A teacher from Altynsarin Institute took part in an international conference in Uzbekistan

A teacher from Altynsarin Institute took part in an international conference in Uzbekistan

At the invitation of the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, senior lecturer of the EP “History of Kazakhstan, Law and Fundamentals of Economics” Elmira Baltabaevna Saktaganova took part in the international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Main directions and prospects for the development of the tourism organization of Uzbekistan based on harmony historical objects and natural objects.” This event was organized in order to revive research in the tourism sector, put forward new proposals and opinions, and organize scientific discussions on them.

Scientists from Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and the People's Republic of China discussed issues of the historical stage of formation, emergence and development of tourism, tourism methodology, world experience in tourism development, talked about the role of sources in collecting data on tourism, the importance of places of pilgrimage, genological tourism, historical and ethnographic tourism and the possibilities for its further development, gastrotourism and the role of modern technologies.
According to the organizers, this conference aroused interest not only in the field of tourism, but also among doctors of sciences, doctors of philosophy, young scientists and students conducting scientific research in the field of anthropology, archeology, economics, folklore and many other fields, and was held in high spirits.
Thus, the institute’s teacher Elmira Baltabaevna spoke at the section “Current problems of social sciences and humanities” with a report on the importance of socio-historical phenomena in the formation of personality (using the example of the village of Kadyrbaev). A participant in the event emphasized the importance of the conference’s theme, as a result of which everyone received an excellent opportunity to exchange opinions and pedagogical technologies with colleagues, and enrich their methodological tools.
It should be noted that the participation of Altynsarin Institute teachers in international conferences, which take place both in Kazakhstan and abroad, contributes to the strengthening and development of international cooperation in the field of science and education.


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