Altynsarin Institute students celebrated Nauryz in Ufa

Altynsarin Institute students celebrated Nauryz in Ufa

This year, students of ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin celebrated Nauryz at the BSPU named after M. Akmulla.

The bright holiday of Nauryz, which over hundreds of years has become an integral part of the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, is also celebrated in Ufa on a special day.
The celebration of Nauryz took place at the Bashkir State Philharmonic named after Kh. Akhmetov, where university students presented the traditions and cultures of different peoples: Bashkir, Russian, Tatar, Kazakh, Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Kazakh, Chinese. After a rich program with traditional dances, songs and playing musical instruments, guests were invited to taste the national cuisine of each nationality.

Students of the institute congratulated the Ufa residents by playing the dombra and dancing the kara zhorga. And also with good wishes for well-being, good luck, happiness, success and health, we treated everyone to the traditional dish beshbarmak, tasty and satisfying baursaks, kymyz, kurt and Kazakhstani chocolate.

The multinational exhibition continued on the big stage of the Philharmonic, where students representing original creative groups and national diasporas of Russia performed.

The rector of Akmullinsky University, Salavat Sagitov, addressed the participants with words of greeting.
“I am glad to welcome in this hall everyone for whom the words “friendship”, “ancestors”, “traditions”, “customs” are not just a sound, everyone who honors, cherishes and will pass them on from generation to generation. These days, Orthodox Christians celebrate Lent and Muslims celebrate Ramadan. Today we have gathered around the warm hearth of friendship that was kindled by our ancestors, and you will cherish it and pass it on. I wish you well, give each other kindness and warmth,” said Salavat Talgatovich.
The festive events were attended by honored guests from government bodies of the Republic of Belarus, the Consulate of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the Kyrgyz, Turkmen, and Tajik diasporas.
Based on the results of the exhibition of national cultures, winners in various nominations were determined among students of Akmullina University. The ArkPI team was awarded the “Most Friendly Team” nomination.

All participants received memorable gifts and certificates of honor.


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