Korazbekova Karlygash Usipkhankyzy

Karlygash2FULL NAME: Korazbekova Karlygash Usipkhankyzy
Current position: Head of the Department, PhD, senior lecturer
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact numbers: 87016623483, 87076623483
Teaching disciplines: Bioresources of Kazakhstan, Molecular biology, Biological ecology and diversity, Biophysics and bioinformatics, Synthesis of chemical compounds
Academic degree: PhD
Name of the training direction (educational program): 6В01505-Biology, 6В01504-Chemistry
Data on professional development and retraining:
2020 - Virtual training course for teachers of English, MES RK and the US Embassy, Nur-Sultan
2020 - Course on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train pedagogical personnel in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, CPE "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Kostanay
2018 - Course of lectures "Mathematical and Computer Modeling", PhD. Valieva N.F. (Bashkir State University, Bashkortostan, Russia), Arkalyk
2017 - Refresher course "Effective teaching and learning", CPE "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Shymkent
Total work experience: 15 years
Work experience in the specialty: 15 years
Number and title of scientific publications: 85. Scopus – 3, HAC - 12, foreign -18, international - 25, republican - 17, regional - 5
Main scientific publications:
1. Korazbekova KU, Dosmagulova KK, Salimzhanov NO Prerequisites for the use of modern digital technologies in the training of specialists in the field of natural sciences. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual renewal of society." Arkalyk, February 7, 2020
2. Sultangalieva KU, Kemelbaeva AK, Ayatov AS The importance of creating innovative ecosystems in education. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital Education - Advanced Knowledge and Competencies" in Education within the framework of "Spiritual Renaissance" "Tulegen Readings-2018". Arkalyk, 12 April 2018
3. Korazbekova K.U., Saparbekova A.A. Microbiological and biochemical aspects of biogas formation. Monograph. Arkalyk: Y.Altynsarin Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute, 2018. – 123p. ISBN 978-9965-32-580-9
4. Korazbekova K.U., Kuanyshbayev S.B. Studying the anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes in biogas and fertilizer production. Arkalyk: Y.Altynsarin Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute, 2018. – 125 p. ISBN 978-9965-32-581-6
5. Abubakirova AA, Daulbay AD, Ospanova AA, Abildaeva RA, Sultangalieva KU Biological features and species composition of the causative agent of ascochitosis of soybeans. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 2 (320) 2017, pp. 118-123.
6. Abubakirova AA, Kurbanova PP, Sultangalieva KU, Ospanova AA Baymirzaeva GN Immobilized in the fight against mosquito larvae. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 3 (321) 2017. P.146-149.
7. Sultangaliyeva K.U., Bakhov Zh.K., Abubakirova A.A., Mutaliyeva B.Zh.. Evaluation of the anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste in leach-bed reactor for biogas production. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, №3 (321) 2017. pp. 39-43.
8. Ilyasova AB, Kudasova DE, Sultangalieva KU, Daulbay AD, Ibraimova GK Study of the rate of germination of seeds of potato plants obtained from hybridization. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, №4 (322) 2017. P.65-70.
9. Bakhov Zh.K., Mutaliyeva B. Zh. Influence of Co-substrates on Kinetics of Methane Production Rate in Anaerobic Fermentation of Pig Slurry. Modern Applied Science, Vol. 9, No. 6; 2015. pp. 217-225. ISSN 1913-1844.
Number and name of teaching aids: 
1. 1.Korazbekova K.U., Balykbaeva G.Sh. Ecology. Educational and methodical manual. - Arkalyk: ArkSPI, 2020
2. Korazbekova K.U., Amirov M.S. Botany. Lecture complex. - Arkalyk: ArkSPI, 2019
3. Arystanova S.A., Khamitova Қ.K., Sultangalieva K.U. Development and use of teaching technology in the teaching of biology. Educational and methodical manual. - Arkalyk: ArkSPI, 2018
4. Korazbekova K.U., Khamit A.G. ntegrated teaching methods in chemistry and biology. Educational and methodical manual. - Arkalyk: ArkGPI, 2018
5. Sultangalieva K.U., Kemelbaeva A.K., Ayatov A.S. Microbiology and virology. - Arkalyk: ArkSPI, 2018
6. Korazbekova K.U., Ayatov A.S. Bioresources of Kazakhstan. Electronic manual. - Arkalyk: ArkGPI, 2018
7. Korazbekova K.U. Teaching biology in English. Electronic manual. - Arkalyk: ArkSPI, 2018
8. Sultangalieva K.U., Saparbekova A.A., Lesbekova S.G. Plant physiology. Collection of lectures. - Shymkent: M. Auezov SKSU, 2017
9. Sultangalieva K.U., Saparbekova A.A. Fundamentals of Cellular biotechnology. Educational and methodical manual. - Shymkent: M. Auezov SKSU, 2017
10. Korazbekova K.U. Cellular biotechnology. Collection of lectures. - Shymkent: M. Auezov SKSU, 2015
11. Korazbekova K.U., Narymbaeva Z.K. Objects of Biotechnology. Educational and methodical manual. - Shymkent: M. Auezov SKSU, 2015


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502