Abdrashitova Raikhan Abdrashitovna

Full naRaikhanme - Abdrashitova Raikhan Abdrashitovna
Position -Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell phone: 87014306175
Academic degree (if available)-no
Academic title (if available)—no
Name of the field of study and (or) specialty-5B011800 "Russian language and literature", 5B012200 "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction", 5B01000 «Education»
Total work experience - 35 years
Work experience in the specialty - 20 years
Number and (name) of scientific papers - 1
Qualification, professional retraining
1. Center of Excellence NIS – "The world is changing – we are changing" - 0.15 p. l., Kazakhstan, Astana-2015
Data on professional development and (or) professional retraining (if available)-
1..2005-Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Department of Kostanay region. Special course: "Models of social education".
2. 2007. Arkalyk - A full course of computer literacy training in the framework of the Program to reduce information inequality in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. 2006-2007. Association of the President of Education of Kazakhstan-course "Development of critical thinking through writing and reading" - 4 seminars 86 hours
4.2009-Kostanay-Institute of Advanced Training and retraining of educational workers: "Social design. Content and organizational structure of the work to protect the rights and interests of children – - 92 hours.
5.2015 g.KGZHENPU-advanced training courses in the amount of 72 hours on the topic: "Technologies of interactive learning in Russian language and literature lessons".
6..02-20.03.2015 - Astana-NIS Center of excellence-"the course of additional professional education of graduate students of higher educational institutions engaged in training of pedagogical personnel, developed on the basis of multi-level programs of professional development of pedagogical workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan" -232ч.
7. 29.09.2015 the city of Almaty- "the Integration of modern it technologies in the professional activity of the teacher of high school".
8. 03.10.2015 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu"". - "Program of advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - 240 hours.
Number and (name )of textbooks, date of issue-0


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502