Departmen of Preschool and Primary Education
Duysebekova Aysaule Esengazievna
Head of the department of "Methods of preschool and primary education", assistant professor of ArkSPI
Phone: 8 (71430) 7-13-81,7-24-88
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Brief historical summary:
Initially, in 1997, established the department "Methods of primary education" which work the training of "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education".
The first head of the department - candidate of pedagogical sciences Abdrakhmanov Kaidaiyl Abdrakhmanovich.
The department consisted of graduates of the Kazakh State Women's pedagogical Institute, East - Kazakhstan University, Karaganda pedagogical Institute, they are -Ospanov Bazar Ospanovich, Shaimenova Lyazzat Serikovna, Zhandildina Rosa Esentaevna, Lee Elena Dmitrevna., Zhakova Saule Saibulatovna, Shakirova Katira Meiramovna, Aigisina Zhanar Baltabaevna.
From 2000 years specialists are trained "Preschool training and education". Head of the department was appointed B. R. Kaskataeva. Since 2004 head of the department was senior lecturer Akhmetova A. P.
As an independent unit the department of "Methods of preschool and primary education" exists since September 2007 (order No. 429), head of the department was appointed Duisebekova Aysaule Esengazievna, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor. Currently the chair prepares students on specialties 6В01201 -"Pre-school education and upbringing" and 6В01301 - "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" 6В01202 – «Preschool teacher and educator psychologist».
The objectives of the Department:
• Improvement of the laboratory "Baldyrgan" in the Department, working on the program "Balapan";
• Development of security specialties "Preschool education and training", "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" «Preschool teacher and educator psychologist» teaching tools.
• To prepare and produce training and educational tools of the teachers of the Department, for primary school teachers and teachers for preschool institutions (across RIO Institute).
The faculty of the Department consists – 14,
- candidate of philological sciences – 1,
- PhD doctor – 1,
- maser, senior lecturer - 7,
- lecturer -1
- part-time: master -4
Main directions of scientific activity at the department:
The research theme of the department is carried out in accordance with the General theme: "Pedagogical bases of formation of scientific knowledge of future teachers".
Participation of faculty in conferences and seminars:
Staff of the Department actively participate in national, regional and scientific-theoretical conferences and conferences held by the Institute.
Significant publications of the department:
St. professors K. S. Temirkhanova, A.B.Kara, A. A:Duysekov released textbook on the subject "Methods of preschool pedagogical".
Educational-methodical work:
In the 2019-2020 academic year, 2 open classes were planned and held at the Department, 3 open classes at the Institute level. In October 2019, senior lecturer, master A. B. Kara held an open class at the Institute level on the discipline "Fundamentals of speech pathology and speech therapy" on the topic: "Silea tili kemstar intelu", in November a senior teacher, the master of the C. S. temirkhanova held an open lesson on discipline "Methods of speech development" on theme: "Bienestar Claud damytu dememes", art. teacher, master's degree In the group of MDO-31 in the discipline "Professional Russian language" on the topic "Ethics of professional communication".
Participation in public events:
Teachers of the department actively participate in the public life of the institute: in the organization of holidays, subbotniks, in amateur performances, the work of the trade union. For example, Art. teachers as, Zhandildina RE, Zhunusova RK, Kara AB, Temirkhanova K.Sh, D.K.Omarova distinguished themselves by their activity and their ideas. Sattar T.T. conducted educational and cognitive work in the club organized by her "Naz" designed for girls of the Institute.
Outstanding graduates:
Graduates of the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing»: Zhaksylyk Aksaule – entered the master's program at Abai KazNPU, graduates of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" itenova Nurbibi and Nishanbayeva Sayara entered the master's program on a grant basis at Abai KazNPU.
At the Department, under the guidance of senior Teacher temirkhanova K. sh., the educational program 6B01202 "preschool teacher and teacher-psychologist" was developed, for which students were accepted in pirem 2020goda
On may 21-22, 2020, our 2-3 - year students of the specialty 5B010100 - "Preschool education and upbringing" as part of the team "Kulzhanova izbasarlary" (team leader – senior teacher, associate Professor of Arkpi R. E. Zhandildina) participated in the XII Republican subject student Olympiad, which was held in an online format at the Korkyt-ATA Kyzylorda state University and was awarded in the category "EN uzdik tanystru".