Akim of the region Kumar Aksakalov visited Altynsarin institute

Akim of the region Kumar Aksakalov visited Altynsarin institute

Today Akim of Kostanay region Kumar Aksakalov, representatives of the media and the public visited the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin.

During the visit, the akim got acquainted with the material and technical base of the university, the work of classrooms and sports halls, equipped to ensure the proper conduct of the educational process, was demonstrated.
Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Altynsarin Institute Yerzhan Amirbekuly acquainted the head of the region with the ongoing work in providing quality education, spoke about the prospects and plans for the development of the institute to improve the educational process and address a number of other issues.


“Educational programs at our university are being implemented in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the development of the region for the coming years. At present, the institute is working on the opening of educational programs for the master's degree. In addition, we plan to increase the number of students up to 5,000 people, including by attracting foreign students and implementing master's educational programs,” said the rector.
During the meeting, issues related to the status of the university, increasing the number of students, supporting young scientists, and strengthening the material and technical base were also discussed. In his speech, Kumar Irgibaevich emphasized the role of the local university in the training of qualified specialists. According to the head of the region, the government of the country is considering the issue of giving the institute the status of a university. In turn, this will enhance its image and authority, give a new impetus not only to its development, but also to the city as a whole. Akim noted that for his part he is ready to provide the necessary support and assistance.


After a short excursion, the head of the region on the basis of the university met with the activists of the city of Arkalyk to talk about the prospects for the city's development and priorities, and also answered questions from the public. Such an open dialogue is a fundamentally important condition for making the life of the city even better and more competitive.
At the end of the visit, the guest wished them and the institute further progress and a good future.



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