Educational and scientific laboratories
The Laboratory "Baldyrgan" For the purpose of expansion of the objective need quality pre-school education and training, and on the basis of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. and.And.Nazarbayev (30.01.2010 G.), Department of methods of preschool education and on the basis of the state pedagogical Institute of Arkalyk methods of primary maternity hospital. S.Altynsarin opened the laboratory "Baldyrgan".
The main goal of the laboratory is children 4-6 years of harmonious personality development, satisfaction of interests and development of abilities on the basis of introducing them to spiritual, moral, and universal values.
The directions of the laboratory "Baldyrgan" consist of several blocks:
• The creation of an integrated environment for preschool children and boundless;
• Provision of pre-school children 4-6 years
•Organization of the relationship and exchange of experience between teachers of the Institute pedagogami preschools.
The Laboratory "Baldyrgan"
"A Valuable heritage"
"Corner of nature"
"The rules of the road"
"Educational and informative" bloc
The main purpose of this unit is to educate children in the style of ethno-cultural traditions of the people based on unity of spiritual and physical development.
Block "Valuable legacy" shows in the style of ethnopedagogical traditions of the Kazakh people, all the decoration as close as possible to the natural environment.
«Corner of nature». The main purpose of this unit is fostering preschool children's love of wildlife and nature. Colourful nature corner nature stimulates children's active, independent research activity.
"The rules of the road" block. The main purpose of this unit - teaching preschool children the rules of the road. Children should learn traffic rules through games.
"Health". The main objective of unit – protection of the health of children, providing a variety of motor, physical and play activities.Unit "Health" equipped with games and sports equipment are manufactured PCF "Alma" (St. Petersburg). It is a "Fun zoo", "Dry pool", "the Miracle staircase", "Folding Mat", etc.
"Educational and informative" block
The main objective of the unit is the educational-cognitive activity of children. Developing the mental and cognitive abilities of each child. The design is focused on teaching children in three languages – Kazakh, Russian and English.
Today in the age of technology is impossible without computerization, and training of children used computer izraelskiego "Multkid" and "Eduplay" which paulaustraliateamtv classes through the use of multi-media programmes and didactic elements, which develop children's analytical, logical and creative skills, to effectively develop memory, intuition, associative and critical thinking.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, the Baldyrgan laboratory was completed and reconstructed due to the transfer from 2 buildings to 1 building. Currently the picture looks like this: