Conferences 2014 year

In order to promote research work in the framework of the strategic plan for the Institute in 2013-2014 were held 4 events:
One Republican scientific - practical conference "Modern education: the experience of the past look to the future" 11 April 2014 g .;
One Republican Education Forum: "Modernization of ungraded schools as a basis for providing quality education for rural students," December 11-12, 2013 .;
Two regional scientific-practical conference "Innovation and Sustainable Development" October 11, 2013, "Actual problems of studying and teaching the history of Kazakhstan", 26 February 2014
The aim of these measures - improving the quality of science and education, training young people, resolve urgent integration of education and science. Outcomes and results of activities reflected in the published collections of materials. All planned activities carried out in a timely manner, to provide timely information to the MES. In the collection of conference proceedings included 310 articles and reports. As a result of events released four volumes of conference materials, totaling 69.41 pp
During the school year, 104 staff members of the Institute participated in 51 scientific and practical conferences, seminars, exhibitions, including 29 international, 19 national, 3 regional.

               Meaningful conducted 45 vnutrikafedralnyh scientific conferences, seminars, round tables:

- "ZHOO studentterіnde zertteushіlіk құzіrettіlіk қalyptastyru" master class (September, 2013, the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "Torғay өңіrіnің dәrіlіk өsіmdіkterіnің fitohimiyalyқ erekshelіkterі" scientific seminar (September, 2013 Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "Қazaқstandaғy turizmnің lady mәselesі" Roundtable (September, 2013, the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "Implementation of phytochemical analysis in scientific research" scientific seminar (September, 2013, the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "Bolashaқtyң bіlіmі changed ғylymy" Roundtable (October, 2013 Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "Innovatsiyalyқ tehnologiyalardyң әdіs-tәsіlderіnің erekshelіkterі" conference (November, 2013, Department of Computer Science)
- "Aқparattyқ technology mүmkіndіkterіn қoldana otyryp, MS Excel-de matematikalyқ esepterdі shyғaru Zholdary" scientific seminar (November, 2013, Department of Computer Science)
- "Bastauysh synyp oқushylarynyң Bilim, Bilik daғdylaryn қalyptastyrudaғy, Zhana tehnologiyalardyң maңyzy" scientific seminar (November, 2013, the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of primary and pre-school education)
- "Kәsіbi құzіrettіlіktі қalyptastyru mұғalіm sheberlіgіn damytudyң Busta Chartier" scientific seminar (November, 2013, the Department of the practical course of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)
- "Matematikany oқytu әdіstemesіn zhetіldіru Zholdary" scientific seminar (November, 2013, the Department of Mathematics and Physics)
- "Chemistry oқytuda innovatsiyalyқ tehnologiyalardy tiіmdі engіzu tәsіlderі" training seminar (November, 2013, the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "" EXPO - 2017 "halyқaralyқ kөrmesіnің maңyzy" debate (November, 2013, the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "ZHOO shyғarmashylyқ mamandyқtar studentterі kәsіptіk tәzhіribesіnің mazmұny changed ұyymdastyryluy" scientific seminar (November, 2013, the Department of Music and Performing Arts)
- "Қazaқstandaғy France zhyly ayasynda" Francophonie kүnі '"(November, 2013, the Department of the history of Kazakhstan, fundamentals of law and economics)
- "Kөrkem shyғarmany taldaudyң zholdaryn meңgertu" round table (November, 2013, the Department of the Kazakh, Russian language and literature)
- "Mektep kursyndaғy baғdarlamalau negіzderіn Zhana aқparattyқ tehnologiyalar arқyly oқytu" round table (December, 2013, Department of Computer Science)
- «Scientific research work - as the best way to form student's individuality» scientific seminar (December, 2013, the Department of the practical course of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)
- "Modernization of ungraded schools as the basis for quality education of rural students' Republican Educational Forum of small schools (December, 2013)
- "Mektep - oқushy shyғarmashylyқ әleuetіnің bastauy" Aңғar negіzgі ort mektebі bazasynda bіrlesken workshop (January 2014, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology)
- "The use of innovative technology in the classroom" Professional Russian language "" Roundtable (January 2014, the Department of the Kazakh, Russian language and literature)
- "Kazakh til bіlіmіnің zertteluі" Roundtable (January 2014, the Department of the Kazakh, Russian language and literature)
- "Problems of teaching professionally-oriented foreign language language specialties future specialists' Roundtable (February 2014, the Department of the practical course of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)
- "Bilim Kөrkem berudің sapasyn interaktivtі әdіsterdі қoldanu arқyly zhetіldіrudің Zholdary" scientific-practical seminar (February 2014, the Department of Music and Performing Arts)
- "Oқushylardyң shyғarmashylyқ қabіletіn damytudaғy zhane Salauatty Omir saltyn қalyptastyrudaғy Dene shynyқtyru pәnіnің rөlі" Research Seminar (February 2014, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports)
- "Bilim Zhoғary sapasyn zhetіldіrudің өzektі Maseleleri" Roundtable (February 2014, Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- "Kazakh tili - Memlekettik til" Research Seminar (February 2014, the Department of the Kazakh, Russian language and literature)
- "Mektep zhasyna deyіngі balalardyң tanymdyқ қabіletterіn қalyptastyru erekshelіkterі" scientific seminar (March 2014, the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of primary and pre-school education)
- "Analysis of scientific approaches to the study of problems of education of the person" Roundtable (March 2014, the Department of the practical course of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)
- "Men zhaқsy maman bola alamyn ba?" Scientific seminar (March 2014, the Department of Mathematics and Physics)
- "12 zhyldyқ mektepte zharatylystanu pәnderіn beyіndі oқytudyң baғyttary" Roundtable (March 2014, the Department of Mathematics and Physics)
- "Damu mүmkіndіgі shekteulі balalardy inklyuzivtі oқytu zhaғdayyndaғy (shartyndaғy) mұғalіmnің pedagogikalyқ tүzetu әreketі" Roundtable (March 2014, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology)
- "Dene shynyқtyru pәnі sapasyn zhetіldіrudің ғylymi baғyttary" workshop (April 2014, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports)
- "Ғylymi -innovatsiyalyқ damudaғy zhastardyң rөlі" seminar workshop (April 2014, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports)
- "Innovative trends in the development of the education system of Kazakhstan" Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (April 2014, Department of Mathematics and Physics)
- "Of Modern zamanғy құzіrettіlіktі damytudaғy pәnaralyқ Bailanys" training seminar (April 2014, Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography)
- Tarikh, құқyқ zhane қoғamdyқ pәnder kafedrasyndaғy "Gylym kүnderі" complex measures (April 2014, the Department of the history of Kazakhstan, fundamentals of law and economics)
- "Kazakh tіlіn oқytudyң zamanaui tәsіlderі 'Roundtable (April 2014, the Department of the Kazakh, Russian language and literature)
- "Problems of teaching and methodological complexes in multilingual education" Research Seminar (May 2014, the Department of the practical course of the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)
- "Dialogue - keyіpker mіnezіn ashudyң tәsіlі" roundtable (May 2014, the Department of the Kazakh, Russian language and literature)


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Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502