Student Science for 2017-2018

November 21, 2017 student 3 courses of speciality the "Foreign language: two foreign languages" of the Аркалыкского state pedagogical college of Калимжанова Аида became the grant holder of Fund of the First President. Чествовали grant holders during the гала-концерта of Laureates of Fund of the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan - Елбасы in the State academic theatre of opera and ballet of the name of Абая.

High progress (GPA), active voice, served the criteria of competition in public, research and practical activity of departments and subdivisions of educational establishment
A grant of Fund of First President РК is this encouragement of not only high progress but also strong motivation to the yet greater aspiring to success.
Within the framework of international cooperation work on the program of academic mobility of students came true in institutions of higher learning of Slovakia (National university of Я.Коменского, University св. Cyril and Methodius in г.Трнава).




Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502