The volunteer movement “Zhurekten Zhurekke” honored veterans of teaching work

The volunteer movement “Zhurekten Zhurekke” honored veterans of teaching work

On September 21, the Altynsarin Institute hosted a solemn meeting between students of the volunteer movement “Zhurekten Zhurekke” and veterans of teaching work.

The purpose of the event, organized on the initiative of the center “Social Problems and Youth Policy,” is to introduce life experience and social protection to veterans of teaching work, and to increase attention to employees.

Veteran teachers and university staff Sh.Baidildin, R.Abdrakhmanova, M.Baisengirov, R.Abdrashitova, E.Anapin were invited to the meeting.
The guests gladly answered questions regarding both their work and life paths, shared their many years of work experience, and interesting stories from the life of students.
Veterans who worked in ArkPI for many years noted in their speech that education has always occupied a leading and important position. Positive feedback was expressed about the conditions created at the university for obtaining quality education. The guests wished further development of the institute in modern conditions.
In his speech, the dean of the faculty of “Pedagogy and Philology” A.K. Kaliev expressed gratitude to the veterans for their wishes and noted that holding such meetings is only a small part of the care and respect with which the institute tries to surround them, and they will continue.

A creative gift for the guests of the gala event was a festive concert, in which dance and music groups of the ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin took part. At the end, the volunteers presented memorable gifts and took a group photo.


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