A round table was held on the topic “academic mobility: challenges and opportunities”

A round table was held on the topic “academic mobility: challenges and opportunities”

On February 26, 2024, the educational program “English Language”, “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” of the Faculty of “Pedagogy and Philology” organized a round table “Academic mobility: challenges and opportunities”.

The purpose of the event is to implement the principles of the Bologna process and further expand the opportunities for international cooperation. As well as training a competitive specialist in the labor market.
During the round table, students who studied at Mugla Sitki Koçman University (Turkey) with the external academic mobility program in the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year shared their impressions and features of the foreign educational process.
In particular, a student of the academic group EShT-41 G. Sailau, a student of the English-42 group V. Tolstykina and A. Duysen prepared a presentation and presented it to the participants.
The round table was attended by the teaching staff of the educational program and students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd courses.


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