Analysis on the recommendations and comments of specialized accreditation

Analysis on the recommendations and comments of accreditation 2015

In the course of its activity, the Department has passed the process of evaluating the quality of services provided and individual educational programs within the framework of institutional accreditation (ncaoko, 2013) and specialized accreditation (ncaoko, 2015).
According to the results of specialized accreditation, educational programs in the specialties 5B011400 "History", 5B011500" Fundamentals of law and Economics " were accredited until 22.05.2018, based on a sufficient level of compliance with the standards of the accreditation body. The process of specialized accreditation allowed us to get an objective external assessment in which the experts of the accreditation body based on the results of their work gave appropriate recommendations for improving the quality of educational programs.
As a result of specialized accreditation, the Department has done work to improve the quality of educational programs and educational services in General:
1. for the further progressive and popular development of the educational program, special attention is paid to regional needs, in particular for training specialists for small schools. Thus, when preparing a modular curriculum for educational programs of the specialties introduced disciplines on issues malokomplektnyh schools, inclusive, and 12-year education: Theory and methodology of history teaching in ungraded schools of Kazakhstan, the Methodology of 12 years of education, Methods of teaching history in inclusive education (Mupy specialties 5B011400 "History", 5В011500 "law and economy" approved at the meeting of the Academic Council, Protocol №13 dated 25.06.2014 g).; Theory and methodology of 12-year education in Kazakhstan, Methods of teaching history in the system of inclusive education, Organization of economic and legal educational trajectory in the conditions of 12-year education, Legal and economic foundations of special and inclusive education (Mupas of specialties 5B011400 "History", 5B011500 "Fundamentals of law and Economics" approved at the meeting of the Academic Council, Protocol No. 12 of 24.06.2015).
2. Development of educational programs that expand the professional competence of graduates, in accordance with the objectives developed a new discipline component of choice of majors: Theory and methods of legal and economic education, Education law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Methodology and methods of research foundations of law and Economics, ethno-cultural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Education demokraticheskoi citizenship and education in the field of human rights (MUP specialties 5B011400 "History», 5B011500 "Fundamentals of law and Economics" approved at the meeting of the Academic Council, Protocol No. 12 of 24.06.2015).
3. in terms of promoting a high percentage of employment of graduates of the Institute, organizational and pedagogical conditions have been improved by conducting forms of work that teach reflection, form students ' ability and skills to carry out self-analysis, self-control, self-assessment and correction of their own activities. So during the reporting period, the following forms of work were carried out: organization of a meeting with specialists of the Department of education of Arkalyk, a round table explaining the program "with a Diploma in aul", a preliminary job fair for free vacancies, filling out a questionnaire, resume, characteristics for graduates, holding an open event
"To familiarize the graduates with the rules of rendering social support to young specialists".
4. To expand practice-oriented focus of disciplines, in addition to practice of various kinds, are scheduled in a modular curriculum in 2016 to carry on independent work of students with the teacher on the basis of secondary education institutions in the framework of obligatory subjects "Methodology of history teaching", "Methodology of teaching the fundamentals of law and Economics", on the basis of contracts with the schools of the town of Arkalyk. In order to attract students to study foreign languages, work is being done to promote the study of English for participation in international programs, competitions, projects and academic mobility. The result of active work in this direction can be considered the participation of a student of the specialty 5B011500 "Fundamentals of law and Economics" Omirzak K. in the international program TEMPUS STUDIK (Vienna, Austria).
5. as part of the expansion of international cooperation and in order to improve the scientific qualifications of teachers, members of the faculty of the Department undergo foreign training and advanced training. In 2013, R. E. Bermagambet, senior lecturer of the educational program in the specialty 5B011500 "Fundamentals of law and Economics", completed a foreign internship at the International Academy of management and technology (Dusseldorf, Germany). During this trip, an international partnership agreement was signed (partnership Agreement No. 86). Russian Russian Russian-German, Russian-Kazakh-German, German-Kazakh-Russian dictionary of educational and legal terms and concepts is planned to be published together with representatives of the International Academy of management and technology.


PatrikIn 2015, senior lecturer. B. A. Eleusov completed the advanced training course at the University of Tsukuba (Tsukuba, Japan). A training and methodological seminar was held for the teachers of the Department.
At the moment, work is underway to expand and strengthen international and other relations of the Department.
6. the Institute has created a model of an electronic innovation University: an educational portal for distance learning, a digital library. Access to all information resources is based on an individual login. Students of the specialty have access to the electronic resources of RMEB, Thomson Reuters, Scopus, Elsevier, as well as access to the resources of the LAN publishing house (St. peteburg, Russia). The digital library is equipped with a kiosk with an information and reference system, Polycom equipment for video conferences, interactive whiteboards, a contactless panel of the library information search system, an educational television center that can create educational programs, films and other educational resources in strict accordance with state educational standards, and interactive stands have been purchased.


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