Gifted Students Support Program

The presence of a mechanism to support gifted students

On the basis of the level-based programs for improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the program "Implementation of support for gifted students" (protocol No. 11 of May 13, 2015) was considered at the "Music and Fine Arts" department.
For gifted students entering the creative specialty of educational program 5В010700 "Fine Arts and Drawing", examination requirements were developed in accordance with the basic art education. Applicants take two creative exams:
First Creative Exam - Drawing
1. Layout and construction of still life.
2. Tone unity and integrity of the picture.
The main criteria: To the examination of the drawing (still life), the incoming should show the following skills and skills in the maintenance of the drawing: to arrange the drawing on a piece of paper; find the relationship of the object plane, background and objects; show the basic proportions of objects in the construction, the ratio of large and small objects in relation to each other; the location of drapery folds; to convey the tonality of objects taking into account the light and shade of the light-air environment (remoteness of objects, depth of space); Finish drawing.
The second creative exam - Painting
1. Layout and construction of still life.
2. Tone unity and integrity of the picture.
The main criteria: To the examination of the painting (still life), the incoming should show the following skills and skills in the conduct of the picture: zakomponovat drawing on a sheet of paper to convey the form of objects; transfer the basic relationship of objects, draperies; find the natural (natural) color of objects in penumbraes, color reflexes; show your own and falling shadows of objects and draperies; transmit light-air environment; show the skills of mastering the technique of painting; the ability to work on painting transparently and picturesquely, to show wealth and integrity.
For gifted students entering the creative specialty of educational program 5В010600 "Musical education", exam requirements in accordance with the basic art education were developed. Applicants take two creative exams:
The first creative exam is the performance of a song without musical accompaniment (a capella) or the performance of a musical piece on the instrument. The main criteria: For the exam of the performance of a song without a musical accompaniment (a capella) or the performance of a musical work on the instrument, the entrant should show his vocal data or the ability to play a musical instrument.
The second creative exam - to identify musical abilities (checking musical ear, rhythm, memory). Main criteria: For the exam to identify musical abilities, the entrant must show his mastery of rhythm, possession of musical memory and musical ear. Applicants applying for accelerated courses take exams: performing a music program in the specialty.

Program of support of gifted students of educational program
 "Fine arts and drawing"

Planned activities






Involvement of gifted students goes through the stages:

A) Identification of creative abilities in admission to the specialty

B) during the educational process

C) holding exhibitions, issuing catalogs

Personal creative exhibition of the 1st year student Buimistrova Yu. Group creative exhibitions on painting and drawing of students 1-4 courses. Reporting exhibitions of creative works of students of the specialty for each semester are organized in the foyer of the Institute on the 4th floor.

The exhibition of creative works of students of 1-4 courses will be organized on subjects such as graphic arts, painting, textile materials, woodworking, sculpture and plastic anatomy.

Organization of exhibitions of creative works of students of 1-4 courses in the disciplines of graphics, painting, processing of textile materials, art processing of wood, sculpture and plastic anatomy

Organization of exhibitions of creative works of students of 1-4 courses in the disciplines of graphics, painting, processing of textile materials, art processing of wood, sculpture and plastic anatomy


Preparation and participation in competitions for the best student research work within the department, institute, among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The works on the best student research work among the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the 4th year student Amangeldy A. on the theme "Painting the landscape of the landscape", Bolat A. on the theme "Dustryl eems sabatat arjyli oyushylardy" syyarmashili "қabiletterin artyrou" were sent to the best student research work.

The students of the 4th course of the competition of research work among students of the republican universities, Tuleuhan P. "The main feature of the upgraded education program and teaching methodology"; Amirbek "Use of Computer Software in Teaching Art at School", Yerzhigitova A. «Teaching of wooden technology of woodworking to pupils», BS-21 group Bektursyn А. A scientific project on the theme "Ways of writing of nature in oil painting" was presented.

To submit scientific projects of 4-year students A. Magzumova and N. Utenova to the student competition of research works among higher educational institutions of the Republic

Provide research projects of students: 4th year Utenov Nazerke in the intra-University competition of research projects on the topic "the Importance of artistic work in the updated educational program", as well as participation in the 2nd stage of the annual Republican competition of research works of students; part of the student 2 courses Ahmedia in intra-University competition of scientific projects on the topic of "Landscape iannini the Salyn DS-tseller", scientific supervisor senior teacher Garassino K. S.; participation of the 3rd year student buymistrova Yu. in the intra-University competition of scientific projects on the topic "Materials and techniques of painting and drawing", scientific supervisor, teacher Baisengirova M. K.; participation of 4th year student A. Magzumova in the regional youth creative competition


Preparation and participation in student subject Olympiads on specialty 5В010700 "Fine Arts and Drawing", among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

There is a preparation for the Olympiad among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan by students of the 4th course Aljapar D. and second year student Gaipov O.

The student of the 4th course of the XI Republican Subject Olympiad of students of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a student of 3 course Gaipov O. getting ready.

Preparation of 4th year students Magzumova A. and Gaipova O. For the subject Olympiad among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Preparation of 3rd year students buymistrova Yu. O. And 2nd year students Akhmediya G. for the subject Olympiad among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Preparation and participation of students in art and personal exhibitions at the in-institute, city, regional, international levels

The 4th year student Aljapar D. won the 1st place in the contest held in Moscow on the theme "The main rehearsal" for prizes of the "PRISMASTORE" internet store. Students of the 4th year exhibited creative works in the technique of beads and tapestry in the subjects "Art processing of textile materials."

Students 2 and 3 courses exhibited graphic works and works on painting.

4th year students demonstrate creative exhibitions in the subject "Textile Materials" in the Institute's facade, and students of the 2-3 courses develop an exhibition of subjects "Academic painting", "Drawing Technique and Technology".

To prepare an exhibition in the lobby of the institute of creative work of students of 1-4 courses in the disciplines of "Drawing", "Painting", "Composition"

To prepare an exhibition in the lobby of the institute of creative work of students of 1-4 courses in the disciplines of "Drawing", "Painting", "Composition"


Organization of students in the circles "Syrly Boyau", "Sandik-Baldanbaly өner"

Students of the circle "Sirli Boyau" 1-4 courses conducted vytsavku their creative work on painting watercolors, gouache and oil. Students of the 1st-4th year also exhibited works that were carried out in the circle work "Sәndik-Baldanbaly өner". According to the results of the exhibitions, catalogs were published (Abdraev A., Amankeldy A., Bolat A., Aidarbekova D., Abdilda U., Gaipov O., Parasat T., Amirbekova A.)

The painting works performed in the circle "Syrly Dyke" are based on watercolor, gouache, oil painting technique, catalog of works on the results of 1-4 courses "Decorative and applied arts"

“Syrly Boyau” үйірмесінде ориндалған кескіндеелік жұмыстар watercolor, gouache, mails boyau tekhnitsynda salynkan, 1-4 kurstardy

“Syrly Boyau” үйірмесінде ориндалған кескіндеелік жұмыстар watercolor, gouache, mails boyau tekhnitsynda salynkan, 1-4 kurstardy

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Program of support of gifted students of educational program
 "Music education"

The special exam requirements for the specialty 5B010600-Music education are based on basic music education:
First creative exam - definition of musical abilities (auditory hearing, rhythm, memory).
Key criteria
The applicant should be able to clearly demonstrate his musical abilities, rhythmic feelings, musical hearing and memorization.
The second creative exam - singing without a musical accompaniment (a capella) or performing musical compositions on the instrument.
Key criteria
By using a capella or a musical composition on the instrument, the student should be able to demonstrate his or her vocal or instrumental performance capabilities.
Entrance examinations for accelerated courses: performing musical compositions in the instrument.

Program of support of gifted students of educational program

 "Music education"

Planned activities






Involvement of gifted students goes through the stages:

A) Identification of creative abilities in admission to the specialty

B) during the educational process

C) reporting concerts

Fourth year student Kabi N. participated in the opening of the mausoleum of Keiki batyr and on the Independence Day holiday. Student 1 course Duisen Sh. Participated in competitions aitys akins of the city. A fourth-year student Zholamanova F. participated in the contest Expo-2017 performed the song "My Song - the native land of Kostanay". Fourth-year students Kasymkhan A. Zholamanova F.Ryabchinsky M. participated in the concert to the Independence Day.

Participation in the competition of students, participation in "Allo, we are looking for talents!" Supervision during city and institutional events

Student dedication, participation in the competition "Hello, we are looking for talents!", In the regional,

urban and intra-institutional activities;

Student dedication, participation in the competition "Hello, we are looking for talents!", In the regional,

urban and intra-institutional activities;


Preparation and participation of students in concert events, shows (student spring, competition of patriotic songs), festivals ("Halyz sazy") at the in-institute, city, regional, international level

Student 2 courses Tursynbek A. organized a concert in the village. Furmanov in the House of Culture on the Day of the First President. Annual concert for the Teacher's Day;

Participation of students in the festival between educational institutions "Student Spring";

Participation in the contest "Hello, we are looking for talents!";

Participation in the contest "Halyk saz".

Participation in the festival "Knowledge Day", "Teacher's Day", "Student Spring"; "Independence Day", "Allo, we are looking for talents!", "Halyk sazy", creative concert of "Zhiger" group. participation in competitions.

Participation in the events “Day of Knowledge”, “Teacher's Day”, “Independence Day”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Khalyk sazy”

Participation in the events “Day of Knowledge”, “Teacher's Day”, “Independence Day”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Khalyk sazy”


Individual preparation of students for participation in republican music competitions

The third year student Zhanuzakova D. sent a research project to the republican competition on the topic "Mektep oyushylaryna arnalғan әn-zhyrlardyң ruhani tәrbilik mәni".

3rd year student Sapar A. won the competition for the Republican research work. "Improving the quality of students' learning through music education", 3 (n) course Ryabchinskaya M. Development of a scientific project on the theme "Polyphonic production ISBah, GF Gundel".

Individual preparation of a 1st year student A. Balken for participation in the republican music competition, leader J. Multirikova

Preparation of the scientific project of the 3rd year student T. Sardarova for the republican student competition of research works

Preparation of scientific projects of students: participation of 3rd year student Sardarova T. in the intra-University competition of scientific projects on the topic "Kui onerinin atasy Kurmangazy", scientific supervisor, senior lecturer Begalova M. S; participation of 2nd year student eleupova A. in the intra-University competition of scientific projects on the theme "Polyphonic works of J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel", scientific supervisor and teacher A. A. Shayakhmetova


Organization of students in the circles "Дәстүрлі халық әні"

The circle "Дәстүрлі халық әні" for each semester reports the result of the work done. Among the participants of the circle there are gifted singers such as Kabi N., Kasymkhan A. who perfectly perform folk songs, zhyr, terma.

The members of the circle "Traditional folk song", student MB-41 Meiramovich B. Students of group MB-31 Mukishbekova M. Sabit J., student of MB-21 Dyusen Sh. she is actively involved in interdisciplinary activities such as singing, singing, singing and singing.

The active participation of the members of the club "Дәүлрлі халық әні" of the students of the group MO-41 M. Myshbekova, Sәbit J., MO-31 Dүysen S. in the genre of zhyr, terma, as well as high-quality performance of works in events.

Active participation of members of the circle "traditional folk song" groups of students GB-21 Nagashybayev zh., Turysbek N., Saparova M. GB-31 Duisen Sh. in the genre of poetry, Terme, as well as high-quality performance of productions at events.















Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502