Research directions

Directions of the research work of the department

 Teachers of the department are working on scientific research in the field of art education:

  1. D., professor of ArkPI Turikpenova S.Zh. "Fundamentals of art criticism in the perception of art."
  2. Senior teacher Shayakhmetova A.A. "Methods of teaching piano in the system of musical education."
  3. Senior teacher Begalova MS "The value of music in the formation of a creative personality."
  4. Senior lecturer, master Kaumetova DR "The importance of choral art in fostering a sense of patriotism among young people in music education"
  5. Senior teacher Zharaskanov KS "Cognitive and aesthetic problems of the subject of composition in painting."
  6. Senior teacher Baysengirov MK "Methods and techniques of teaching fine art."
  7. Senior teacher, master A. Zhamitova "Psychological ways in working with children with disabilities."
  8. Teacher Abdrakhmanova R.S. "Dombyra gumyr" from the kuishi series - Karshiga Akhmediyarova.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502