Nurkenova Aigerim Daulbayevna
FULL NAME: Nurkenova Aigerim Daulbayevna
Current position: senior lecturer
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Contact number: 87021814329
Teaching disciplines: Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Ecology, Methods of Teaching Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
Academic degree: Master of Science in Education
Name of the training direction (educational program): 6В01504-Chemistry, 6В01510-Chemistry-biology
Data on professional development and retraining:
2018 - "Modern pedagogical technologies in universities in the framework of the updated content of education" "National Center for Advanced Studies" Orleu ", Kostanay
2018 - Advanced training course for teaching staff of higher educational institutions. Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev, Almaty
2018 - Course on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train pedagogical personnel in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, CPE "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Nur-Sultan
Total work experience: 5 years
Work experience in the specialty: 5 years
Number and title of scientific publications: 28. International - 18, republican - 6, regional - 4
Main scientific publications:
1. Dosmagulova K. K., Nurkenova A.D. the essence of computer modeling used in the process of chemical education. Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual renewal of society". Arkalyk, February 7, 2020
2. Nurkenova A.D. problems and methods of disinfection of drinking water in the area. Collection of scientific papers of students of the Altynsarin state pedagogical University And its foreign partner-the University, 2019
3. Kemelbaeva A. K., Khamit A. G., Nurkenova A. A.D. inclusive education and its specifics and main directions. Material of the international scientific and practical conference "psychological and pedagogical aspects of Inclusive Education". Aktobe, November 20-21, 2019
4. Kemelbaeva A. K., Dosmagulova K. K., Khamit A. G., Nurkenova A.D. the importance of using trilingualism in chemistry lessons. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of implementing the goal of updated educational content in natural science education". Almaty, November 14-15, 2019
5. Ermekbaeva A. T., Khamitova K. K., Nurkenova A.D. Efficiency of using information technologies in natural science disciplines. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "internationalization and innovations in Higher education". Shymkent, October 24-25, 2019
6. Kemelbaeva A. K., Dosmagulova K. K., Nurkenova A.D. effective ways of using seven modules of a new format in chemistry and biology lessons. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "internationalization and innovations in Higher education". Shymkent, October 24-25, 2019
7. Khamit A. G., Dosmagulova K. K., Nurkenova AD. Method of interactive learning in chemistry lessons. The modern teacher of the disciplines of natural science cycle. Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference. Ishim, 2019
Number and name of teaching aids –
1. Dosmagulova K. K., Kemelbaeva A. K., Khamit A. G., Nurkenova Ə.D. methodology for solving problems in Chemistry. Educational and methodological support. - Arkgpi, Arkalyk, 2020
2. Dosmagulova K. K., Kemelbaeva A. K., Khamit A. G., Nurkenova Ə.D. higher molecular compounds. Educational and methodological support. - Arkgpi, Arkalyk, 2020
3. Dosmagulova K. K., Khamit A. G. Nurkenova A.D. Chemical technology. Electronic textbook. - Arkgpi, Arkalyk, 2018
4. Dosmagulova K. K., Khamit A. G., Nurkenova A.D. Inorganic chemistry. Electronic textbook. - Arkgpi, Arkalyk, 2018