Department of chemistry, biology and geography
Korazbekova Karlygash Usipkhankyzy
Head of the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Geography, senior lecturer
Tel.: 8 (71430) 7-13-81, ext: 118
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The department is located in the main building of I.Altynsarin ArkPI, 5-floor, room 528
Brief historical summary
In 1980, the Department of Biology and chemistry was founded on the basis of the Institute. The Department of biology and chemistry has a long history, which can be divided into 2 main stages:
80-90’s of the XX century. In 1981, the established Department was called the Department of chemistry and biology. Its first head was appointed, associate professor R.N. Nasyrov.
1982-1983 academic year the period of the appearance of two departments. The Department of biology was headed by c.b.s., associate professor K. Zh.Zhylkybaev, and the Department of chemistry was headed by, associate professor R. N. Nasyrov. Later the Department was headed by:
• 1987-1993 -, associate professor B. M.Zhumagalieva;
• 1993 -, associate professor B. B.Bekkulov;
• 1994-1995 -, associate professor K.B.Baimaganbetov;
• 1996 - c.b.s. M.M.Sartbayev;
• 1997-1999 -, associate professor N.M.Musagalieva;
• 1999-2001 - c.agr.s., associate professor Yu.E. Mitrokin.
Present stage. In 2001 and 2003, the head of the joint Department of chemistry, biology and geography was senior lecturer H.K.Nurkanova. In the period of 2003 and 2018, the Department was headed by:
• 2003-2007 – c.g.s., associate professor A.E.Ayapbekova;
• 2007-2009 -, associate professor M. K. Tulebaev;
• 2009-2016 -, associate professor of ArkSPI, B.K.Masalimova;
• 2016-2018 - senior lecturer M. A.Nurkhanov
Since January 2018, the head of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography has been appointed PhD doctor, associate professor of ArkPI Korazbekova Karlygash Usypkhankyzy.
The Department provides training for bachelors of education in the following educational programs:
• 6B01504-Chemistry
• 6B01505-Biology
• 6B01506-Geography
• 6B01210-Chemistry-Biology
• 6B01511-Geography-History
• 6B01512-Biology-geography
Goals of the Department for the implementation of educational programs:
- training and education of highly educated and highly qualified specialists;
- providing the system of secondary and postgraduate education and public administration bodies, culture with highly qualified specialists who are able to successfully compete in the domestic and foreign labor markets;
- achieving integration into the world educational and scientific information system, which are determined by the state higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Objectives of the Department:
- providing high-quality professional training of future teachers of chemistry, biology and geography;
- formation of a system of key competencies, as well as General scientific and special knowledge, skills and abilities of future teachers of chemistry, biology and geography;
- to strengthen the stability of the Department's teaching staff through targeted training of undergraduates and doctoral students;
- implement a set of measures for Patriotic education, civic engagement, and social responsibility.
Faculty members
The Department has 19 lecturers, including:
1-doctor of science,
12-masters, senior lecturers,
3-master, lecturers.
The main direction of scientific activity of the Department:
- Improving the training of flexible professionals in the context of a knowledge-based and scientific society.
Significant scientific publications of the Department:
The faculty of the Department regularly publishes the results of research and educational work according to the plan of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography. The main significant articles of teachers of the Department for the period 2016-2020:
1. M. Umbetova, G.Abildayev, S. Baizakova, S. Zhamalova, A. Konussova. Transformation and interference of the laser radiation in composite cristal optical systems ARPN. Journal of Enginering and Applied Sciences. The article was assigned in Issue 19, Volume 11, 2016.
2. Tasbulatova G. Obtaining poplar kidney oil and using it as a growth stimulator ratsenii. Bulletin of the Eurasian national University named afterGumilyov". Astana. 2016. No. 2(111). b. 463-471.
3. Domagala K. K., Kemelbayeva A. K., Hamit A. Z. Alanbay chimeny laumets and scientific practicaly Neger. XII international scientific and practical Internet conference.Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky 30-31 March 2016 Page.321-323.
4. Kemelbayeva A. K. ASYCUDA outway Bilim salesindia school. "Zhastar Zhane Gylym: BGN me keleshegi" "Asanas Zhastar" halyard form asindi Jas Alemdar me studentcard II halyard scientific-practically conferencias Materialdary. Aktobe, 15 souir, 2016 W.B. 130-135.
5. Alasheev S. À., Akishbaia J. K., Bogucin À.T.., Imankulov K. E., Amirov M. S. Slgeod aldyn-Alu Charlary, sorta topirate of melioratsiya. "Zhastar Zhane Gylym: BGN me keleshegi" "Asanas Zhastar" halyard form asindi Jas Alamdar me studentcard II halyard scientific-practically conferencias Materialdary. Aktobe, 15 souir, 2016 W.B. 94-98.
6. Balybaeva G. W, Hamit A. J., Jianbei S. B., K. Domagala.To. Today's girl expectant mother mugalim – Damita oito gysn oldani "Mangilik El", ideasin ISEGA acerose. S.Altynsarin 175 Gildiya aralen "and then okulary-2016: S.Altynsarin-Asistente siirli Bilim gysn Basta Telasi" Atta respublikasy scientific-tarryall conference Materialdary 12 apan 2016 W., Araly /.,B. 270-272.
7. Domagala ).To., Hamit A. Z. Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn strategially lady baytin ISEGA ASYCUDA devil institutionally reformasi the. Kazakstan respublikasy thessn 25 Gildiya aralen "Uly Dala-Mangilik El zastarany lehet": lady Zhane aidalai bolashagy" Zhastar halyard scientific-tarryall conferencesin Materialdary. Rudny K. 8 karasha 2016zh.
8. U. U. Umbetov, M. Kozhahmet, M. Sabitbekova G., A. Hamit, G. Alieva, D. Karimovaand V. Uspanova. INTERFERENCE OF COHERENT RADIATION IN A CRYSTALLINE TWO-COMPONENT LENS. Mathematics and Physics Department. May 22, 2017.
9. Ermekbaeva A. T Andreeva N. D. Principles of formation of the regional component of the content of training of biology students in a pedagogical University. Collection of articles of Herzen readings devoted to the contribution Of V. V. Polovtsov to the development of methods of teaching biology and ecology "Methods of teaching biology and ecology: origins and prospects of development". - Saint Petersburg. -2017. - P. 93-97.
10. Balykbaeva G. Features of education of patriotism by means of Museum pedagogy. Monthly international scientific journal "INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE PROJECT" 1 part # 4 Vatselankatu, Turku, Finland 46-47 p.
11. Calcasieu S. G., Boltirik M. S. Studentcard CSU dayindia jeldres criteriality balau gysn timing. Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky state pedagogical University, XXX international scientific and practical Internet conference "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization" November 28, 2017, 259-263 p.
12. Ermekbaeva A. T shaimerdenova G. Z. "Zoology" Corsini lcalc component studentcard pndc dayindia Ali Reda. M. Resulti 120 Gildiya aralen "Auezov okulary -15: Kazakstannyn sh jaguru - new of conceptelor and semenawi sheer" Atta Halyard scientific-tarryall conferencesin ebetter. - Shymkent, Volume 7. 2017. - 209-213 b.
13. Amirov M. S., arystanova S. A. Modern methods of teaching biology. international forum. Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin (Kazakhstan) and the Department of British and American studies, faculty of arts, St. Petersburg state University Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia) to discuss and exchange views on the topic "Multilingual education: theory and practice»
14. Verses With Cleannow A. N. OE., Nurkenova Schwa.D. "Cirly Bilim take jieshe" Bilim salesindia new aparaty texnologiyalari mmcndmgr. "Tlegenov okulary – 2018" "Rouhani Jair the" Bilim asanda berude "cirly take Bilim – Bilim ozyk me tirette". Araly, 12 sur 2018ж.
15. Kemelbayeva A. K. Sultangalieva K. U. S. A. Verses Bilim berude innovately acogieron buy maize. "Tlegenov okulary-2018" "Rouhani Jair the" Bilim asanda berude "Cirly take Bilim-Bilim ozyk me tirell" halyard scientific-tarryall conference. Arkalyk. 12 April 2018 well.
16. Arystanova Khamitova S. K. Schwa... Nurkenova A. D. Innovately men pagecanada Maisy. "Cirly Kazakhstan" Badalamenti innovately acogieron Damu: of me bolashagy" tarybiniai Imami scientific – tarryall conference Materialdary. Arkalyk. 4 sur 2018ж.
17. Korazbekova K. U. Kuanyshbayev S. B., H. M. sartayeva Ontustik Kazakstan allysine herpetofaunas and biogeochemically erektiler. Monograph. Arkmpi, Arkalyk – - 2018zh.. - 150 bet. ISBN 978-9965-32-583-0
18. Korazbekova K.U., Saparbekova A.A. Microbiological and biochemical aspects of biogas formation. Monograph. Y.Altynsarin Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. Arkalyk:, - 2018. – 123p. ISBN 978-9965-32-580-9
19. Korazbekova K.U., Kuanyshbayev S.B. Studying the anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes in biogas and fertilizer production. Monograph. Y.Altynsarin Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. Arkalyk:, - 2018. – 125 p. ISBN 978-9965-32-581-6
20. salimzhanov N. O., Ayatov A. S., Korazbekova K. U. Development and problems of single-industry towns in Kazakhstan. Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Modern teacher of disciplines of the natural science cycle", Ishim, February 15-16, 2019-p. 84-85
21. Korazbekova K. U., salimzhanov N. O. Formation of students ' biogeoecological competence in training specialists in pedagogical universities. Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Modern teacher of natural science disciplines", Ishim, February 15-16, 2019-p. 62-64
22. Korazbekova K. U. Pedagogical Geary excellent renderinga sudenten biogeocenological ITA alicastrum Maisy "Honoured" kieli " gelern geografiyasi:өlketanu of me bolashagy" halyard scientific-practically conferencesin Materialdary. Arkalyk, 2019zh. - 259-263 b.
23. Verses A. S., K. U. Korazbekova Mraid tkset өlketanu masterini tlani elitestroy school. "Honoured kieli gerler geografiyasi:өlketanu of me bolashagy" halyard scientific-practically conferencesin Materialdary. Arkalyk, 2019. - 307-313 b.
24. Salimzhanov N. About., Korazbekova K. U. Urandaline aumard ecologially problemleri. Collection of materials of the IV International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology". Kostanay 2019. - p. 333-336.
Educational and methodical work
The teaching staff of the department publishes educational-methodical works in the form of textbooks, educational-methodical and electronic manuals. Monitoring of the past 4 academic years is shown below:
Professional development of teaching staff
№ |
Full name of the teacher |
Place of passage |
Program name |
Terms, hours |
Group of educational programs 6B01504 - Chemistry teacher training |
1. |
Nurkenova Aigerim |
National center for advanced training «Orleu» |
Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of Education |
28.05.18-23.06.18, 240h. |
2. |
Nurkenova Aigerim |
PEC "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools"(Astana) |
Professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
01.10.18-12.10.18 80 h. |
3. |
Dosmagulova Kalamkul Kapenovna |
K.Satpayev KazNAU (Almaty) |
Professional development of teaching staff, for enhanced training of teaching staff, teaching staff of universities, taking into account the experience of basic universities of the State program of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the development of business skills |
18.06.18-25.08.18, 260 h. |
4. |
Nurkenova Aigerim |
5. |
Dosmagulova Kalamkul Kapenovna | N.F. Valiev (Bashkir state University, Bashkiria, Russia) (Arkalyk) |
Mathematical and computer modeling |
19-30.11.18 72 h. |
6. |
Khamit Aitolkyn Zhumabaevna |
7. |
Antaeva Almagul Sapargalievna |
PEC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" (Kostanay) |
The course on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train pedagogical personnel as part of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
3-13.03.20, 80 h. |
Group of educational programs 6B01505 - Biology teachers training |
1. |
Ayatov Askar |
National center for advanced training «Orleu» |
Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of Education |
28.05.18.-23.06.18, 240h |
2. |
Amirov Maral Sapabekovich |
PEC "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools"(Astana) |
Professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
17.09.18-28.09.18, 80 h. |
3. |
Ermekbaeva Akbope Tontayevna |
29.10.18-09.11.18 80 h. |
4. |
Zhienbay Sandugash Bauyrzhankyzy |
26.03.19.-05.04.19 80 h. |
5. |
Zhienbay Sandugash Bauyrzhankyzy |
K.Satpayev KazNAU (Almaty) |
Professional development of teaching staff, for enhanced training of teaching staff, teaching staff of universities, taking into account the experience of basic universities of the State program of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the development of business skills |
25.06.18-25.08.18 260 h. |
6. |
Ayatov Askar |
25.06.18-25.08.18, 260 h. |
7. |
Ermekbaeva Akbope Tontayevna |
prof. G. E.Senkina, Smolensk state University Smolensk, Russia (Arkalyk) |
Technology of digitalization of Education |
05.10-20.10.18., 72 h. |
8. |
Arystanova Saule Azikenovna |
9. |
Karlygash Korazbekova | N.F. Valiev (Bashkir state University, Bashkiria, Russia) (Arkalyk) |
Mathematical and computer modeling |
19-30.11.18 72 h. |
10. |
Karlygash Korazbekova |
Regional English Language Office, US Embassy in Kazakhstan |
English Language Teaching methodology and content development |
14-30 October 2020 |
11. |
Karlygash Korazbekova |
PEC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" (Kostanay) |
The course on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train pedagogical personnel as part of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
3-13.03.20, 80 h. |
Group of educational programs 6B01506 - Geography teachers training |
1. |
Balykbaeva G |
National center for advanced training «Orleu» |
Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of Education |
28.05.18-23.06.18, 240h |
2. |
Salimzhanov Nursultan Omirhanovich |
PEC "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools" (Astana) |
Professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
01.10.18-12.10.18, 80 h. |
3. |
Imankulov Kenzhebek Ildusovich |
PEC "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools" (Astana) |
Professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
29.10.18-09.11.18 80 h. |
4. |
Nurhanov Margulan Alibekovich |
prof. G. E.Senkina, Smolensk state University Smolensk, Russia (Arkalyk) |
Technology of digitalization of Education |
05.10-20.10.18, 72 h. |
Organizational work of the Department
№ |
Topic of the seminar, master class |
Date and place of the event |
Participants |
1 |
Winter methodological week "Innovative methods in teaching updated content of secondary education" |
January 14-17, 2019 |
Faculty of the Institute |
2 |
Online seminar "Problems of introducing updated educational content into the educational process" |
December 21, 2018 |
Secondary school teachers № 10, № 5, № 3, № 6 arkalyka, faculty of the Institute |
3 |
Master class "Updated educational program". D.g.s., professor of L.N.Gumilev ENU Mazbayev O. B. |
April 11-12, 2019 |
Teaching staff and students, geography teachers of schools in Arkalyk |
4 |
International Conference "Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local history" |
April 12, 2019 |
Faculty and students, foreign and domestic scientists |
5 |
Webinar "Actual problems of teaching in the field of modern education" |
April 9, 2019 |
Scholars and students of Arki named after Y. Altynsarin, Abai KazNPU, UCHPU |
6 |
III City subject Olympiad in chemistry, biology and geography "Zhas Erudit" |
April 24-25, 2019 |
Secondary school students № 10, № 5, № 3, № 6 Arkalyk city |
7 |
Republican webinar on the topic "Formation of IT competence of students in the field of natural science" within the framework of the Republican forum "Digital education: features and development processes" |
November 13, 2019 |
Scientists and students of KSU named after sh. Ualikhanov, KazNU named after al-Farabi and SKSPU, SKSU named after M. Auezov, ASU named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova |
8 |
IV city online subject Olympiad in chemistry, biology and geography "Kemenger-2020", dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous thinker, scientist Abu Nasir al-Farabi |
May 27-29, 2020 |
Secondary school students № 10, № 5, № 3, № 6 Arkalyk city |
Significant achievements of the students
• 1st degree Diploma. SECOND City student Olympiad on pedagogics and psychology "Schengen Jeter Martina". The team of the Department of "Articlemanager". Arkpi, 22-23. 02. 2018
• 2nd degree Diploma. City Olympiad of trilingual talented youth "Tildaryn", dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of the teacher, translator, writer S. Kobeyev. Altaeva Aiganym.
• 2nd degree Diploma. III traditional city student Olympiad on pedagogics and psychology "Schengen Jeter Martina". The team of the Department "Musgravite". Arkpi, 2019
• 1st degree Diploma. City Olympiad of trilingual talented youth "Tildaryn", Arkalyk, 2019. Shayakhmet Bayan.
• Certificate. Regional Olympiad of trilingual talented youth "Tildaryn", Kostanay, 2019. Shayakhmet Bayan.
• 1st place in the sports contest "festival of health-2019" under the motto " Keep a healthy lifestyle!", 2019 Shaimerden Aruzhan.
• Contest "Student of the year-2018", the group "Biology-31" was awarded the nomination "Best student group", Arkspi, 2019.
• 3rd degree Diploma. City competition of scientific papers "My pride-Motherland", 2018 Nurullayeva Dina.
• 3rd degree Diploma. City competition of scientific papers "My pride-Motherland", 2018 Elvira Osipova
• 2nd degree Diploma. City competition of scientific papers "My pride-Motherland", 2018 Orynbasar Aida.
• Diploma "Best young scientist". Competition of student innovative ideas and business projects "StartUp ArkGPI-2018". Nomination "Best social project", 2018 Orynbasar Aida.
• Thank you letter. Startup ArkGPI-2018 student innovation ideas and business projects competition, 2018 Nurullayeva Dina.
• 2nd degree Diploma. Competition for the rector's award for the best student research work, 2019 Nurullayeva Dina.
• Thank you letter. Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B011300-Biology, team of the Arkspi named after him. Altynsarina, Kyzylorda state University named after Korkyt ATA, Kyzylorda, April 18-19, 2019
• 2nd degree Diploma. Republican online subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B011300-Biology, team of the Arkspi named after Altynsarina, Karaganda state University. academician E. A. Buketov, Karaganda, April 16-18, 2020
• 3rd degree Diploma. Republican online subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B011300-Biology, Orynbasar Aida, Karaganda state University. academician E. A. Buketov, Karaganda, April 16-18, 2020
• 3rd degree Diploma. Competition for the arkspi rector's award for the best scientific work of students, 2020 Yerbolat Elay