program:
The graduate after the successful completion of the educational program:
- translates the system of theoretical knowledge in the field of chemistry in a professional environment, applies them in solving computational and practical problems;
- demonstrates practical skills of working with laboratory devices, dishes, reagents, equipment in the organization of educational and research activities;
- evaluates the educational process using the main tools of the social, humanitarian, and local history sciences;
- academically competent uses languages that function in the educational environment for professional purposes;
- manages the learning process based on modern teaching methods, principles of inclusive education, technologies of criteria-based assessment and entrepreneurship;
- applies the basics of pedagogy and psychology in the formation of a healthy, favorable and safe educational environment in accordance with age characteristics;
- actively practices the use of the ICT system in teaching and learning, in the modeling of natural processes;
- analyzes the regulatory framework of secondary education updated content, trends in the national policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education, distinguishes educational and program documentation;
- selects ways to organize and research experimental and project activities, critically forms the scientific worldview of students.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502