The team of historians of the Altynsarin Institute took 3rd place in the subject Olympiad.

The team of historians of the Altynsarin Institute took 3rd place in the subject Olympiad.

Students of the specialty "History" of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute. Y. Altynsarina took part in the XV Republican Subject Olympiad, which was held at Buketov University in Karaganda.

This year, the republican subject Olympiad in history was held under the name “Kazakh Newspaper and National History” and was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Kazakh newspaper.
Teams from 16 universities of the country took part in the intellectual competition. The program consisted of 5 rounds: greeting, defense of projects on the topic of the Olympiad, essay, intellectual stage, testing on the subject.

2Following the results of two days, the team of historians of the Altynsarin Institute "Torgay Ulandary" took the honorable 3rd place and was awarded a diploma of the III degree, which confirmed the high level of students' training.
“All the guys did great. For the team, we selected one student from each course of the EP "History". After persistent preparation for the Olympiad, they confirmed their high level of knowledge,” the head of the team, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Konkina G.S., expressed her opinion.


It should be noted that the team included: 4th year student Kudaibergen Arman, 3rd year student Tursynbek Raushangul, 2nd year student Zhusip Auletbek, 1st year student Zhazira Abdikarimova. The team was prepared by the leaders - Ph.D. in Philosophy, Professor of ArkPI Konkina G.S. and Senior Lecturer, Master Oteuli M.S.
Congratulations to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad! We express our gratitude to the organizers of the event and the leaders of the student team!


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502