Altynsarin Institute scientist in touch from Belgium

Altynsarin Institute scientist in touch from Belgium

An online seminar on the implementation of joint scientific projects with foreign scientists, organized by the institute’s research center, was held at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin.

The seminar was moderated by the head of the center, Zh. Bayseitova. She noted the importance of the ongoing events from the point of view of developing scientific cooperation between universities, as well as joint discussion of the most pressing problems of science and education.

PhD Alibek Eskermesuly was the speaker of the meeting via Zoom from Belgium. He shared his experience of participating in scientific projects, including jointly with foreign scientists, as well as conducting scientific research and publishing research results.
In addition, he presented what current problems and projects he is currently working on while on an internship in Belgium, gave advice to colleagues on writing and preparing for publication of articles, and spoke about the possibility of undergoing scientific internships at universities.
It should be noted that Alibek Eskermesuly, at the invitation of Professor M. Ruzhansky from the University of Ghent, is in Belgium, where, as part of a project based on Ghent Analysis & PDE’s Center, he is conducting joint research work in the field of mathematical sciences.

The meeting took place in a very warm and friendly atmosphere. Each teacher and young researcher gained useful information, participated in the discussion, and was able to ask and receive answers to questions of interest.
According to the head of the Altynsarin Institute Research Center, such meetings undoubtedly increase the professional level of young researchers at the institute on various academic and scientific issues.

At the end, the parties summed up the results and coordinated subsequent actions.
The participants thanked all the organizers of this event and wished them further success in the implementation of joint scientific, methodological and scientific projects.


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