Intermediate results of the project "Coursera - Kazakh Tilinde" were discussed in Astana

Intermediate results of the project "Coursera - Kazakh Tilinde" were discussed in Astana

Charitable programs implemented by the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation were presented at the conference "Bilimdi Urpak - Bilimdi El". One of the significant initiatives is the pilot project “Coursera – Kazakh Tilinde”.

The head of state noted in his election program that Kazakh students should get free access to the world's digital libraries.
Since the introduction of the online learning project on the Coursera platform, more than 20,000 students from 25 regional universities in Kazakhstan have joined it. More than 22,000 courses have been successfully completed, of which 10,862 were in Kazakh. Students take both required courses as part of the educational program and additional courses to expand their skills. Students have successfully completed courses in information technology, engineering, entrepreneurship and other fields.
Among the most popular courses completed by students are Entrepreneurship: Business Essentials, Programming for Everyone (Getting Started with Python) and others. In addition, domestic professors prepare their own unique courses for placement on the Coursera platform.
On the issue of digitizing educational materials, Deputy Prime Minister Altay Kulginov emphasized the importance of involving representatives of business and civil society in this work.


“The main advantage of Coursera is analytics that measures the quality of education, discipline and motivation of the student himself. Students listened to 85 thousand hours of online content. Of the 881 unique courses that have been completed, the most popular are courses localized into the Kazakh language,” said Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek during his speech at the conference.
The Coursera – Kazakh Tilinde project allows Kazakh students to access world-class educational resources in their native language, which contributes to the development of their professional skills and preparation for modern challenges and labor market requirements. This project is aimed at improving the quality of education and the availability of educational resources for students in the country.


It should be noted that the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin was included in the list of universities that are implementing this project this year. Altynsarin Institute issued 500 licenses for students to successfully complete Coursera courses, 50 of which have been translated into Kazakh and Russian. To date, all graduates have received certificates of completion.


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