Academic mobility

Academic mobility 

At the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, coordination of academic mobility is carried out by the Office-Registrar department, there is a specialist organizing work on academic mobility.
The main directions of work on the implementation of academic mobility in the ArkSPI named after I. Altynsarinare:
• Conclusion of agreements on mutual cooperation on the exchange of students with universities of Kazakhstan;
• Development of cooperation with universities of Kazakhstan;
• Implementation of external and internal academic mobility of students of the ArkSPI named after I. Altynsarin;
At present, I. Altynsarin ArkSPI has concluded twelve agreements with universities of Kazakhstan - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, Taraz State Pedagogical University, Kostanai State Pedagogical University named after .U.Sultangazin, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute, SILKWAY International University, Eurasian humanitarian institute, Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonyrov and 3 higher education institutions abroad by the National University named after Y.A. Komensky (Slovakia, Bratislava), the University of St. Cyril and Methodius of Trnava (Slovakia), the University of Rzeszow (Poland).
Academic mobility at the ArkSPI is carried out taking into account the provisions of the Bologna process and the provisions on the organization of academic mobility of students of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin (Academic policy of the ArkSPI named after I. Altynsarin, protocol No. 1 from August 28, 2019 approved at the meeting of the Scientific Council).
The main goal of mobility is to give the student the opportunity to receive a comprehensive education in the chosen field of study, provide him with access to recognized knowledge centers, and expand the student’s knowledge in all educational fields.

Coordination of academic mobility at Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin exercises Registrar Office, the department has a specialist who organizes the academic mobility.
The main directions of work for the academic mobility at ArkSPI named after I.Altynsarin:
• Conclusion of agreements on mutual cooperation for the exchange of students with universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• Development of cooperation with universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• Implementation of internal and external academic mobility of students of ArkSPI named after I.Altynsarin;
Currently ArkSPI named after I.Altynsarin signed nine agreements with universities in Kazakhstan - Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Kustanai State University amed after A.Baytursynov, Kustanai State Pedagogical Institute, Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov, Taraz State pedagogical Institute, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov and one foreign contract with the University Ya.A.Kamenskii Bratislava (Slovakia).


Academic mobility at ArkSPI takes into account the Bologna process and the provisions on the organization of academic mobility of students of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin (approved at a meeting of the Scientific Council, minutes №2 dated September 26, 2012).
The main purpose of mobility - to give the student the opportunity to get a broad education in the chosen field of training, provide access to recognized centers of knowledge, broaden student knowledge in all educational areas.
In 2013-2014 academic year during the 2nd term at ArkSPI named after I.Altynsarin 4 students from different universities of Kazakhstan for the passage of the program on academic mobility trained.

1. Auezkhanova Asel - a specialty "Psychology" Kostanai State University im.A.Baytursynova
2. Khairullina Akbota - specialty "Preschool education and training" Taraz State Pedagogical Institute
3. Toksabay Akbota - specialty "Preschool education and training" Taraz State Pedagogical Institute
4. Koshkarbayeva Zhanerke - specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education" Taraz State Pedagogical Institute
Traditionally, each academic year in April, Registrar Office holds seminars to raise awareness of the program for the 2nd and 3rd years students and with the students trained on academic mobility programs at other universities of Kazakhstan, publishes articles in the local media.

Within the proqramme of academic mobility 39 students of the institute have taken training courses during 2010-2015 years. The great achievement of the institute is tbat students from Kostanai and Taraz State Pedagogical Institutes have taken improving knowledge courses and 2 students of the institute took part in the program of mobility in exchange. In 2015-2016 academic year the institute will confinue its work in this field. Thivd-year students of the faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology are taking training courses in speciality foreign languages at Yan Komenius University in Slovakia for The aim of improving theiv knowledge.

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Academic mobility – is flu furm step to future !

Academic mobility is very important in education system. It gives more opportunity to solidarity among Higher Educational Institutions.
Academic mobility – it is when a student of any institution may have a chance to continue his studies for improving his Knowledge, changing experiences, making research work at our home or foreign countries for the period of one term.
The aim of the seminar: to have practical work with the students arrived to study from other institutes und for those students who are going to take academic mobility in the following year.
Academic mobility is divided into international and home or national mobility of students.
International academic mobility means to get education in foreign countries, taking research works at scientific institutions on the problem of education and Knowledge.
Home academic mobility is when a student or a teacher of HEI CAN Knowledge in one of the hisher institutions of Kazakhstan.
The development of academic mobility and its implementation is one of the main strategies of our Institute. According to home academic mobility in 2010 and 2015 took courses of study 49 students of our Institute. Students from Kostanai Baitursynov and Taras pedagogical Institutes studied at our Institute. Four students took the term if study at Slovakia University. Students exchanged opinions on the system of Knowledge in these countries, their advantages and disadvantuses. They also made friends with the students from other countries. 
They fully agree that academic mobility courses are of great help for them. The students who hare taken mobility introduce their felon students to the system of education in that country, their expressions about the culture and wag of life of the people. Academic mobility is a possibility for students to improve and develop their Knowledge on the speciality they train. Nowadays academic mobility helps our country to enter into educational area of the world. Our task in modern world is to turn Kazakhstan into a world – class knowledge centre.
Every year our students by taking academic mobility train themselves in research work, in science, learn to use modern educational technologies in practice, in their future career. The index of development in economics, culture, education spheres determines our intellect, our students competence in every thing they do. 
Our present generation is a highly intellectual personality responsible for the future of the country. For this purpose we must train, teach our pupils, students to get good education to be real specialists and modern demand for our country is further development of the education system of our HEI, higher educational institutions.

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The academic mobility is the Key to the worldis educational space!

     As the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev said: "To become competitive, we must become a highly educated country".On April 27, 2018 in the ArkSPI named after I.Altynsarin Office-Registrar held a seminar on "Academic mobility - the key to the world educational space." In has held ArkSPI it has become a good tradition to hold such seminars annually. The aim of the seminar: to disrupt the features of the academic mobility program  for the students of 1-2 courses.  In this semester, 13 students study under the academic mobility program, in Slovakia four students were trained. 1 student from Kostanay State Pedagogical University, 3 courses of specialty 5B010800 "Physical Culture and Sport" Kazimkhan Azat Kayyrzhanyli was trained in the academic mabilitativeness program at the I.Altynsarin Arkhangelsk State Polytechnic Institute. For academic mobility for the next academic year, students can apply by the end of this academic year. We hope that the next academic year we will have good results.

   The head of the Office-Registrar's office Shaimenova L. noted that such seminars are traditionally held every year. Students who completed the academic mobility program in the last academic year shared their impressions with the students of the 1-2 courses, had presented their reports and presentations in which they showed in which universities they had been trained, what new things they had acquired, and shared their impressions about the educational process two universities, living conditions in hostels, free cultural leisure.In the 2016-2017 academic year, 15 students participated.

    Of the 4th year of student the specialty 5B010100 "Preschool education and upbringing"  Iristayeva  S. described how the training was conducted in the Taraz State Pedagogical University. What goals she set for herself and what she achieved. She especially noted that she was glad to have such an opportunity to listen to the course of lectures of the Moscow professor. In thet spare time Iristayeva S. enjoyed the ancient city. She noted in her speech that due to academic mobility, she expanded her knowledge and acquired many friends.

   Further, the students of the specialty 5B011700 "Kazakh Language and Literature" shared their impressions with Kuttygali G. and Muhambetzhanova N, who also studied at the Taraz State Pedagogical University. They expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the Institute for the opportunity to study under the academic mobility program. Kuttygali G. and M.Mkhambetzhanova N. talked about how their education was conducted in this institution, what new things they learned, what kind of work they had done during their studies.

    The Students of the specialty 5B010900 "Mathematics" and 5B011000 "Physics" Baltabay B., Zhakypbek Y. were pleased to note in their speech that they were the first time in the city of Taraz. Arriving for training at the Taraz State Pedagogical University, they pursued the main goal of academic mobility - to get acquainted with the new learning environment. They noted what differences they had, mainly the difference in credits, hours and forms of conducting classes. The Students specialty 5B011400 "History" and 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology" Tangebergenova A. and Tursinbekova N. were trained in the program of academic mobility in Almaty in the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. They participated in various educational, scientific and educational events, following which they were awarded diplomas, certificates, letters of thanks. In their free time, they enjoyed the beautiful city, its culture. In the Kostanay State     Pedagogical University Zhmagazina Zh studied the specialty 5B011100 "Informatics" and Bakytbekkyzy A. 5B011300 "Biology".

    Zhumagazina Zhansaya said that in the institute for training her specialty created all the conditions, well-equipped offices, the WI-FI network operates. With the new classmates, there are very good and warm relations. Bakhytbekkyzy A. also told what work she had done during her studies at KSPI. She was especially impressed by the training and laboratory classes, on which she acquired new knowledge. She also noted that her dream came true in order to be trained in academic mobility at KSPI. The students of the specialty 5B011400 "History" Kaiyrbekova A., Yerkiman K. were trained at the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute in Astana. and Bolatkaliyeva D.each of them told about his unforgettable impressions about the university, about our capital.

   From Erkiman's words: "I acquired a very interesting and life experience, having lived one semester in the capital of the country Astana. In the institute I got good knowledge, I found many friends. And if you have the opportunity to study for academic mobility, be sure to use this chance! ".

     At the University of St.Cyril and Methodius in the city of Trnava (Slovakia) students Yessenbekov Sh., Nagyzkhanova B., Өmirbai N. specialties 5B011900 "Foreign languages: two foreign languages" were trained. Kassym A. specialty 5B011100 "Informatics".

      They talked about their impressions about the university, how they are trained, what difficulties they had to face in their studies. In their spare time they had the opportunity to visit such countries of Europe as the Czech Republic and France. Students talked about the differences in the educational process, the schedule of classes, the choice of disciplines, loans and how the examination session passes. The students noted that they only improved their English and learned the Slovak.

   The Head of the Office-Registrar Shaimenova L. noted that under the program of external academic mobility, not only specialties 5B011900 "Foreign languages: two foreign languages" can be trained, but also students of other specialties who speak a foreign language. In his speech, Shaimenova L. stressed that our institution and universities with which contracts were signed, create all the conditions for students' education and residence, and encouraged students of 1-2 courses to use effectively the opportunities provided by the institute. Students I-II courses showed great interest in the materials presented, were able to get answers to their questions. An Academic mobility is a great opportunity for students!


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