"Interactive multimedia video studio" launched at Altynsarin institute

"Interactive multimedia video studio" launched at Altynsarin institute

The opening ceremony of the new model "Interactive Multimedia Video Studio" was held at the Altynsarin Institute.

Multimedia video studio of interactive video recording is a software and hardware complex designed for video and audio recording, processing of received video material, receiving informational video presentations, conducting online lectures and web conferences.

The mayor of Arkalyk Amirkhan Asanov, the deputy mayor of Arkalyk for social sphere Meshitbai Zhumanov, the chairman of the Arkalyk city branch of the party "AMANAT" Sabyrzhan Tasmaganbet, the city prosecutor Murat Uspanov, the head of the department of the national security committee of Arkalyka Murat Erlibekov, the head of the city police department Oral Baimurzin, the head of the educational institution Yerzhan Amirbekuly and the deans of faculties, teaching staff, students, representatives of the regional periodical publication "Qostanay tany", the city publication "Arkalyk Khabary" and the TV channel "Arka Didary" took part in the event.

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Altynsarin Institute Yerzhan Amirbekuly noted in his speech about the competence of the multimedia video studio: "The world educational process pursues new strategic goals. Accordingly, it is important to provide the necessary platform at the same time. I am sure that the multifunctional multimedia video studio will serve as an incentive for the creation of quality media content for our city, teachers and students of the institute."

The interactive video studio is one of the most modern and effective solutions for organizing distance learning and creative activities. The unique capabilities of this video studio allow you to record interactive video instructions and video lectures, conduct video lessons and conferences, as well as implement the prospects of innovative methodologies in practice.
This is a very valuable tool for interaction between teachers and students using digital technologies, which meets all the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for digitalization of educational processes.
The format of the digital laboratory allows conducting remote classes with the help of interactivity and 3D modeling of objects, which focuses the interest of students on video materials. First of all, the video studio allows you to create content for international platforms such as Coursera and EDx, distribute online training on a modern LED board using ZOOM, GoogleMeet, WebEx and other tools, create and share interactive presentations, and also develop educational content for mixed type of training.




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