Research directions

“The art world of the writer G. Mustafin” - Candidate of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute Valikhanov Sh. A.
“T. Nurtazin and modern Kazakh literature” - Candidate of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute Rakhmetova B.A.
"Turgay school of poetry and akyn teachers” - Candidate of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute Kaliev A. K.
“Literary heritage of the writer Akan Nurmanov” - Master, Associate Professor of the Institute Abdullina A. A.
“Literary heritage of the writer K. Satybaldin” - Master, Associate Professor of the Institute Shakirova K.M.
“Linguistic heritage of S. Amanzholov” - Art. Lecturer, master Auezova Sh. 
"Types of works of literary text" - Art. teacher, master Aidarova G. K.
“The development of spiritual morality in students with the help of fiction” - Art. Lecturer Tautina B. A.
"Forming and development of kazakh mtmoir-autobiographic prose " - тeacher Abildina A.N.




Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502