Altynsarin Institute prepares the country's future teachers

Altynsarin Institute prepares the country's future teachers

Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin is a university with more than 50 years of history, named after the founder of the field school, Ybyray Altynsarin.

Altynsarin Institute, one of the 5 pedagogical universities in the country, has trained and graduated more than fifteen thousand teachers over the years of independence.
In the current academic year, the institute has achieved many achievements.
- lectures were given by 4 foreign scientists from Germany, Turkey, Indonesia;
- in order to strengthen the scientific direction and integrate it into international education, a special Research Center was created;
- within the framework of international cooperation, a contract was signed with 10 universities (Indonesia, Turkey, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan);
- over the past 8 years, PhD Alibek Eskermesuly has been awarded the title “Best University Teacher 2023”;
- our scientists published 10 articles in Scopus and WoS database journals (4 articles in 2022).
- two teachers successfully defended their doctoral dissertations for the PhD degree (Tatiana Karataeva and G. Erlanova);
- two teachers entered doctoral studies and received a grant (Alieva G.S. and A. Gaisina);
- students took prizes at the International Olympiad held between universities of Turkmenistan and Central Asian countries;
- under the academic mobility program, 10 students visited the best universities in Turkey (Muğla University and Nowhere University);
- 3 students completed production and research internships at Primavega, which is the largest innovative agricultural enterprise in Poland.
In addition, the “third mission of the University” is being implemented, giving priority to the characteristics of the region. For example:
- the work of 4 scientific centers was resumed in order to fulfill the Third Mission of the University. These are: the center for psychodiagnostics and counseling, the center for inclusive education, the center for pedagogical excellence, the center for ethnopedagogy and ethnopsychology;
- students actively participate in the public life of the city. Student councils, the alliance of students of Kazakhstan, youth associations, volunteer movements “Sanaly Urpak”, “Zhurekten Zhurekke”, “Line of Success” are the initiators and supporters of various events. In total, more than 600 students were covered;
- the student debate club “Aqikat” operates to develop leadership qualities and speech culture;
- the Barys sports club is responsible for coordinating the work of sports sections. There are more than 8 different sports sections;
- the institute operates the “Silver University” project. As part of this project, the institute offered older people an educational portfolio, including courses in modern IT technologies, learning foreign languages, and courses to improve legal and financial literacy. As a result, more than 50 people successfully graduated from Silver University.
In conclusion, we note that Altynsarin Institute is one of the leading pedagogical higher education institutions. We have presented to your attention only a general description of the achievements. There is no doubt that these achievements will be doubled in the future!


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502