Nauryz Duman at Altynsarin Institute

Nauryz Duman at Altynsarin Institute

At the initiative of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev, Nauryz Meiramy is celebrated in the country for 10 days.

New format holidays were also celebrated at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after. I. Altynsarina. At the beginning of the working day, the staff of the educational institution welcomed all members of the teaching staff and students with open arms, noting the educational value of “Korisu Day”.

Nauryz Duman continued with the Alastau ritual, fulfilling the conditions of the day of purification. Further, such traditions as “bosaga mailau”, “otka may kuyu”, “bata beru” were shown.
Nauryz Duman continued the promotion of memorable dates in the March ten days of the faculties “History and Art”, “Pedagogy and Philology”, “Natural Science and Informatization”.
Thus, the Faculty of History and Art built a Kazakh house in the foyer of the educational institution, paying special attention to national sports and national culture. Students and teaching staff together played asyk atu, togyzkumalak, chess, and performed kui on the dombra.

The faculty of “Pedagogy and Philology” at the scientific center of ethnopedagogy and ethnopsychology “Kazyna” showed the forgotten traditions of “Biz Shanshar” and played the game “Sakina Salmak” with the public. In addition, the participants were presented with meaningful information about multinational education and demonstrated the essence of ancient customs and traditions. There is every reason to believe that all the watches were spiritual food for everyone.

And the Faculty of Natural Science and Information Technology offered tastings of national dishes and performed ancient songs live with the public. Chairman of the Board - Rector of Altynsarin Institute Yerzhan Amirekuly expressed his sincere congratulations.

“Nauryz is a holiday that promotes spiritual perfection and promotion of the national characteristics of our country. This great holiday, which in Kazakh is considered the beginning of a new year, has a great influence on national education. And, accordingly, this year the format of celebrating this holiday has changed and expanded by ten days,” he noted.
It should be noted that during the celebration, the employees of the “Information and Comprehensive Library” prepared baursaks and “Nauryz kozhe” in the canteen of the institute.
The Altynsarin Institute team was very impressed by the festive event, and full of joy on the great day - Nauryz.


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