Educational and Research Laboratory

Laboratory electronics and astronomy.

Linear circuits D C


Getting the skills to build a simple electric circuit, included in the electric circuit strength meters. Learn how to measure the current and voltage, to ensure compliance with the laws of Ohm's and Kirchhoff in a linear circuit. Explore vlyanie change the settings on a user mode other consumers in series, parallel and mixed soedeinenii.

1. The order of performance
eleven. Preview of the laboratory setting
12. Collect linear electric DC circuit series-connected elements.
Otchet on work should contain:
A. The name of the work and purpose of the work;
B. Schematic of the experiment;
C. Table of experimental data;
D. Results of calculations;
E. Conclusions on work.

Fizmat LAB

Laboratory of quantum optics

Studying the phenomenon of light diffraction

The phenomenon of diffraction of light in a deviation from the rectilinear propagation carried opaque obstacle. For example, under some conditions, the shadow in the center of the screen is formed by a small white dot. The diffraction of light due to the interaction of light waves edged obstacle. The solution of the diffraction problem is to find the distribution of illumination on the screen, depending on the size and shape of the obstacle. A rigorous mathematical solution of this problem on the basis of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory is complex. However, it can be reduced to the so-called principle of Gyugensa- Fresnel. It will be considered a Fraunhofer diffraction, ie, such as the diffraction pattern formed by systems of parallel rays. In this case, the diffraction pattern of light and dark bands could be observed either eye accommodate the at infinity or display light passes through the lens.
Measurement of light wavelength using Grating
Accessories: Grating optical filters, optical bench, lighting the scale.
The wavelength of the monochromatic light can be determined using a diffraction grating. The diffraction grating is a series of transparent slits of equal width, separated by intervals of equal opaque. On the surface of the glass cutter draws a series of parallel bars at equal distances from each other. Pocherchennye scatter light and space are very narrow-slit diffraction. Best gratings manufactured at present have to 1700 lines per 1 mm. Cheap copies of such lattices replica, produced by the manufacture of gelatin prints or plastic.
Gratings with a small number produced photographically.

lab 2

Laboratory technician school experiment

Certain moments of inertia of the pendulum Oberbeck


1. To determine experimentally the moment of inertia of the pendulum with a view of the braking action of the torque resistance.
2. To investigate the experimental dependence of the moment of inertia of the pendulum from the distance goods, fixed on the pendulum rod to the axis of rotation and compared with the theoretical curve.
3. Calculate the moment of inertia of the pendulum Oberbeck based on dynamic equations of translational motion of the load, attached to the thread wound on the pulley of the pendulum, and the equations of rotational motion of the pendulum.

Lab 3

Laboratory fundamentals of Robotics

The Fundamentals of Robotics Laboratory is an innovative and educational project for the development of modern education aimed at the introduction of modern scientific and practical technologies in the educational process. The laboratory's work is based on the principle of "from idea to implementation": modern technologies combined with project and practice-oriented activities with a focus on results. In the laboratory, students of middle classes (5th-8th grade) of high school, students of the Department of "Physics and Mathematics" and "Computer Science"are trained.The laboratory provides schoolchildren and students with the opportunity to develop their abilities for scientific and technical creativity, and to form skills for working in a team.In the course of classes, students go through all the stages of creating robotic systems from conception (concept development) to participation in competitions and practical implementation.



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502