I. Altynsarin Museum

    The Museum Y.Altynsarin is one of the main centers of Arkspi of formation of competitive highly qualified specialists.
    December 24, 1974, the rector of Arkalyk pedagogical Institute issued order No. 694 of the opening of the Museum, which was designated exhibition halls, storage, exhibits, commercial, office facilities. Great work invested in the establishment of the first pedagogical Museum of Kazakhstan, rector of the Institute Professor M. O. Tulegenov and public Director K. p. N. A. Lamasi.


    From the archives and museums of the cities of Almaty, Kostanay, Irgiz, Aktobe, Leningrad, Moscow, Ufa, Kazan, Orenburg and expeditions of Arakaragai, Torgai and Irgiz collected 1,500 exhibits, designed 5 exhibition halls.
   Official opening of the Museum took place on 20 October 1976 to the date of the 135 anniversary of the birth of S.Altynsarin. The ceremony was attended by the relative of an educator, poet M. Khakimzhanova, a famous poet, laureate of the state prize of the City of Kaiyrbekov, author of literary works dedicated to S.Altynsarino Moldagaliyev, Ph. D. renowned scholar – resoved R. Esengulova, school teachers Torgay, Aktyubinsk, Tselinograd and Kostanay regions. The participants read the reports, reminisced, gave the Museum exhibits and materials concerning S.Altynsarin.


 The Grand opening of the Museum. The rector of the Institute Professor M. O. Tulegenov, Secretary Turgay

Regional Committee of the Communist party A. Duisenov and poet M. Khakimzhanova October 20 , 1976


                                                       The Museum      Special guests: poets G. Kaiyrbekov and S. Maulenov

Muzei 6

                                                                      Right wing                                        Left wing

             The purpose of the opening:
             1. To give honour and respect You.Altynsarino;
             2. The positioning of the University.
             3. The education of youth.
             Cognitive, organizational, formative and qualitative result.
             Target group: students, faculty, and the community.
             Today, as organic strukturnoi part of the University Museum fulfills its historic mission.
              1. The first Museum S.Altynsarin in Kazakhstan (Turgay – 1988, Kostanay, 1991).
           2. The first Museum in Kazakhstan on the history of pedagogy and education (in Russian pedagogical Museum was opened in Saint – Petersburg 1864, then in the USSR named after K. D. Ushinsky, I. Pirogov, A. Makarenko) is formed on the model of other museums of the country. Partly but material our Museum was opened the Museum of the history of education and science of Kazakhstan at ENU named. L. N. Gumilev 2014
           3. The Museum is the initiator of the conference "and then okulary" school subject "Ubiratan", educational movement and pedagogical studies.
           4. For sorokoletya isto collected material in the amount of more than 3 thousand, placed at a 45-shelves – shop Windows in the following direction:
The life and work of educator, pedigree, family, the origins of knowledge the training works, the followers of scientists Bireley, history of schools and graduates, activities of clerk and bailiff, the history of the University etc.

Muzei 7  Muzei 9

Muzei 8

 "Golden Fund" of the exhibits:

Copies of the textbook "Kyrgyz reader" (1879), "a Guide to learning Kirghiz in the Russian language (1879)", "Shariah-ul-Islam" (1884) and subsequent editions 1935, 1943, 1948, 1952, 1991.

Muzei 10

Muzei 11

- Personal belongings S.Altynsarin, his son and granddaughter Abdalla – Negima (donated to the  Museum by Nagima Ibrayeva).

- Personal belongings of M. Khakimzhanova poetess cousin S.Altynsarin her memories  (manuscript), book.

Muzei 12  Muzei 13

Muzei 14  Muzei 15

- Special value is Berkanovic family, direct relatives on the maternal side, as well as works of contemporaries and followers.Altynsarin: Vladimir Grigoryev, A. Vasilyev, A. E. Alektorov, G. Balgimbaev, A. Kutaev, S. Khabeev etc.

Muzei 16  Muzei 17

Muzei 18

Muzei 19

Muzei 20

Muzei 21

      With more than 15 employees, Professor – teachers defended on material of the Museum of master's and doctoral theses.
   1986 he published a collection of articles (7 p. L.) "the Role of pedagogical region Ethnography in the professional education of future teachers", 1987 Studio Assembly formation was given released the short film "traces of Altynsarin" and an educational Filmstrip (A. Lamasi), 1988, Publishing house "Kazakhstan", published a monograph A. Lamahewa "S.Altynsarin and any orys doctari me sbailey". Regularly updated guide of the Museum.
A working Museum with the reports of travels to conferences, expeditions, exhibitions, revolving Fund, ustanovljen communication, exchange of experience.
   Every year the Museum is visited on the average by from 600 to 700, and since opening more than 30 thousand visitors from Europe, Asia, Africa, and America have read and left their wish in the book review.
    The main prerogative of the Museum is the "Ibirapuera" traditional conference "Ubiraetsya reading."
In the long term: to expand the research, the Fund is transferred to a digital format, creating an electronic version of the thematic material, replenished with innovative types of work.
  The range of communications of the Museum: schools, secondary vocational schools (Arkalyk, Rudny), Department of education, Department of language development, culture, internal policy of the akimat of Arkalyk, editorial, media (Torgau,Arkalyk), national cultural centres (the Slavs, the Tatar – Bashkirs), bodies of protection of children maternity, libraries (Arkalyk, Kostanay), museums (Arkalyk, Torgai in the Kostanai), mosque Mukhtasib – al – Muhammad (Arkalyk) with all structural podrazdeleniyami Institute.
Expected results quality:
Knowledge, honor, respect sample – example.
Expected results quantity:
1. Conference+collection statei -2+ 2.
2. Educational materials – 2.
3. Article 10.
4. Meetings -3.
5. Exhibitions -4.
6. Contests -3.
7. The Office Of A. Lamahewa -1.
8. Calendar of -1.
9. Teleleste-1.

     The Museum S.Students will help students learn about the history of education, to establish a unified civilian world, will give impetus to scientific activities. History of education – an integral part of the history of the country and the people.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502