Department of Computer Scince

Alibek agay

Yeskermessuly Alibek
Head of the Department of Informatics, Senior Lecturer, PhD in Philosophy

Ph.: 8 (71430) 7-13-81, internal ph. 135
The chair settles down in the main case of ARKPI, on 2 floor, No. 227 an office

Brief historical information
Informatics training of specialists since 1990 was conducted on Fiziki and Vysshey matematiki chairs on the specialties "Physics and Informatics", "Mathematics and Informatics".
On disciplines information scientists gave lectures graduates of universities, teacher training colleges and skilled teachers of high schools of the city: к.п.н. Alimukhametova G. E. к.п.н. Bazarbayeva G. S., senior teachers Nurushev H.I. Akhatova Zh.E. Nurgaliyeva G. M., Baydalinа ZH.D.
Since 2004 on chair of mathematics, physics and informatics training of bachelors in the specialty – 050111 – "Informatics" was conducted. Heads of the department were к.п.н. Bazarbayeva G. S., senior lecturer Abdigaliyeva Zh.Zh. k.f-m.n. associate professor Umbetov A.U.
Since 2008 of discipline of informatics are carried out in multimedia and classroom complexes of the center of information technologies.
As a result of reorganization on September 7, 2009 the chair of the information scientist began to function independently. The senior teacher Kaparov of Page E was the first head of the department. From 2010-2011 academic years on 2012-2013 acting managers chair is the senior teacher Almatova A.M. 2013-2014 academic year of the acting manager chair is the senior teacher, the master of natural sciences Utelbayeva A.B. With the 2014-2015 on the 2016-2017 academic year head of the Department is senior lecturer, master of science Almatova A.M.
From September 4, 2017-2018 school year, the head of the department is a senior lecturer, PhD Eskermesuly Alibek.
Starting from the 2020 academic year, the Department of Informatics trains the following specialists in a new educational program:
o 6B01513 - «Computer Science, information and communication technologies and robotics»;
o 6В01508 – «Mathematics-computer science»
The main structure of PPS – graduates of Arkalyksky state teacher training college of a name of I.Altynsarin on the specialties "Mathematics and Informatics", "Physics and Informatics" - Eskermesuly А. (1999), Valiullov M.R. (2001) Bayzakova S. S. (2002), Shongalova K.S. (2007), Aliyeva G. S. (2007), Nazarova B.K.(2002), Sundetbayeva A.Zh. (2012), Zhamalova S.A.(2007), Аzhibekova P.S (2013).
Chair tasks
•Training of competent experts, bachelors of informatics;
•Introduction of information and communication technologies in training;
•Ensuring educational process of UMKS, UMKD on informatics;
•Training of PPS, the staff of institute to use to information and communication technologies (within professional development).


1 -  PhD

7 - senior teacher

1 - teacher

Inf 2020

The Aim
Research activity in the process of technologization in education



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502