Gifted Students Support Program


The purpose of the Program:
- the improvement of the system of work on psychological and pedagogical support of gifted students of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the ArkPI named after Y.Altynsarin;
- the creation of conditions for the identification and development of intellectual, creative and physical abilities of the students of Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the ArkPI named after Y.Altynsarin.

He objectives of the Program:
- the development of psychological foundations and creation of a system for the development of gifted students;
-the creation of conditions for self-realization of intellectual and creative abilities of students through intellectual and creative events of different levels;
- the development of practical measures aimed at developing the mental capacity of students, stimulating cognitive interest;
- the increase of psychological and scientific-theoretical knowledge of teachers on work with gifted students;
- the propaganda and dissemination of advanced psychological and pedagogical experience in working with gifted students;
- the organization of joint work of the university and cultural, sports and other institutions to support giftedness;
- the development of the sphere of additional education, satisfying the needs, interests of students.

The directions of work:
1. The formation of the data bank "Gifted students".
2. The functioning of the student scientific research group "Zhenis", where gifted students are engaged in research activities.
3.The preparation of students and participation in competitions for the best student research work within the department, institute, among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. The preparation and participation in student subject Olympiads on specialty 5В010800- "Physical Culture and Sport".
5. The preparation and participation of students in competitions of city, regional, republican and international levels.
6. The preparation of the KVN team "Sportfac" for the performance in the city, regional and republican competitions "Zhaydarman".
7. Conducting classes in the circles "Volleyball", "Basketball", "Football", "Togyzkumalak", "Kazak kuresi".

The plan of the work
by pedagogical support of gifted students
Department of Physical Culture and Sports
for 2020– 2021 academic year





Regulatory and information support


Making a plan to support gifted students

September, 2020

A head of Department, A Program Manager


The placement of information about the achievements of students on the site

During a year

A Program Manager


The organization of translation of the work experience of teachers with gifted students in scientific collections, mass media, conferences

During a year

A head of Department, Program Manager


The replenishment of the methodical library with publications on work with gifted students.

During a year

A Program Manager

Intellectual direction


The organization and participation in contests, Olympiads within the university

December, 2020

A Program Manager


The competition of scientific projects for prizes of the First President Foundation

March 2021

A head of the department,


The competition of scientific projects for the Prize of the Rector of the ARC

April 2021

The teachers of the department


The organization of training of students and their participation in competitions, olympiads, conferences of the republican level

During a year

A head of the department,


The organization and conduct of the contest "Student Portfolio"

May 2021

A Program Manager

Social direction


The organization of a seminar of curators "Work on the development of student self-government"

February 2021

The curators


The organization of joint events with student assets

During a year

A head of Department, A Program Manager


The organization of student participation in the creative activities of the institute

During a year

A head of Department, A Program Manager

Healthy saving direction


The organization and participation of students in competitions of various levels

During a year

A head of Department, A Program Manager


The participation of students in city sports days among students of "Zhana tolkin"

According to the position of the department of Physical Culture and Sports

A head of Department, A Program Manager




Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502