Department of Music and Visual Arts


Turikpenova Sandugash Zhumanovna
Head of the Department of Music and Fine Arts, PhD, associate professor

Tel .: 8 (71430) 7-13-81, ext: 109
The department is located in the main building ArkPI, 4-floor, office number 425
Brief History:
In 1979, an art-graphic department (50 students) was opened. The head of the department was A.G. Pereverzev. The following senior teachers worked at the Department of Painting, Drawing and Drawing: in drawing - A.G. Pereverzev, in painting - B.E. Ospanov, by draft - Zh.A. Atshibaeva, according to the DPI - AI. Korobkov, on the history of art - M. Tolegenova. The head teacher was the head teacher. Ospanov.
In 1983, the Art and Graphic Faculty was opened. The dean of the faculty was A.G. Pereverzev. Graduates of the art and graphic faculty since 1979 took part in republican, regional, city exhibitions and took prizes.
In 2010, the senior teacher Turikpenova S.Zh. She defended her thesis on "Methods of preparing future teachers of fine arts for teaching the subject" Art ".
On the specialty "Fine Arts and Drawing" worked as the head of the department: Ph.D., Associate Professor, member of the Union of Artists and Designers of Russia Shaykhulov RN, philanthropist Karzhauov K.K., senior teacher Yesimkhanov IE, Almadiev IA, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Mutya NN, Ph.D. member of the Union of Artists of Russia, ES Khusainov, Ph.D., professor Polynskaya IN, senior teachers - Musina RK, Isenov II, Batalova B.Zh., Abishev MO , Vasilchenko AI, Vasilchenko IN, Samaibaeva GS, Kaytanova IN, Beraliev MA, Zhunusov K.Zh., Gaskarova IA, Fazylova SS, Yernazarov G.Т. Senior teacher A. A. Zhamitova defended her master's degree in 2016 on the topic "Psychological ways to work with children with disabilities".
At the faculty of art drawing in 1989, the "Music and Pedagogical Department" was opened on the basis of a letter from the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR from 04.11.89. In the beginning, the Department of Choral Conducting was created. Its head was a talented musician, дирижёр Б.С. Kutunov, a graduate of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky. The following teachers worked at the sources of MPO: V.T. Haji, A.I. Malygin, E.A. Shirokovsky, G.R. Usenova, Т.Т. Semenov, U.E. Erzhanova, K.K. Dosanova, G.I. Rabinovich, B.G. Rabinovich, TN. Karatunova, B.I. Shcherbakov, Katsapenko AN, Jalalova Zh.A., Begalova MS, Dosymbekova A.Zh., Zhumabaeva Ғ.A., Baldikova Zh.B., Umirbekova G.Zh., Zhumabaeva G.D., Gazizova R.A. For many years, the leading teacher of the department was the candidate of art criticism, professor, member of the Union of Composers of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.A. Kuzembaev. Teacher of the department GS. In 2001 Bikbauov defended his thesis on "Interrelation of axiological and technical training of a musician-performer", as well as senior teacher K.K. Dosanova in 2002 defended her thesis on "The Creative Activity of the Music Teacher". In 2015, senior teacher Zharmaganbetova Zh. R. defended her master's degree on the topic "the Importance of methodological culture of a teacher-musician in music education". In 2020, senior teacher Kaumetova D. R. defended her master's degree on the topic "Scientific and theoretical foundations of education of Patriotic feelings of young people through works for chorus.
Currently, the Department of Music and fine arts teaches: the candidate of pedagogical Sciences, member of Union of artists of Kazakhstan, Professor S. J. Arki Turukanova, senior lecturers - K. S. Gerassimov, M. K. Baysengirov, master Gabitova A. A., master Kaumatua D. R., Begalova M. S., Shayakhmetova A. A., Abdrakhmanov R. S., Bultrikov J. I., Shakirov N. M. the concert master Ileuova K. T., Adjuster of M. Zhumabaev, the educational master H. K. Mukanov, laboratory of Aitpaeva J. S., Kanitakis B., accompanist Abdykalykov M. T.

Tasks of the department:
• • Achieve high professionalism in the field of music and fine arts;
• • to train highly qualified specialists with a fully developed high patriotic spirit, creatively enriched and competitive personalities
• Teaching staff:
• • 1 candidate of pedagogical sciences., Professor, 2 master
• • 1 members of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan
• • 5 senior teachers, 2 teachers


• The main directions of scientific activity of the department:
- research of musical creativity and arts and crafts of Torgay region;
- preparation of graduates for entering the magistracy;
- Preparation of students for the title of laureates of the Republican level.

Participation of faculty in conferences and seminars:
The faculty of the department annually participates and publishes scientific articles and reports on international, republican and regional scientific and practical conferences:
1. Turikpenova S.Zh - "Bolasha baineөu өneri mұғalimderin pedagogical" қyzmetke daiynda »u "Tulegenov oyulary-2012. «Білім беру жүйесін жаңғыртудағы қазіргі заманғы әдістемелермен технологилар» Attached Republican ғылым - тәжірибелік conference. Arlyaly. ARMPI 2012.
- "Қазақ бейнелеу өнері шеберлерінің еңбектері арқылы көркемдік білім беру ерекшеліктері" Halykaralyқ ғылым-практилыққ конфер. Almaty. 2012.
- "Mektep oyushylaryny" korkemdik bіlіmderіn қазақ бейнелеу өнері арқылы қалыптастыру ". "Sho'an taғılımy - 16" Halyқaralyқ "Yellow Practitioners" conference material - Kokshetau. 2012.
ELIBRARY.RU. Electrons of oleuli Ө Ө і Ө тари тари теория теория теория теория теория теория теория теория теория теория 2 - 3 year, 2014
- Methods of training fine arts and its development in Kazakhstan // Czech Republic. (in English) No. 2, May 30, 2014. Pp. 243-246;
- Training Future Teachers Art Education in the Course of Teaching SpeciaI DiscipIines. Turkia. University of Pammukale (in English) June 2014. Page 305-312;
- Bolashaқ mұғalіmderdі kәsіbi пәндерді оқыту барысында көркемдік білім беруге дайындау .// "Zamanaui-korkem pedagogicalyқ bіlіm berudіі problemarov men meznevalary" Atti professor BE O.Panovutyң 60 жылдығына арналған Respubliki ғылым-әдістемелік seminarsң баддарламасы. Almaty 2014;
2. Baysengirov MK - "Kөz sezіmtaldyғyna қaray suretshіlerdің boyaudy sezіnuі Myung boyaudaғy keybіr negіzgі zaңdylyқtar" Tөlegenov oқulary 2012.
- "Білім беру жүйесесн жаңғыртудағы қазіргі заманғы ідістемелер мен технилар" Attachments republican ғылым-тәжірибелік conference. Arlyaly. ARMPI 2012.
- Әдістемелік нұсқау "Бааалы тастардың қасиеті мен оларды зергір бұйымдарда қолдану", Арқалық, 2013 ж., Қараша;
- Қазақтың қолөнер бұйымдарының ұлттық мәдениетіміздегі алатын орны. .// "Zamanaui-kөrkem pedagogikalyқ Bilim berudің problemalary changed perspektivalary" professor B.E.Ospanovtyң atta 60 zhyldyғyna arnalғan Respublikalyқ ғylymi-әdіstemelіk seminarynyң baғdarlamasy. Almaty 2014;
- Wasps of the Sheberhana zhadayynda metal өңdeu technology .// ҚР Суретшілер Одағының 80 жылдығына арналған ғылыми-тәжірибелік conferences. 24 Kazan 2013;
- Metaldan ұsaқ bұyymdar құy men metal өңdeudің keybіr қırlary. // "Төлегенов оқулары - 2014" The Republican conference materialandry. Arқalyқ 11 сәуір 2014;
- "Organization of the teaching of fine arts and the structure of the lesson" Halykaralyқ "hard-practicing" conference materialandarians zhinaғy. ARMENIA. November, 2017.
- "Beineleu өnerі sabayında computer іn bаdarlamalarmen сабақ жүргізудің маңызы" Zamanaui өner men bіlіm beru. Ұлттық және ғаламдық педагогикалық білім take контексінде: мәселелері, тренлалары мен келешегі. Halykaralyқ ғылым-практиалык материал Almaty, 27 - 28 February, 2018.
3. Zharmaganbetova ZH.R - "Dombyra aspabynda oқushylardyң Oyna sheberlіgіn damytu Zholdary", "Zhana formatsiyadaғy pedagogtar dayyndaudaғy matematikalyқ bіlіmnің rolі Myung Ornan," Republican Scientific-Practical Conference Arkalyk December 14, 2010
- Muzykalyқ shyғarmalarmen zhұmys Zhasa arқyly shyғarmashylyқty damytu, Ecology zhane tұraқty lady Zhana pәnі: Maseleleri Myung keleshegі Atta halyқaralyқ ғylymi-tәzhіribelіk Arқalyқ Conference 2011
- Oyushylardy adamgershilikke terbileleude term genre-masyzy, Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, international scientific-practical conference. Astana, 2010
- Dombyr asbybynda muzykalyқ syyarmarmarmen zhmys zhasau zholdary »atty yylym makalalary« Tulegenov oyulary - 2012 »The Republic of Kaly-na-Ylylym-Practical Conference. Arlyaly. ARMPI 2012.
- Әдістемелік нұсқау «Қазақ music әдебиеті», Арқалық, 2013 ж.
- Music sabahynda ұлттық мәдениет негізінді жастарды елжандылыққа тәрбиелеу мәселесі. .// "Zamanaui-kөrkem pedagogikalyқ Bilim berudің problemalary changed perspektivalary" professor B.E.Ospanovtyң atta 60 zhyldyғyna arnalғan Respublikalyқ ғylymi-әdіstemelіk seminarynyң baғdarlamasy. Almaty 2014;
- "The Effects of Musical Art on the Increasing Generation" "The Trend of Modern Science" Halykaralyқ "Yellow-Practical" Conference. 31 May-7 June. United Kingdom.
- "Music sabaғynda kui tyңdau қyzmetі arқyly oқushylardyң қyzyғushylyғyn қalyptastyru Zholdary" Қarasha, 2017. Material for the XII International scientific practical conference, «achievement of high school - 2017. 15 - 22 November 2017. Volume 6 Sofia. 62 - 65 BET
- "Ousushylardy" дүниниетанымин қалыптастыруда theater өнерінің маңызы »Zmanaui өner men bіlіm beru. Ұлттық және ғаламдық педагогикалық білім take контексінде: мәселелері, тренлалары мен келешегі. Halykaralyқ ғылым-практикалық материал Almaty, 27 - 28 Aқpan, 2018.
- "Educational role of music in the formation of the personality". Gurrent higher education environment: Views and Perspectives Njn-conference proceedings. Copyright @ Authors, 2017 ISBN: 978 -601-80709-9-0. ArmeMPI, Qarasha 2017 g.
- Oyushylar музыка musicians t.rbie berude B.Bayadamov Šyғarmashiliғynyң maңzy. Khabarshi magazines №4. Almaty 2014;
- Oyushylar музыка musicians t.rbie berude B.Bayadamov Šyғarmashiliғynyң maңzy. Khabarshi magazines №4. Almaty 2014;
4. Kozov S. "Medeniet salasyndaғy қparattyқ technology of the fight of life" erekshelikteri ". 2012. Almaty. QA.
- Құдіретті ұстаздық ізімен ғылым мен өнердің қос қанатын тізгіндеген ғалым. .// "Zamanaui-kөrkem pedagogikalyқ Bilim berudің problemalary changed perspektivalary" professor B.E.Ospanovtyң atta 60 zhyldyғyna arnalғan Respublikalyқ ғylymi-әdіstemelіk seminarynyң baғdarlamasy. Almaty 2014;
- Қазақ бейнелеу өнері - өнердің ізденіс шыңы. // ҚР Суретшілер Одағының 80 жылдығына арналған ғылыми-тәжірибелік conferences. 24 Kazan 2013.
- Catalog Кескіндеме, schedule, мүсін өнерінен шығармашылық жұмыстары Almaty - 2013 ж.
- "Mysin zhne plastikaly" anatomy "elektronyқ oқu-құraly, Arlyaly, 2016zh, 2041Mb.
- "Bolasha m'alimderdi korkemdik bilim men aestikalyқ tәrbie beruege daında »u" The tendency and prospects of the development of science and education in the conditions of globalization ХХІХ Halykaralyқ Bychimi-practitionersқ conference materialandarnyң zhinaғy. № 29, Ukraine. 31 Qazan, 2017 ж.
- "Beineleu өnerіnde oқytyn student students syғarmany zertte ыyryp, өзіндік стиді қалыптастыру" Ұлттық және ғаламдық pedagogicalsі білім take контексінде: мәселелері, тренлары. Halykaralyқ ғылым-практи материал материал материал материал материал материал материал материалдық Almaty, 27 - 28 Aқpan, 2018.
4. Kozov S. "Medeniet salasyndaғy қparattyқ technology of the fight of life" erekshelikteri ". 2012. Almaty. QA.
- Құдіретті ұстаздық ізімен ғылым мен өнердің қос қанатын тізгіндеген ғалым. .// "Zamanaui-kөrkem pedagogikalyқ Bilim berudің problemalary changed perspektivalary" professor B.E.Ospanovtyң atta 60 zhyldyғyna arnalғan Respublikalyқ ғylymi-әdіstemelіk seminarynyң baғdarlamasy. Almaty 2014;
- Қазақ бейнелеу өнері - өнердің ізденіс шыңы. // ҚР Суретшілер Одағының 80 жылдығына арналған ғылыми-тәжірибелік conferences. 24 Kazan 2013.
- Catalog Кескіндеме, schedule, мүсін өнерінен шығармашылық жұмыстары Almaty - 2013 ж.
- "Mysin zhne plastikaly" anatomy "elektronyқ oқu-құraly, Arlyaly, 2016zh, 2041Mb.
- "Bolasha m'alimderdi korkemdik bilim men aestikalyқ tәrbie beruege daında »u" The tendency and prospects of the development of science and education in the conditions of globalization ХХІХ Halykaralyқ Bychimi-practitionersқ conference materialandarnyң zhinaғy. № 29, Ukraine. 31 Qazan, 2017 ж.
- "Beineleu өnerіnde oқytyn student students syғarmany zertte ыyryp, өзіндік стиді қалыптастыру" Ұлттық және ғаламдық pedagogicalsі білім take контексінде: мәселелері, тренлары. Halykaralyқ ғылым-практиқ материал материал материал Almaty, 27 - 28 Aқpan, 2018.
5. Zharaskanov, S.S. - Кескіндеменің ұлттық мәдениетіміздегі рөлі .// "Zamanaui-korkem pedagogicheskiy bilim berudі problemal men menstruation" Atti Professor BE Osanovtov 60 zyldyyna arnlanғan Republican ғylymi-әdіstemelі seminars bajdarlamasy. Almaty 2014.
- «Кескіндемені оқыту әдістемесі» elektrodyқ oқu-құraly, Arlyaly, 2016zh, 2054Mb.
- "Watercolor painting technique". Gurrent higher education environment: Views and Perspectives Njn-conference proceedings. Copyright @ Authors, 2017 ISBN: 978 -601-80709-9-0. ArmeMPI, Qarasha 2017 g.
- "Creation of specific artistic images in the program ADOBERHOTOSOP" Zamanaui өner men bilim beru. Ұлттық және ғаламдық педагогикалық білім take контексінде: мәселелері, тренлалары мен келешегі. Halykaralyқ ғылым-практиқ материалAlmaty, 27-28;
6. AA Shayakhmetova - articles "Technique of owning a musical instrument as a level of professionalism of a musician" Republican scientific-practical conference "Altynsarinov readings-2012", Arkalyk 2012;
- "Basic principles of the concertmaster's work" republican scientific-practical conference "Tulegenov's readings" in Arkalyk 2013;
- "The role of musical education in the formation of personality" international symposium KazNPU named after Abay Almaty, 2013;
- "Folk musical art - the basis for the formation of aesthetic culture of students" journal "Bulletin of Science" international scientific and practical conference "Aldamzharovskie readings-2013", KSTU named after Z. Aldamzhar, Kustanai, 2013;
- "Peculiarities of learning to play the piano" international scientific conference "The paradigm of modern science through the eyes of the young", FGBOU HPE "ChelGU" Kustanai, 2014.
- "The Effects of Musical Art on the Increasing Generation" "The Trend of Modern Science" Halykaralyқ "Yellow-Practical" Conference. May 31-June 7, 2018, Great Britain.
- "Varieties of extra-curricular activities in music" "IX Toraғyrov oқlary" atty Halykaralyқ "Yellow-Practitioners" conference materialandarians zhinaғy. Pavlodar. 17 Garash, 2017.
- "Folk music at the present stage as a factor in the education of students" Ұлттық және ғаламдық педагогикалық білім беру контексінде: мәселелері, тренларыры. Halykaralyқ ғылым-практиқ материал Almaty, 27 - 28 Aқpan, 2018.
- "Elements of theatricalization and plastic intonation in music lessons" "Figures of Kazakhstan" baadarlamasynda "innovative eco-friendly ladies: moseleleri men bolashany". Aimatyқ "Yellow-Practical" conference materialandaras. Arkaly, 4 syuir, 2018 ж.
- "Psychological and pedagogical features of primary school age" Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference. G. Kustanai, Taranovskiy district, May, 2018
- "The history of foreign music" Electrons oh құral, Arқalyқ 2017zh. 306Mb;
7. Bultrikova Zh.I - Қазақ халқының музыкалық өнері, «Тuуелсіз Қазақстан: memlekettіlіgіnің қалыптасу tаrahy men қоғамдық-саяси дамуының өзекті мәселелері» »Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Arkalyk 2011
- "Piano siemeldeuimen prima-izobyzda shy'armalar oryndau" "Shoan taғılımy-16" Halykaralyқ "Yellow-Practice" conference material - Kokshetau. 2012.
- Orchestra daindyғyndaғy мен мен......... Khabarshi magazines № 4. Almaty 2014. 13-16 Better;
- Әдістемелік нұсқау Жальпы білім беретін мектептердегі халық aspappar orchestra of ұйымдастыру әдісі. Arkaly in 2013;

Significant publications of the department:
list of articles in the CCSON publications:
Turikpenova S.Zh. - Methods of training fine arts and its development in Kazakhstan // Czech Republic. (in English) No. 2, May 30, 2014. Pp. 243-246;
Turikpenova S.Zh. Training Future Teachers Art Education in the Course of Teaching SpeciaI DiscipIines. Turkia. University of Pammukale (in English) June 2014. Page 305-312;
Zharmaganbetova Zh.R. - "The Effects of Musical Art on the Increasing Generation" "The Trend of Modern Science" Halykaralyқ "Yellow-Practical" Conference. May 31-June 7, 2018, Great Britain.
- "Music sabaғynda kui tyңdau қyzmetі arқyly oқushylardyң қyzyғushylyғyn қalyptastyru Zholdary" Қarasha, 2017. Material for the XII International scientific practical conference, «achievement of high school - 2017. 15 - 22 November 2017. Volume 6 Sofia. 62 - 65 BET
magazines № 4. Almaty 2014. 13-16str;
Shayakhmetova AA - "Folk musical art - the basis for the formation of aesthetic culture of students" journal "Bulletin of Science" international scientific and practical conference "Aldamzharovskie readings-2013", KSTU named after Z. Aldamzhar, Kustanai, 2013;
"The Effects of Musical Art on an Increasing Generation" "The Trend of Modern Science" Halykaralyқ "Yellow-Practical" Conference. May 31-June 7, 2018, Great Britain.
Bultirikova Zh.I. Оркестр дайындығындағы жұмыс түрлері мен оның әдістемелік жұмыс тәсілдері. Хабаршы журнал № 4. Алматы 2014. 13-16 стр.;
A. A. Shayakhmetova - "Organization of the process of perception of works of musical art" Collection of materials of the XV international scientific and practical conference "Education and science without borders" December 7-15, 2019 Poland - p. 0,25 l
Jamitov Schwa.And. – "Psychically Damu mmktg secteur ballardi tanindi abliefern Anita of" Of the XVII international research and practice conference Modern scientific potential-2020 Sheffield Alasi, 28 apun - Nauryz 2020 well. 0,28 W.b.t.
Baisengirov M. K.-" effectiveness of the use of information technologies in the professional training of the future teacher "series" art education: theory-methodology of art " Almaty Kaznpu February 2020, 0,18 PP.

Educational-methodical work:
Annually teachers of the department develop educational-methodical manuals and methodical recommendations:
S.Zh.Turikpenova "Mektepte Beineleu өнерін оқытудың әдістемесі 5-6 sonny 2005.
S.Zh. Turikpenova, p.d., professor Қ.E.Eralin, "Beineleu өnerіn oқytu әdіstemsі", 2009.
S.Zh.Turikpenov "Қол өнер арқылы көркемдік білім беру" - UMK 2011.
S.Zh.Turikpenova "Beineleu өneri zhәne theories" - UMK 2009.
S.Zh.Turikpenov "Beineleu өnerin oyytu әdistemi" - UMK 2009.,
S.Zh.Turikpenova "Bolasha baineөu өneri mұғalіmderin өner pәnіn oқytu дай daiyndau әdistemi". The monograph of 2013zh.
S.Zh.Turikpenova «Өнері тарыы мен теосы» 2 - 3 year 2014. Electronic textbook
S.Zh.Turikpenova "Beineleu өneri zhәne theories" - a training manual 2015, October.
S.Zh.Turikpenov "Beineleu өnerin oyytu әdistemesi" - uchbenoe allowance, 201zh., October
S.Zh.Turikpenova "Beineleu өnerі oyytu әdistemesi" electronic textbook, 2015, June
S.Zh.Turikpenova "Mamandy kirispe" textbook, Astana 2016g.
S.Zh.Turikpenov "Kazakhistan Beyneleu өneri Tarihi" textbook, Astana 2016g.
J.R. Zharmaganbetova «Қазақ күйлері» - lives, «Қазақ music әдебиеті» - UMK 2010.,
Zh. I.Bultirikova «Kazakh music of Tarihi» - UMK.
Zh. I.Bultirikova «Kazakh music tasyhi» electronic textbook, 2015.
Zh.I.Bultirikova "Zhalpy bilim beretin mektepterdeghi halyқ aspappar orchestra of ұyymdastyru әdіsi". Arkalyk, 2013 w.
M.K.Baisengirov "Қол өнер негіздері" - UMK
M.K.Baisengirov "Aғаш өңдеу мен мен одан түрлі бұйымдар жасау тәсілдері" - Teaching aid
M.K.Baisengirov "Bastards of tastards" қасиеті men оларды zergerіk bұyymdarda қoldanu ", Arқaly, 2013 ж., Қараша.
M.K.Baisengirov "Қол өнер негіздері" electronic textbook, Arkalyk, 2016г
Қ.S.Zharasanov "Keskindenen oyytu әdistemi" elektiodyқ oқu-құraly, Arlyaly, 2016zh, 2054Mb.
S.Ұ.Ұzқov "Mүsin zhne plastikalyқ anatomy" elektronyқ oқu-құraly, Arқaly, 2016zh, 2041Mb.
Zh.R. Zharmaganbetova "Kazakh music әdebieti", Arkalyk, 2013, November.
Zh.R. Zharmaganbetova "Kazakh music" әdebieti ", electronic textbook, 2015.
Zh.R. Zharmaganbetova "Zhoariy oқu oryndaryndyғy oқu үrdіsіne student's education", pedagogical psychology "nigizi", methodical manual, 2016, October
Shayakhmetova AA Educational-methodical manual "Peculiarities of learning to play the piano" (for students studying on dombra, kobyz, bayan), September, 2015.
Shayakhmetova AA Educational-methodical manual "Lectures and practical tasks on the history of foreign music", April 2016,
Shayakhmetova AA The electronic textbook "History of foreign music", 2017. 306MB
Ph. D., Professor of Arkspi Turikpenova S. Zh. together with Ph. D., associate Professor Adamkulov N. M. released a textbook for students of pedagogical universities "Art work", released by Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurov, 2020;
Ph. D., Professor of Arkspi Turikpenova S. Zh. together with master Zhamitova A. A .. released a training manual for students of pedagogical universities "Academic drawing", 2020;
Baisengirov M. K. "Decorative and applied art of Kazakhstan" training manual, 2020;




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