Information on the implementation of the strategy
Information on the results of the strategic plan of the university
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology carries out its activities in accordance with a strategic plan of development for 2013-2020 y.y. ArkPI Activities aimed at the realization of the strategic goal - training of competitive educational psychologists to work competences in education institutions.
Training is carried out on a specialty 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology.
The contingent of students is 149 people, including full-time students - 92, correspondence department - 57. Of the 149 students 68 are holders of state educational grants.
As part of the strategic plan of the Department of the work done in the following areas:
1. Preparation of multilingual teaching staff.
With the 2013-2014 school year in the curricula of specialty elective courses implemented "Plan-program of course" Personality and her psychological devolopment ", which is taught in English. Discipline is maintained in the combined group of Kazakh and Russian departments that allows us to implement a policy of polylinguism. Discipline is conducted on 1 course consists of 3 credits.
2. Strengthening the scientific and methodological support of educational process of specialty
The faculty of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology annually planned and carried out the work on the preparation and production of educational materials. In recent years, we have been prepared and issued grants in the following amounts:
2014-2015 - 3 teaching aids:
- «Педагогика пәнінең 1001 тест жинағы» (author Bizhanova G.K., Tauekelova AE)
- «Практикум по педагогическому мастерству» (author Esirgepova V.Zh.)
- «Семейная психология» (author Buzulutskaya TM)
2015-2016 - 2 electronic manuals, 3 teaching aids, 2 methodical manuals:
- «Қазақстандағы білім және педагогика ғылымдарының тарихы» (author Kalkeeva KR, Bizhanova G.K ,. Akhmetova PA)
- «История развития педагогической мысли в Казахстане» (author Kalkeeva KR, Akhmetova PA, Alkuatova AL)
- «Современные образовательные технологии в преподавании психолого-педагогических дисциплин» (author Esirgepova V.Zh., Batyrova ZN)
-«Оқу үдерісінде студенттердің шығармашылық әлеуетін дамытудын негіздері» (author Tauekelova AE.)
- «Психология салалары бойынша тест жинағы» (author Musirova GB, Tauekelova AE)
-«Болашақ мамандарды даярлауда жобалап оқыту технологиясының ерекшеліктері» (Kakina D.Sh., Seydina B.Z.)
-«Формирование ценностных ориентаций современных подростков в процессе социализации» (author Alkuatova AL., Esirgepova V.Zh.)
3. Updating the scientific and methodological basis of preparation of experts, taking into account the region's development and the transition to 12-year general secondary education
The Department conducts annual work on updating the curriculum specialty, taking into account the needs of employers, as well as on the basis of letters from the MES. Over the past 3 years in the curriculum included subjects such as "Work-psychologist in small schools", "Work-psychologist in the inclusive education system", "Cossack ate", "Psycho-pedagogical foundations of 12 years of education", "Media pedagogy "," Prevention of mental health and prevention of suicidal behavior "," New technologies in education "," Family Psychology "," Non-verbal means of communication in the communication "system" Criminal Psychology "," Work Psychology "," Psychology of art "," Clinical psychology".
4. Indicators of achievement and the quality of training of students majoring
5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology
The average score on the state examination on the specialty is:
2012-2013 - academic year: 4.0 points;
2013-2014 - academic year: 4.3 points;
2014-2015 - academic year: 5 points;
2015-2016 - academic year: 4.0 points
The average score on the protection of theses:
2012-2013 – academic year: 4.4 points;
2013-2014 – academic year: 4.7 points;
2014-2015 – academic year: 4.8 points;
2015-2016 – academic year: 4.9 points
On the quality of performance and knowledge of students of the educational program 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology" can be judged by an external evaluation of educational achievements (TDMA), held in 2012-2013,2013-2014 academic years. TDMA data are shown in Table 1.2.
Table 1 . TDMA data for the 2012-2013 academic year, students of the educational program 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology"
№ |
Total Number of students |
Language learning |
The composition of the items |
Sum points |
Average |
Pedagogy |
Psychology |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
1 |
23 |
kazakh |
31 |
29 |
23 |
19 |
102 |
101 |
2 |
5 |
russian |
22 |
24 |
30 |
25 |
101 |
Table 2. TDMA data for the 2013-2014 academic year, students of the educational program 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology"
№ |
Total Number of students |
Language learning |
The composition of the items |
Sum points |
Average |
Pedagogy |
Psychology |
Methodology of teaching pedagogy |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
1 |
21 |
kazakh |
29 |
21 |
45 |
29 |
124 |
123 |
2 |
5 |
russian |
31 |
33 |
28 |
29 |
121 |
5. Development and implementation of special elective courses on strategic directions for specialties
According to the university strategic plan identified the following main areas for the implementation of elective subjects are:
- "Low-complete school"
- "Multilinguism"
- "12 years of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Accordingly, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology from the 2013-2014 school year, developed and implemented in the curricula of the specialty following elective subjects:
1.Napravlenie "Low-complete school" - elective discipline "Work-psychologist in small schools" (3 credits);
2. Direction "Multilinguism" - elective discipline "Plan-program of course" Personality and her psychological devolopment "(3 credits);
3. The theme "12 years of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan" - elective discipline "Psycho-pedagogical foundations of 12 years of education" (3 credits).
6. Development and adoption of a package of measures through the targeted place of receipt in a magistracy, doctoral studies among the staff of the department
In order to improve the academic and scientific ostepenennyh the department, the faculty is preparing a master's degree and doctorate at the leading universities of Kazakhstan through targeted educational grants.
№ |
Full name of teacher |
Education Master's / PhD |
Place of study |
Year of entrance |
Year of ending |
1 |
Smailova G.S. |
Doctorate, 6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology |
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai |
2012 |
2015 |
2 |
Bondareva T.O. |
Doctorate, 6D010200 - Pedagogy and methodology of primary education |
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai |
2013 |
2016 |
3 |
Alkuatova A.L. |
Master, 6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology |
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai |
2013 |
2015 |
4 |
Baltabay Zh. |
Master, 6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology |
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai |
2015 |
2017 |
5 |
Kalimzhanova R.L |
Doctorate, 6M012300 - Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilev |
2015 |
2018 |
7. Modernization of teaching - learning environment
In order to modernize the teaching and learning environment, the Department is engaged in the preparation and recording of video lectures for distance learning. In 2014, a full course of video lectures on discipline "Psychology and Human Development" (30 hours of lectures) was prepared; full course of video lectures on the subject "Theory and methods of educational work" (15 hours of lectures) was prepared in 2015.
8. Formation of spirituality, humanism, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional consent in the spirit of the Kazakhstan patriotism
In order to form a stable ethnic and cultural bases of the Kazakhstan society, with the 2013-2014 academic year implemented through elective discipline program "Kazakh eli." This discipline consists of one loan is a practice-oriented nature. The percentage of coverage of the specialties of this discipline has increased annually, if 2013-2014 academic year, coverage was 18% (studied the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology", "History"), whereas in the 2014-2015 academic year - 75%.
9. Passage of national and international accreditation of educational program of specialty
In 2015, the educational program of a specialty 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology passed specialized accreditation. Accreditation is carried out IQAA (Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education). Accreditation of educational programs conducted by 7 standards. According to the report, an educational program meets all the 7 standards.
Based on the analysis of the report on self-assessment, a report on the preliminary audit report on the visit of the external Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency in Education recommended to accredit an educational program 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology.