Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

Roza laikovna

Kalimzhanova Roza Laikovna
Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor of Education (PhD)

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   The chair is placed on a main building ArkGPI on 3 floor, office №319
   Pedagogy and Psychology Department has been operating since the early days of foundation of the Institute, in 1972, as the whole college. As a special, the graduates in the direction 5B010300 - "Pedagogy and Psychology", since 2001. For many years, the department worked well-known scientists: ybraevedA.A.Lamashev, doctor of pedagogical sciences K.S.Uspanov, associate professor T.R.Nurahmetova, A.B.Baldikov, K.A.Abdrahmanov and others.
   During the opening of the specialty produced a large number of educational psychologists who today work in urban and rural schools (G.Mundybekova, N.Hasenov, Bigabulova N. Azhibaeva C), high schools (V.Kurmangalieva, A.Turabaev), Medical College (Baygabylova A.), Department of internal Affairs (G.Mukusheva) penitsiarnyh institutions (T.Karasevich) (Serikbai A) works in the mental hospital Arkalyk city clinical psychologist.Alumna SarievMarjane works SKO rural school psychologist.
   Alumna BaltabayZhansaya continued his studies in the master's degree in Almaty Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
Graduates of the 2015-16 school year, QaisarInkar graduated studies on rural quota works in Akmola region ZharkayynskyTasotkelskoy rural school psychologist.
Movers OrmanbekAysara and AlzhanovaAygerіm, OtashevaMeyrgul work in Astana schools.
Specialty Students are highly social activity. 4th year student A.Turdybek involved in amateur: in the genre of dance.
Student 4kursa E.Hamit composed institutovskoy volleyball team became luchsche scorer among student teams.
  Students 2nd year Zh.Bayden and A.Sagadat are activists Urban Resource Center, "Jas Otan" youth wing.As a leading, Department of pedagogy and psychology is always the organizer and initiator of interesting things and events dedicated to the great enlightener Y.Altynsarin, the anniversary of the opening of the first school Y.Altynsarin.1. Objective: Execution of scientific works in conjunction with the production facilities, implement the results into production.
1. 2016-2017, the contract between the industrial objects and their implementation to bring 30%.
2. Motivirovat implementation of research PPP works in the educational process.
3. Obespechenie students in research work by 60% (not taking into account the implementation of the thesis).

Teaching Staff
1 - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
1 - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
11 - masters of pedagogical sciences
9 - senior teachers
2 - teachers


Obschekafedralnaya research topic:
Preparation of competitive specialists in the context of modernization of continuing education in the Republic  of  Kazakhstan
Participation of faculty in conferences and seminars:
• In January 2009 it was held a seminar on the methodology of science for deputy Science and school principals of project managers
• In February 2009, it was organized and conducted a workshop with school psychologists and social workers on "The education system and the family: problems, new forms of interaction."
• In the framework of events dedicated Y.Altynsarin it was organized conference "Қazaқstandaғyzayyrlybіlіmnіңbastauy" dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the opening of the first school Y.Altynsarin, which was attended by both faculty members of the department and students of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" .
• In December 2009, the Department of Pedagogy ipsihologii was organized and held an international scientific-practical conference "National constituting the history of education and science of Kazakhstan"
• In April 2010, the Department of pedagogy and psychology was organized and held an international scientific-practical conference "Pedagogical skills and best practices of self-knowledge: achievements, actualization"
• In October 2010, under the leadership of the department of pedagogy and psychology was organized and held a week "Heritage Ybraya - an inexhaustible source", dedicated to 170 anniversary of the birth of Y.Altynsarin In November 2010, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the round table "Vocational education - the requirement of time" was held, dedicated to the 170 anniversary of the birth of Y.Altynsarin and the opening of the first craft school in Kazakhstan.
• In December, the Department of pedagogy and psychology was organized and held an inter-regional Olympiad among schoolchildren, dedicated to 170 anniversary of the birth of Y.Altynsarin
• In February 2011, the Department of pedagogy and psychology was organized and held a round table on "Friendship of peoples - the times connecting thread"
• In March 2011 the Department of pedagogy and psychology was organized and hosted by the literary and artistic living "Y.Altynsarin - founder of Kazakh children's literature"
• In August 2011, with the participation of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology seminar was held for teachers, social workers schools, "School and family: problems and prospects".
• In April 2012, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology participated republican scientific-practical conference "Modern methods and technologies in the modernization of the education system."
• In October 2012, under the leadership of the department of pedagogy and psychology it was organized and held republican scientific-practical conference Altynsarinsie Reading 2012 "" Education Factor qualitative growth of human capital in Kazakhstan. "
• In April 2013, under the leadership of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the international scientific-practical conference "Socio-pedagogical and psychological support for gifted children in nepryryvnogo education" was organized.
• 7 articles published in collections mezhdunarodnh conferences abroad. Published articles EsirgepovoyV.Zh. and Alkuatovoy AL (Czech Republic), Buzulutskov TM (Poland), Shakirov BA (Bulgaria, Czech Republic). In Russian, Kyrgyz, Ukrainian scientific publications printed publications came six staff of the department (Kalkeeva KR, Musabekov GA, Kalimzhanova RL, Bondarev TO, Nazarov GK).
• In December 2013 the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology actively took part in the national educational forum "Modernization of ungraded schools as a basis for quality education of rural students."
• In March 2014, the Department organized a seminar on the topic on the basis of the Angarsk high school "Mektep - oқushyshyғarmashylyқәleuetіnіңbastauy"• In March, a senior lecturer in Musirova GB held in conjunction with the social authorities of the city a roundtable discussion on "Damumүmkіndіgіshekteulіbalalardyinklyuzivtіoқytuzhaғdayyndaғy (shartyndaғymұғalіmnіңpedagogikalyқtүzetuәreketі)."
• In April 2014 the Department of undergraduate Alkuatova AL He attended all-Ukrainian forum of psychologists on "Psycho personality in clinical studies," and received a certificate.
• In the period from May 24 to June 6, 2015 Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology EsirgepovaV.Zh. She took refresher courses in the Valencia Polytechnic University, g.Valensiya, Spain.
• Proferssko-prepodovatelskim of the department increases the number of scientific publications. In 2015-16, published more than 65 scientific articles from different publications and conferences.
• Doctoral Schaum GS and Bondarev T.O published 3 articles in journals included in SCOPUS database.
• Published 12 articles in scientific journals VAK of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
• Teachers of the department have published articles in the following scientific conferences at various levels:
On foreign and international conferences, published materials Esirgepova V.ZH (Czech Republic), AE Tauekelova (Czech Republic), Alkuatova AL (Czech Republic) Musirova G.B (Czech Republic), Bizhanova GK (Czech Republic), Kakini (Czech Republic), Seydina BZ (Czech Republic).
• October 23, 2015 passed a regional scientific obrazovatelny forum "Innovations. Science. Teacher" held ArkGPIim.I.Altynsarina, where the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology dialogue platform on the theme: "Activity of the teacher has been organized in an inclusive education system."
• In the 2015-16 school year, teachers G.K.Bizhanova, G.B.MusirovaD.Sh.Kakina and have been training on the basis of RIPKSO NTSPK "Orleu" Almaty, where at the end of the course received certificates.
• In November 2015 Master Kalimzhanova RL I took part in an online conference with the participation of scientists from the United States and the G-Global platform in the "About the prospects for the development of joint educational programs on preparation of Masters and PhD students in engineering with foreign partners."
• In 2016, the senior teachers and V.Zh.EsirgepovaA.E.Tauekelova have been training at the center of pedagogical skill "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" and received certificates.Relevant publications of the department:
• Textbook "History of Pedagogy and Kazakh schools" (Kalkeeva KR, Akhmetov PA, Alkuatova AL); Arkalyk, 2010
• Textbook "Қazaқstandaғy changed GylymBilimTarihi" (Bizhanova GK); Arkalyk, 2010
Methodical work
  Faculty members of the department to improve the quality of the educational process developed by the workers in all disciplines of the program (100%): educational-methodical complexes in the following disciplines - pedagogy, psychology, history of pedagogy, pedagogical psychology; number of training manuals and guidelines; guidelines and practice guidelines; methodological guidelines and recommendations for projects and dissertations; methodological guidelines and recommendations for an intermediate-State Control (collections of tests, composed by teachers of the department, the subjects - pedagogy, psychology, pedagogy of sport, sports psychology); tutorials to basic and profile disciplines (pedagogy, psychology, educational psychology, ethnic psychology, altynsarinovedenie).
  Faculty members of the department have been developed and issued guidelines and recommendations, lectures, collections of tests on pedagogy and psychology to prepare for the external evaluation of educational achievements (TDMA).
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology Kalkeeva KR, PA Akhmetov, Alkuatova AL, EsirgepovaV.Zh. "The history of the development of pedagogical thought in Kazakhstan» Part 1 (electronic textbook).
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology EsirgepovaV.Zh. Workshop on the subject "Pedagogical skills" teaching aid.
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology Buzulutskov TM Workshop on the subject "Family Psychology" Toolkit.
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology Musirova G.B" InklyuzivtіBilim take zhүyesіndegі educational psychologist zhұmysy "teaching aid.
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology BizhanovaG.K.Tauekelova AE "Pedagogikadan 1001 test (studenttergeMemlekettikaralyқbaқylauғadayarlanuғaarnalғan test zhinaғy)" handbook.• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology KakiniD.Sh. "Studentterdіңshyғarmashylyққabіletіndamytudainteraktivtіtehnologiyalardyқoldanudyzhetіldіru" teaching aid.
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology Akylbekova EA "DiagnostikalyққұralretіndegіertegіnіқoldanudyңZholdary" teaching aid.
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology BA Shakirov" Studentterdіңoқuүderіsіnebeyіmdeluіnіңpedagogikalyқ- psihologiyalyқnegіzі "teaching aid.
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology Tauekelova AE "Oқuүderіsіndestudentterdіңshyғarmashylyқәleuetіndamytudyңnegіzderі" teaching aid
• For students of specialties 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology Kalkeeva KR, Akhmetov. P.A.Bizhanova "ҚazaқstandaғyBilimzhane pedagogy ғylymdarynyңTarihi" (electronic textbook).Department of News
   With the new school year, a senior lecturer in Bondarev TS successfully graduated from the doctoral studies at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai on a special grant, he continues to work at the department.
Soon his defense of the thesis for awarding the degree of Doctor PhD.
  Goodluck! In the period from 2013 to 2016 was trained in doctoral PhD Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abai on specialty 6D010200 - Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education. During training attended lectures and workshops foreign scientists S.Yu.Trapitsyna "Formation of professional competence of managers" (St. Petersburg, Russia), Catherine Libers, doctor, professor, "Double practice-theoretical training in Germany" (Leipzig, Germany ), was present at the doctor seminar PhD, associate professor DababrataChhoudori (SUFFOLK BUSINESS SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY CAMPUS SUFFOLK, UNITED KINGDOM) on the theme: "Innovative methods of teaching and research to universities and research institutes", organized by the Council of young scientists at the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation; at a seminar on the issue of "Psychology and Pedagogy Educational Environment", PhD, Avdulova TP (Moscow, Russia), BoykoGaychevsky "Psychological mechanisms of action" (Sofia, Bulgaria), AllaProkofievnaTryapitsyna, Ph.D., professor of "Modern pedagogical research: socio-cultural context" (St. Petersburg, Russia).
   In 2014, as part of training in the PhD doctoral passed scientific training at the Moscow City Pedagogical University (Moscow, Russia).
During the passage of scientific training sessions were attended by Ph.D., professor EN attacks on "Personality-oriented education at university teacher training to the development of intellectual and creative potential of younger schoolboys"; at Academy for Advanced Studies in Moscow, proslushla course on the topic: "Organization of developing university educational space."
  He is the author of over 30 scientific articles, published in scientific journals included in the Scopus database, recommended KKSON MES for publication of the results of Educational Sciences, in the collections of national, international and foreign (Russia, Ukraine, Turkey) conferences.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502