Altynsarin Institute students will undergo archaeological practice to study the geoglyphs of Torgay

Altynsarin Institute students will undergo archaeological practice to study the geoglyphs of Torgay

The meeting of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin with the head of the “Center for Research, Restoration and Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage” of the Culture Department of the Akimat of the Kostanay region ended with the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation.

The goal is to establish partnerships aimed at implementing joint projects and developing long-term, mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties.
The memorandum involves the development of programs for archaeological field practice, as well as joint seminars, round tables and conferences.
In turn, the center will recruit graduates of the institute to its team, providing students with the opportunity to participate in archaeological internships.

According to the head of the center, Bekbolat Ualiev, they are interested in involving students in measures to strengthen sacred tourism in the region. “For us, choosing ArkPI as a partner is not accidental. The university has its own history and traditions. On the basis of the institute, we can also create and conduct joint seminars and trainings, and for students this is not only an opportunity for internship, but also conducting scientific work,” he said.

In turn, the rector of the institute E.Әmirbekuly noted that the readiness of students to study the historical and cultural heritage is a prerequisite for spiritual development. “I think that the document signed today will give new impetus to our mutually beneficial partnership and will contribute to a high level of employment and professional growth of our teachers,” the rector said in his speech.
As a result, both parties emphasized that the Torgai geoglyphs are a new stage in Kazakh archeology, and signed an agreement.


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