Meeting with honorary university teachers

Meeting with honorary university teachers

On September 19, 2023, a meeting was held at the Altynsarin Institute with honorary teachers of the university, dedicated to Labor Day.

The main goal of the university’s work is to familiarize itself with the pedagogical career path of teachers, increase attention to employees, use their intellectual, moral potential, life experience in educating young people, and provide them with effective assistance.

Honorary teachers of the university who contributed to the development and establishment of the institute were invited to the event, organized by the Center for Social Issues and Youth Policy of ArkPI.
The dean of the faculty of pedagogy and philology Kaliev A.K., heads of the educational program Kanenova G.T., Tulegenova A.K., teachers Shakirova K.M., Dosmagulova K.K., Nurkhanov M.A., Eleusov B. gathered at the round table.
Guests of the event talked about their path to the teaching profession, about the difficulties and pleasant moments encountered in their work, and shared their experiences.

Following the meeting, scientists and university staff spoke with words of gratitude and appreciation, and students had the opportunity to ask problematic and interesting questions.
It is worth noting that the institute treats the teaching staff very kindly.
The main goal pursued by the state and trade unions when organizing festive and planned events dedicated to Labor Day is to increase the status and authority of blue-collar professions, revive the traditions of working dynasties in families, stimulate labor productivity, attract the attention of young people to it, and unite work teams.


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