Full Name - Kanenova Gulzhikhan
Position held - Head of Department
Disciplines: History of Kazakhstan, political science, Local history.
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) – Master of juridical Sciences
Scientific (academic) title (if available): -
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality - 5В011400 History
Data on professional development and (or) retraining:
1. 2013-advanced training courses "Priority directions of using new learning technologies in the history of Kazakhstan" Almaty
2. 2015-advanced training courses "program of advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan" AEO "Orleu" Almaty;
3. 2017-seminar "updating the content of secondary education" Arkalyk;
4.2020-courses on the program of additional professional education for graduate students of higher educational institutions that train teachers, developed on the basis of level-level programs for advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Work experience – 22 years
Work experience in the speciality – 19 years
Number and (name) of scientific article:-
1. Museum-scientific center of history and culture of the region / / Karaganda state University named after E. A. Buketov collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of national history and archeology". Karaganda 2017.
2. The way of conducting seminars on the history of Kazakhstan in higher education using new methods and techniques / / collection of scientific Makalov Republican seminar – meeting "innovations in professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions: experience and prospects", held at the National training center" Orleu "M. R. B. J. B. Almaty, 2017.
3. Civilization of the great steppe: historical monuments of culture of the Turgay region-as a great heritage of spiritual modernization / / collection of the international scientific and practical conference " Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies "in education within the framework of" rukhani zhangyru ""Tolegenov readings-2018". Arkalyk, April 2018.
4. The Importance of local history in the education of patriotism/ / Republican scientific and methodological journal "Kazakh tarikhy" No. 4 (171), April 2019
5. Place and role of formation of Kazakhstan's patriotism through education of modern youth / / Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism international scientific and practical conference "modernity and humanitarian science", Almaty. December 2019
6. The problem of continuity of values of Islam and the Kazakh worldview// Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism international scientific and practical conference "modernity and humanitarian science", Almaty.December 2019
7. Shakshak Zhanibek Tarkhan-a major political figure, statesman//Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism international scientific and practical conference "modernity and humanitarian science", Almaty / / December 2019
8. The life path of the historian and public figure E. Bekmakhanov//International scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings-2020" "improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual modernization of society". 2020.February 7.
9. Monuments of the Torgay steppe / / Zhezkazgan University.Baykonurova the scientific journal "Bulletin of University", international scientific-practical conference, Zhezkazgan. 2020. May.
Number and (name) manuals, release date –
1. Collection of test tasks on the discipline "History of the New time of Kazakhstan" / / educational and methodological guide//RCP Arkspi, Arkalyk, 2013 / / ISBN 978-601-7425-79-1
2. Kazakh-Russian-English dictionary of terms on the history of Kazakhstan// educational reference guide//RCP Arkspi, Arkalyk, 2015 / / ISBN 978-601-7892-30-2
3. Methods of teaching the history of ancient Kazakhstan in secondary schools// training manual / / Arkalyk, 2018 Arkspi publishing house.
4. Updated content of history in the secondary school program / / educational and methodological guide / / Arkalyk, 2019. publishing house of Arkspi
5. Updated history content in the high school curriculum/ / 2019-ISBN 978-601-7654-03-0
Full Name - Konkina Gulbarshin
Position held - PhD in Philosophy Dean of the Faculty of History and Art, Associate Professor of ArkSPI
Disciplines - History of Kazakhstan, political science, philosophy
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) - PhD in Philosophy Dean of the Faculty of History and Art, Associate Professor of ArkSPI
Scientific (academic) title (if available) -
Name of training areas and (or) a specialty – 5В011400 – «History»
Data on professional development and (or) retraining -
1. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2012.
Work experience – 26 years
Work experience in the specialty – 26 years
Number and (name) of scientific article –
1. "Description of Kazakh spirituality from the point of view of the idea of independence "materials of The international scientific and practical conference" heritage of Altai". Mongolia, 2017
2. " dynasty of the epoch and spiritual and psychological qualities “//” Dialogue of two cultures of the East and West through the prism of unity and diversity: the ancient world, the middle ages, the new and Modern times " collection of scientific articles. Almaty, Yekaterinburg, 2017
3. ""Spiritual guidelines in the Kazakh mentality: problems and priorities" / / Institute of philosophy, political science and religious studies Of the Committee of science of the MES RK. Al-Farabi journal of social and humanitarian studies, no. 1 (57) 2017. an article published in the editions included in the Committee's list of ISS MES
4. "the Meaning of the Turkic spiritual tradition" / / international scientific and practical conference" philosophical and socio-humanitarian problems of religion in modern society", Almaty 2017. International and national conference
5. "historical periodization of spirituality of the Kazakh people" / / actual problems of national history and archeology. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Karaganda, 2017
6. international scientific and practical conference "seven facets of the great steppe and current problems of Kazakh philosophy", the article "historical periodization of the spirituality of the Kazakh people" was published by senior teacher R. S. Orazbekova of al-Farabi Kazakh national University, Almaty 2019
7. History is the natural core of the national spirit complex / / L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University faculty of international relations international scientific and practical online conference "Eastern countries in the context of modern international relations: problems and new research requirements" November 13, 2020
8. History and modern development of the new capital of independent Kazakhstan-the city of Nur-Sultan / / Republican scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan-the cradle of the Turkic world". Arkalyk, November 6, 2020
9. Ospankozha Aulie / / Republican scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan-the cradle of the Turkic world". Arkalyk, November 6, 2020
Number and (name) manuals, release date -
1. Sociocultural reality of the modernized national psychology, Arkalyk, 2013. (ISBN 9965-567-98-0)
2. course of lectures "Philosophy", Arkalyk, 2015 (ISBN 978-601-7425-52-4)
3. "Main stages of historical development of sociological science", Arkalyk, 2015 (ISBN 978-601-7425-52-4)
4. Collection of test tasks on the history of Asian and African countries in the Middle ages, Arkalyk, 2015 (ISBN 978-601-7556-57-0)
5. History of the Ancient World, Arkalyk, 2015 (ISBN 978-601-7556-60-0)
6. Philosophy, 2015 (ISBN 978-601-7425-52-4)

Full Name - Laila Baibossyn
Position held - MA, Senior Lecturer
Disciplines: History of Asian and African countries in modern, middle, and modern times.
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) – Master of Humanitarian Sciences
Scientific (academic) title (if available): -
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality - 5В011400 History
Data on professional development and (or) retraining:
1. Training courses on the topic: Innovative technologies and methods of teaching world history. Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. 2012.
2. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2015
Work experience – 17 years
Work experience in the speciality – 17 years
The number and (name) of scientific article:
1. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the leading archaeologist of Central Kazakhstan, Professor of archeology, Ethnology and national history, faculty of history of Karaganda state University named after E. A. Buketov "Actual problems of national history and archeology", formation and development of local history in Kazakhstan. Karaganda, October 20, 2017.
2. the Role of local history in the education of patriotism in school, materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of national history and archeology", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the leading archaeologist of Central Kazakhstan, Professor of archeology, Ethnology and national history, faculty of history of Karaganda state University named after E. A. Buketov zhauymbayev Sygyndyk. Karaganda, October 20, 2017.
3. Some features of the names of lands and waters in the atrikh of the Turgay region, materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "onomastics of a free country-the spiritual heritage of our state". October 20, 2017.
4. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "formation and development of local history in Kazakhstan", "actual problems of national history and archeology", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the leading archaeologist of Central Kazakhstan, Professor of archeology, Ethnology and national history of the historical faculty of Karaganda state University named after E. A. Buketov zhauymbayev Sygyndyk. Karaganda, October 20, 2017.
5.Materials of International scientific-practical conference" the Role of local history in the patriotism education in school"," actual problems of national history and archaeology" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the leading archaeologist of Central Kazakhstan, Professor of archeology, Ethnology and history of historical faculty of the Karaganda state University. E. A. Buketov Zhumbaev Of Segundina. Karaganda, October 20, 2017.
6. "Museum-center for the formation of the history and culture of the region"; materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies" in education in the framework of the "Tulegen readings-2018", "Spiritual revival". (April 12, 2018)
7. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies" in education in the framework of "Tulegen readings-2018", "rukhani zhangyru". (April 12, 2018)
8. This he started to study Dulatovich and Kazakh society. Kazakh history. No. 5, 2018
9. " Turgay region –a sacred place that gave birth to a cluster of blacksmiths//materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Sacred geography of Kazakhstan:problems and prospects of local history " / / April 12, 2019.
10. Life and work of Nazipa Kulzhanova Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local history, international practical conference / / April 12, 2019// Arkalyk.
Number and (name) manuals, release date–
1. Collection of test tasks on the discipline "History of Asian and African countries in the Middle ages", training manual for students of the specialty 5B011400 - "History" 2015-ISBN 978-601-7556-57-0
2. Historiography and data of the history of Kazakhstan in the XIII century / / textbook / / 2017-ISBN 978-601-7947-28-6
3. Methods of teaching the history of ancient Kazakhstan in high school / / textbook / / 2018-ISBN 978-601-7947-29-3
4. Use of visual AIDS in the study of history / / educational and methodological guide / / 2018-ISBN 978-601-7947-31-6
5. Formation of social research competence in the educational environment of a pedagogical University//The collective monograph//2018-ISBN 978-601-4947-323
6. "History of Asian and African countries in the early middle ages" / / training manual / / 2019-ISBN 978-601-7947-59-0
7. "Historical and cultural monuments of the Turgay region" / / illustrated album / / 2019-ISBN 978-601-7947-61-3
8. Collection of test questions on the discipline "local history" / / training manual/ / 2019-ISBN 978-601-7947-61-6

Full Name - Roman Aimagambetuly
Position held - Senior Lecturer
Disciplines - New history of Kazakhstan, Modern history of Kazakhstan.
Scientific (academic) degree (if available)–master of Humanitarion Sciences
Scientific (academic) title (if available) -
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality–5В011400 –«Нistory»
Data on professional development and (or) retraining –
1. "Interactive teaching methods in high school." KazEU KazEU. 21-23.12.2009
2. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2014.
Work experience–36 years
Work experience in the specialty – 27 years
Number and (name) of scientific article –
1. Works Of I. Altynsarin: actual problems of the Kazakh society / / journal of Kazakh history, No. 4, 2017
2. the Meaning and methods of teaching history in the system of 12-year education / / collection of scientific articles by young scientists. The city of Arkalyk, 2017
3. The essence of the works of Myrzhakyp Dulatuli//International electronic scientific journal "Science and business",
No. 1, 2017, Astana.
4. Ways of conducting seminars on the history of Kazakhstan in higher educational institutions through new methods and techniques / / Republican seminar-meeting "innovations in professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher education institutions: experience and prospects". November 30, 2017, Almaty.
5. Value and methods of teaching history in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan / / CURRENT HIGHER EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT: Views and Perspectives Kuanyshbaev Seitbek Bekenovich Eva Smetanova Editors. International collection, 2017, November
6. Karim Toktabayev-public figure/ / "Tolegenov readings-2018" in education within the framework of "rukhani zhangyru" materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies". April 12, 2018
7. Source of the "Alash Movement" and the problem of education.// Kazakh history. No. 4, 2018.
8. Myrzakyp Dulatovich and the Kazakh society. / / Kazakh history. No. 5, 2018.
9. the Role of Abay's works in the revival of spiritual values / / modernization of public consciousness and new Kazakh Humanities materials of the international scientific and practical conference. October 18-19, 2018, Karaganda
10. Socio-political views of Alikhan Bukeikhanov / / Kazakh history. No. 8, 2018
11. Political and legal reform activity of Tauke Khan/ / "trends in the development of science and education in the modern world" materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Ualiev readings-2018", November 23-24, 2018, Ust-Kamenogorsk
12. Revival of religion and national traditions among young people-one of the main priorities of spiritual modernization / / modern and humanitarian science fifth international scientific and practical conference in the framework of the program " rukhani zhangyru
13. Scientific and pedagogical bases of development of theory and methods of teaching the basics of history, law and Economics in the Republic of Kazakhstan// formation of socio-research competence in the educational environment of a pedagogical University. Collective monograph. Arkalyk, 2018.
14. Historical preconditions of introducing Latin script in Kazakhstan / / history of Kazakhstan. No. 10, 2018
15. "Tabay sheshen from the Tora Kipchak tribe" / / materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Altynsarin readings-2019" on the topic "training of competitive pedagogical personnel in the conditions of updating and modernization of the content of education". January 31, 2019 Arkalyk
16. "Historical significance of Torgay monuments" / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference"Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local history". April 12, 2019 Arkalyk
17. "Spiritual revival": problems of national consciousness// collection of scientific papers of scientists of the Altynsarin Arkspi and foreign partner universities. Balka 2019. ISBN 978-601-7947-57-6
18. "Problems of the region on the pages of the Central and local press" // collection of scientific papers of scientists of the Altynsarin Arkspi and foreign partner universities. Beam 2019 ISBN 978-601-7947-57-6
19. Ways to improve the quality of education with the use of critical thinking technology in history lessons / / collection of materials on the results of the international scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings-2020 " on the topic:»Improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual modernization of society". February 7, 2020. Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named After I. Altynsarin-Arkalyk: Arkspi, 2020. P. 761. ISBN 978-601-7947-71-2
20. Features of using game elements in history lessons / / collection of materials on the results of the international scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings-2020 " on the topic:»Improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual modernization of society". February 7, 2020. Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named After I. Altynsarin-Arkalyk: Arkspi, 2020. P. 761. ISBN 978-601-7947-71-2
21. Turgay monuments and their historical significance/ / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference" Tolegen readings-2020 "" modern approaches and actual problems of education and science "(April 10, 2020) S. B. Kuanyshbayev – Arkalyk, Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynasrin, 2020.P. 445. ISBN 978-601-7947-73-6.
Number and (name) manuals, release date–
1. Fundamentals of sociology / / textbook / / Arkalyk: Arkspi 2017. - ISBN 978-601-7892-93-7
2. Collection of test questions on the discipline "modern history of Kazakhstan" (for specialties of groups "education") / / Arkalyk: Arkspi 2018. - ISBN 978-601-7947-26-2
3. auxiliary educational and methodological guide for applicants on world history.December, 2019 / / Arkalyk: Arkspi 2019. ISBN 978-601-7947-44-6
4. Modern history of Kazakhstan. 2019. / / electronic textbook. / / Arkalyk: Arkspi. 2019. ISBN 978-601-7947-45-3
5. historical and cultural monuments of the Turgay region. Illustrated album. 2019 / / Arkalyk: Arkspi. 2019. ISBN 978-601-7947-61-3
6. History Of Kazakhstan. 2020g. / / electronic textbook. / / Arkalyk: Arkspi.2020. 978-601-7947-82-8

Full Name -Turgynbek Boshybayev
Position held - Master of Laws, Senior Lecturer
Disciplines - Constitutional law of Kazakhstan, Labour law of RK Civil law of RK, Maintenance of regulatory legal acts and administration in secondary education
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) - no
Scientific or academic degree and title: Master of Laws
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality - 5B011500- «Basics of Law and Economy»
Data on professional development and (or) retraining -
1. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2013.
Work experience – 22 years
Work experience in the speciality – 22 years
The number and (name) of scientific article -
1. The nature and significance of labor N. A. Nazarbayev "in the flow of history "the title of the article proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference" the Phenomenon of N. And. Nazarbaev: political principles and initiatives" volume 1, Shymkent 2018.
2. The scientific article" career guidance as possibilities of career of students "was published on 4 April 2018 at the regional scientific-practical conference" Development of innovation ecosystems in the" Digital Kazakhstan: problems and prospects".
3. Scientific article "formation of professional competence using new technologies" Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Tolegen readings-2018", "Digital education in education within the framework of Spiritual revival" April 12, 2018.
4. Scientific article "the value of legal education" Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Tolegen readings-2018", "Digital education in education within the framework of rukhani zhangyru" April 12, 2018.
5. Collection of scientific papers of young scientists "norms of Muslim law in Kazakh law" 2018.
6. The court of biys, which preserved the consciousness of the Kazakh nation and served its public life flawlessly. // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital technologies in education: problems and prospects", Arkalyk, October 17, 2018
7. Political and legal reform activities of Tauke Khan.// "Trends in the development of science and education in the modern world ""Valiev readings-2018" international V. V.-Tagir. Conf. mater. collector. - Ust-Kamenogorsk: EKSU named after S. Amanzholov.
8. Fight against corruption in Kazakhstan: legal formation and development// history of Kazakhstan-scientific and methodological journal, No. 9, 2018.
9. Norms of Muslim law in Kazakh law. / / Collection of scientific works of the South Ural state humanitarian and pedagogical University and I. Altynsarin Arkspi-2018.
10. Historical significance of Turgay monuments.// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local lore" on April 12, 2019.
11. "Legal bases of regulation of social activity"/ /(on professional development, retraining / / scientific and methodological journal "Kazakh tarikhy" No. 7, 2019.
12. "Protection of the rights of the child: theoretical and practical aspects "/ / "improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual modernization of society "at the international scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings-2020 " on February 7, 2020
The number and (name) manuals, release date –
1. Practical auxiliary textbook "labor law" 2002.
2."Formation and development of the system of punishment in criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan " - Arkalyk, 2013.
3."Labor disputes and the procedure for their consideration: theory and practice " - Arkalyk, 2016.
4. Law subjects in the collection of tests. // RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2018 ISBN 97.
5. Issues of Labor Law : question and answer. RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2019

Full Name - Baubek Yeleussov
Position held- Senior Lecturer
Speciality: 1992-1996 - Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Altynsarin.
Disciplines: philosophy, medieval history of Kazakhstan, theoretical sources, religious
Scientific or academic degree and title: -
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality - 5В011400 –«Нistory»
Advanced training and (or) internship -
Awards and distinctions: Thank-you letter Rector of Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin.
Data on professional development and (or) retraining –
1. "Interactive teaching methods in high school. Of .L.N.Gumilev ENU" .2010
2. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2015.
Work experience – 19 years
Work experience in the speciality – 19 years
Number and (name) of scientific article:
1. Toponymy of the Turgay country: past, present and future. Department for language development of the akimat of Kostanay region Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov Kostanay October 27 2017 164 p Onomastics of a free country-materials of the spiritual scientific and practical conference of our state
2. Sufi teaching on the Kazakh land: the history of formation and development. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of modern philological research" Ibolim February 23, 2017, Arkalyk Arkspi, 2017-329 p.
3. the Government of Alash Orda as the basis of the state of Kazakhstan. "Tulegenov readings -2018 materials of the scientific and practical conference" Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies "in education in the framework of" rukhani zhangyru " April 12, 2018-378 pages
4. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies" in education within the framework of "RUKHANI ZHANGYRU ""Tolegen readings-2018" fundamentals of Kazakh statehood of the government of Alash Orda
April 12, 2018goda Arkalyk, Arkspi, 2018 p. 591.
5. History of Kazakh-Turkish political, economic and cultural relations in the 90 - ies of the XX century.Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies "in education in the framework of" RUKHANI ZHANGYRU ""Tolegenov readings-2018" April 12, 2018 Arkalyk, Arkspi, 2018 591 p.
6. the Effectiveness of new methods and techniques in small schools in modern conditions.// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Digital technologies in education: problems and prospects". 17казан 2018год, Arki 215бет.
7. the Role of Abai's works in the revival of spiritual values.// Materials of the International scientific and practical conference on the modernization of public consciousness and new Kazakh Humanities 18-19kazan Karsu Karaganda 2018, p. 393
8. from the spiritual world of the great steppe Country to the national idea "Mangilik El".// Materials of the International scientific and practical conference on the modernization of public consciousness and new Kazakh Humanities 18-19kazan Karsu Karaganda 2018, 473 p.
9. Secularism in Kazakhstan as a methodological basis for teaching religious studies. / / Collection of scientific works of scientists of the South Ural state humanitarian and pedagogical University and the Altynsarin Arkspi-2018, Collection of scientific works of scientists of the South Ural state pedagogical University and the Altynsarin Arkspi -2018 113bet.
10. Socio-political views of Alikhan Bukeikhanov.// Kazakh history . scientific and methodological journal No. 8`(165), 2018 41bet.
11. Kazakh history . scientific and methodological journal No. 8`(165), 2018 41bet. / / MODERNITY and HUMANITARIAN SCIENCE. HUMANITIES AND MODERNITY. Materials of the fifth International scientific and practical conference in the framework of the "rukhani zhangyru" program 6-7 December 2018 Almaty, 2018 431 p.
12. Historical and cultural monuments of the Turgay region - as an important value of the project "Sacred Kazakhstan".// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local lore" Arkalyk, April 12, 2019
Number and (name) manuals, release date -3
1. Philosophy tutorial. Intended for students of 5b011400 "education" groups: authors: G. S. Konkina, B. A. Eleusov. Arkalyk: Arkspi, 2015. 315bet
2. Collection of test tasks on the discipline "History of medieval Asia and Africa": educational and methodological guide.- For students of the specialty 5b011400 - "history" / comp.: Philos. K. I. n., associate Professor Konkina G. S., Ph. D., associate Professor Seitkazina K. O., Eleusov B. A., Baibosyn L. S.-Arkalyk:Armpi, 2015. - 57BET ISBN 978-601-7556-57-0
3. fundamentals of worldview the textbook is intended for students of specializations of groups 5b011400 "education": authors: G. S. Konkina, B. A. Eleusov. Beam: Arkgpi, 2016. 395 p. ISBN 978-601-280-830-8

Full Name - Yermanova Aigul
Position held - MA, Senior Lecturer
Disciplines: Methods of teaching history
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) – Master of Humanitarian Sciences
Scientific (academic) title (if available): -
Name of training areas and (or) a specialty - 5В011400 History
Data on professional development and (or) retraining:
1. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2014.
Work experience – 15 years
Work experience in the specialty – 15 years
Number and (name) of scientific article:-
1. Museum-scientific center of the history and culture of the region / / International scientific and practical conference" Actual problems of national history and archeology " Karaganda 2017.
2. the Role of Abai's works in the revival of spiritual values.// Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference on the modernization of public consciousness and new Kazakh Humanities October 18-19 Karsu Karaganda 2018.
3. from the spiritual world of the great steppe Country to the national idea "Mangilik El".// Materials of the International scientific and practical conference on the modernization of public consciousness and new Kazakh Humanities October 18-19, Karsu Karaganda 2018.
4. Secularism in Kazakhstan as a methodological basis of teaching religious studies.// Collection of scientific works of scientists of the South Ural state humanitarian pedagogical University and Arkgpi im.And. Altynsarin-2018, the Collection of scientific works of scientists and Yonggu Arkgpi im. I. Altynsarin-2018.
5. Socio-political views of Alikhan Bukeikhanov.// Scientific and methodological journal of Kazakh history №8 (165),2018.
6. Historical and cultural monuments of the Turgay region as the most important value of the project "Sacred Kazakhstan".// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local lore". 12. April 2019 Arkspi, Arkalyk, 2019
Number and (name) manuals, release date -
1. Visual AIDS for studying the subject History// educational and methodical / / ISBN 978-601-7947-31-6. RBP arkspi 2018
2. Prospects and shadow aspects of the development of culture and cultural and educational work in Kazakhstan in the 20-40s of the XX century// tutorial / / ISBN 978-601-7947-30-9.RBP arkspi 2018 educational and methodological guide for students of the specialty "History" Arkalyk 2018.
3. Methods of teaching the history of ancient Kazakhstan in high school / / textbook / / ISBN 978-601-7947-30-9. / / RBP arkspi 2018. educational and methodological guide for students of the specialty "History" Arkalyk 2018.
4. Updated history content in the high school curriculum/ / 2019-ISBN 978-601-7654-03-0

Full Name - Zharmagambetov Yerbol Yerbaturyly
Position held - Senior lecturer
Disciplines:- Modern history of Kazakhstan, source Studies, History of Independent Kazakhstan, world historiography and source studies, local History
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) -
Scientific or academic degree and title- Master of Laws
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality - 5В011400 – Basics of Law and history
Data on professional development and (or) retraining -
1.ФАО «NCRLS» «Orleu» Republican Institute for Management and the acadimic staff of the education system of Republic Kazakhstan 08.11.2014 y.
Work experience -21 years
Work experience in the speciality -8 years
Number and (name) of scientific article -
1. " business regulation Issues»//Karaganda technical University//Karaganda, June, 2017
2. "Alash", modern historiography of the liberal democratic movement, the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the national Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan are dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Alash movement "Alash-the idea of Kazakh national integrity" and the government of Alash Orda
3. Bright personality of Amangeldy Imanov in the history of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bratislava November 2017,
4. Significance and methods of teaching history in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Modern educational environment of HIGGER: views and Persopects//Editors: Kuanyshbaev Seitbek Bekenovich, Eva smetanova 2017
5. constitutional patriotism, Linguistic, literary and didactic Colloquium XLVI. Bratislava 2018
6. "Abdigappar-ray and hope of the Kazakh people", Jazykovedné, Literarnovedne a didaktike kolokvium XLVII, zborník vedeckých prác a vedeckých študií non-conference reviewed collection of papers, Bratislava 2018
7lovo "Alash" and the problem of education, monthly Republican scientific and methodological magazine "Kazakh tarikhy", No. 4, April 2018
8. Historical background for the introduction of Latin graphics in Kazakhstan. // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference on "DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES in EDUCATION: PROBLEMS and PROSPECTS", Arkalyk, October-2018.
9. Turgay-a sacred place, native land.// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Research in the field of national history of the period of independence".
10. Shakshak Zhanibek is a Great historical figure.// Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference on: "Kazakhstan in the world community of civilization", KSPU, December, 2018.
11. The historical background of the introduction of the Latin alphabet in Kazakhstan.// "History Kazakhstani" is a monthly Republican scientific-methodical journal, January, 2019.
12.Personality came with the Turgay//the sixth international scientific-practical conference, devoted to the 75 anniversary of the Kazakh Academy of sport and tourism / / Almaty, 2020
13. Heritage and lessons of Abai / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Abai Alemi" October 9, 2020
Number and (name) manuals, release date-
1. Modern history of Kazakhstan.// Electronic training manual. Beam: Arkpi. 2019. ISBN 978-601-7947-45-3
2. History of Kazakhstan (course of lectures) / / electronic textbook. 2019- ISBN 978-601-7947-82-8

Full Name - Zhuzbai Nurkanov
Position held - Senior Lecturer
Disciplines - basics of economic theory, government regulation of the economy, finance
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) - Master of Economics
Scientific (academic) title (if available) –
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality – 5B011500 – «Basics of Law and Economy»
Data on professional development and (or) retraining –
1. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2013
Work experience – 33 years
Work experience in the speciality – 23 years
Number and (name) of scientific article – 13
1. Education-the basis of the development process of modern society / / collection of scientific works of young scientists of the Altynsarin state pedagogical University-2017
2. Contribution of the use of new information technologies to the development of the economy / / "Pereslav-Khmelnitsky state pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda" / / Materials of the IX International scientific and practical Internet conference "Humanitarian space of science: experience and prospects" Ukraine, April 10, 2017
3. Development and preservation of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the modern world geopolitical system//Materials of the IX International scientific and practical Internet conference " Humanitarian space of science:experience and prospects" / / state higher education institution " Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky state pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda, may 17, 2017 issue 11-113 pages
4. Problems of business regulation//proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Integration of science, education and production-the basis for the implementation of the national Plan" Part I (Saginovsky readings No. 9) / / Karaganda technical University, Karaganda June, 2017.
5. The importance of prevention of negative behavior among teenagers//»Tolegenov readings-2018 "/ / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies "in education within the framework of" rukhani zhangyru " (April 12, 2018), Arkalyk.
6. Formation of professional competence using new technologies//»Tolegenov readings-2018 "/ / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies "in education within the framework of" rukhani zhangyru " (April 12, 2018), Arkalyk.
7. the Role of new technologies in improving the quality of education/ / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies "in education in the framework of "Tolegen readings-2018", "rukhani zhangyru" (April 12, 2018), Arkalyk.
8. the Use of digital technologies in the education system is a time requirement//materials of the international scientific and practical conference " Digital technologies in education: problems and prospects "(October 17, 2018), Arkalyk.
9. Development of science and technology policy based on innovation is one of the strategic priorities of Kazakhstan//materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local lore" (April 12, 2019), Arkalyk.
10. Socio-economic development of the village and agricultural relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local history" (April 12, 2019), Arkalyk.
11. State support for the development of science in Kazakhstan / / collection of scientific papers of scientists of the I. Altynsarin Arkspi and foreign partner universities-2019, Arkalyk.
12. Problems of formation of economic and financial literacy of schoolchildren / / collection of scientific works of scientists of the Altynsarin state pedagogical Institute And foreign partner universities-2019, Arkalyk.
13. The importance of using of information knowledge and information communication technologies//materials of the International scientific and practical conference " Problems and new guidelines for integration of pedagogical universities and schools in improving the quality of education»//Kostanay state pedagogical University named afterJSC Umirzak Sultangazin, Kostanay, 2020
Number and (name) manuals, release date - 1
1. Fundamentals of economic theory: textbook. Nurkanov zh.K. - Arkalyk: Armpi, 2015. - 216 pages.
Editorial and Publishing Department of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, Arkalyk city, 2015//ISBN 978-601-7556-56-3

Full Name - Orazbekova RozaSundetbekovna
Position held - MA in History, Senior Lecturer
Disciplines–Auxiliary historical disciplines, The recent history of Europe and America
Scientific (academic) degree (if available)–MA in History
Scientific (academic) title (if available) -
Name of training areas and (or) a specialty – 5В011400 – «History»
Data on professional development and (or) retraining -
1. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2014.
Work experience - 15 years
Work experience in the specialty - 15 years
Number and (name) of scientific article –
1.N. A. Nazarbayev – a great figure in world politics / / international scientific and practical conference "the phenomenon of N. A. Nazarbayev: political positions and initiatives". Shymkent (February 16, 2018)
2." problems of development of digital educational resources through management management "//international scientific and practical conference" innovative ways of development of Economics, Management and marketing". Almaty (January 26, 2018)
3." prospects for ensuring sustainable economic growth of Kazakhstan "/ / International Scientific and practical conference" innovative ways of economic, management and marketing development". Almaty (January 26, 2018)
4." history and prospects of development of the education system in Kazakhstan "//" Tulegenov readings - 2018 "International Scientific and Practical Conference" digital education – advanced knowledge and competence "in education within the framework of" Ruhani zhangyru". Arkalyk City (April 12, 2018)
5." the importance of using new information technologies in education "/ / " Tulegenov readings - 2018 "International Scientific and Practical Conference" digital education – advanced knowledge and competence "in education within the framework of" Ruhani zhangyru " Arkalyk (April 12, 2018)
6.Regional Scientific and practical conference on the topic:" opportunities for the use of computer-technical means in teaching history at present "//development of innovative ecosystems in the program" Digital Kazakhstan": problems and prospects". Arkalyk City (April 4, 2018)
7.Regional Scientific and practical conference on the topic:" norms of formation of scientific bases for assessing the educational achievements of students at the moment "/ / development of innovative ecosystems in the program" Digital Kazakhstan: problems and prospects". Arkalyk City (April 4, 2018)
8.International Scientific and practical conference" Economic Education and economic education as a way to modernize the consciousness of society "/ / "problems and prospects of economic and educational development in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution". Almaty (March 20, 2018)
9.New Kazakhstan patriotism – the basis of the idea "Mangilik El" / / international scientific and practical conference "problems and prospects of economic and educational development in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution". Almaty (March 20, 2018)
10." formation of fundamental competencies in the teaching of history "/ / " Tulegenov readings - 2018 "International Scientific and Practical Conference" digital education – advanced knowledge and competence "in education within the framework of" Ruhani zhangyru". Arkalyk City (April 12, 2018)
11.regional scientific and practical conference" problems of rational use of modern pedagogical technologies in history lessons "/ / development of innovative ecosystems in the program" Digital Kazakhstan: problems and prospects". Arkalyk City (April 4, 2018)
12.N. A. Nazarbayev – a great figure in world politics//"Tulegenov readings - 2018" International Scientific and Practical Conference "digital education – advanced knowledge and competence" in education within the framework of "Ruhani zhangyru". Arkalyk City (April 12, 2018)
18.regional scientific and practical conference" scientific foundations of the emergence and formation of Global Ecology "/ / development of innovative ecosystems in the program" Digital Kazakhstan: problems and prospects". Arkalyk City (April 4, 2018)
19." the beginning of innovation - Ruhani zhangyru "/ / Student Conference" Ruhani zhangyru: a look into the future", held at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. Kostanay (April 18, 2018)
20. "N. A. Nazarbayev –" bolashakka bagdar: Rukhani zhangyru" the key to our successful country "/ / Student Conference" Rukhani zhangyru: bolashakka bagdar", held at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Kostanay (April 18, 2018)
21." Ruhani zhangyru – the way to start the Future "/ / Student Conference" Ruhani zhangyru: the course to the future " held at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Kostanay (April 18, 2018)
22." old age and poetic art of Fayzolla Ishan "//Student Conference" Ruhani zhangyru: a look into the future", held at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. Kostanay (April 18, 2018)
23.modernization of public consciousness is the basis for a successful country.// International scientific and practical conference" modernization of public consciousness and new Kazakh humanities". Karaganda (October 18-19, 2018).
24.defining spiritual guidelines in the era of independence in our country.// International scientific and practical conference" modernization of public consciousness and new Kazakh humanities". Karaganda (October 18-19, 2018).
25.specifics of the updated content of Education.// International scientific and Practical Conference" digital technologies in education: problems and prospects". (October 17, 2018).
26. cultural development through the Great Silk Road.// Trilingualism – the basis of competitiveness of the Republican scientific and practical Center Arkalyk (October 17, 2018).
27. Yurta-traditional dwelling of Kazakhs.// Russia, Kemerovsky State University" Science and education: harvesting workers XII international scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kemerovo region and the 80th anniversary of the city of Belovo " 2018
28.global problems in modern world politics.// Modern and humanitarian Sciences the fifth international scientific and practical conference, held within the framework of the program" Ruhani zhangyru". Arkalyk (October 17, 2018).
29.the influence of religious tolerance on the spiritual modernization of society.// Trilingualism – the basis of competitiveness in the Republican scientific and practical Arkalyk City // (October 17, 2018).
30.Satybaldy Ishan's place in history in local history studies.// Trilingualism – the basis of competitiveness in the Republican scientific and practical Arkalyk City// (October 17, 2018).
31.historical foundations of the transition to Latin graphics.// Trilingualism – the basis of competitiveness in the Republican scientific and practical Arkalyk City// (October 17, 2018).
32.competition and tension between major states at the present stage.// Trilingualism – the basis of competitiveness of the Republican scientific and practical Center Arkalyk (October 17, 2018).
33. cultural development through the Great Silk Road.// Trilingualism – the basis of competitiveness in the Republican scientific and practical Arkalyk City // (October 17, 2018).
34. Yurta-traditional dwelling of Kazakhs.// Russia, Kemerovsky State University" Science and education: harvesting workers XII international scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kemerovo region and the 80th anniversary of the city of Belovo " 2018
35.global problems in modern world politics.// Modern and humanitarian Sciences the fifth international scientific and practical conference, held within the framework of the program" Ruhani zhangyru". conference, Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism December 6-7, 2018
36. Keiki batyr.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru" of modern and humanitarian Sciences, Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism
December 6-7,2018
37. modern updated educational program.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.// December 6-7, 2018
38.the idea of Alash is the basis of spiritual values.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.// December 6-7, 2018
39.the influence of religious tolerance on the spiritual modernization of society.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference, held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism. December 6-7,2018
40.formation of an anti-corruption culture. The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program" Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.// December 6-7, 2018
41.the place of the great personality Shakshak zhanibek in history.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.// December 6-7, 2018
42.specifics of using information technologies in modern schools.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.// December 6-7, 2018
43.Elbasy's "bolashakka bagdar: Ruhani zhangyru" is the starting point for the future.// Elbasy's" looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness " is the starting point for the future.// conference, Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.//
December 6-7,2018
44.specifics of innovative technologies in modern education.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism.// December 6-7, 2018
45. Satybaldy Ishan.// The fifth international scientific and practical conference,held within the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru", Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism. // December 6-7, 2018
46.Specifics and importance of Inclusive Education.// International scientific and practical conference" pedagogical innovations as a resource for the development of the modern education system". Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, January 11, 2019
47.The importance of teaching the subject of history of Kazakhstan in the content of updated Education//International Scientific and practical conference"pedagogical innovations as a resource for the development of the modern education system". Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, January 11, 201948. Тарих пәндері бойынша критериалды бағалау - оқу сапасын арттырудың тиімді жолы//«Педагогикалық инновациялар заманауи білім беру жүйесін дамыту ресурсы» халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция. Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік мемлекеттік университеті, 11 қаңтар 2019 жыл
49. The problem of teacher training in modern Small Schools//International Scientific and practical conference"pedagogical innovations as a resource for the development of the modern education system". Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, January 11, 2019
50.Historical periodization of the spirituality of the Kazakh people//International Scientific and Practical Conference"seven facets of the Great Steppe and actual problems of Kazakh philosophy". Almaty, 2019
51.New Kazakhstan patriotism – the core of the idea "Mangilik El"// Republican conference on Youth Policy at Rudny Independent University, 2019.
52.Formation of key competencies in teaching history// Republican conference on Youth Policy at Rudny Independent University, 2019.
53.Stages of historical and cultural development of the Turgai region// Republican conference on Youth Policy at Rudny Independent University, 2019.
54.Small collection new in education in schools// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
55. Formation of key competencies in teaching history to modern youth / / Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019
56.The place of Satybaldy Ishan in the history of modern local history teaching// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
57.Stages of historical and cultural development of the Turgai region// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
58.New Kazakhstan patriotism – the basis of the idea of Mangilik El// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
59.History and prospects of development of the education system in the country// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
60.Development of culture through the Great Silk Road// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
61.Explanation of the concept of religious tolerance for modern youth// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
62.Competition and tension between major states at the present stage// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
63.Historical foundations of the transition to Latin graphics// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
64.Specifics of modern updated education// Almaty University of energy and Communications International Scientific and practical conference Almaty, 2019.
65.Youth organizations - the lever of the future of the country// scientific and practical conference "N. Nazarbayev: the future begins today", Kyzylorda, 2019.
66. Main directions of the European state youth policy / / scientific and practical conference "N. Nazarbayev: the future begins today", Kyzylorda, 2019.
67. "Promotion of the image of Keiki batyr"// scientific and practical conference "N. Nazarbayev: the future begins today", Kyzylorda, 2019.
68.The first writings on Asan Kağı and the realities of the era// international scientific and practical conference "sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local history", Arkspi, April 12, 2019.
69.History of the formation of the German diaspora in the Republic of Kazakhstan// International Scientific and practical conference "sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local history", Arkspi, April 12, 2019.
70.Historical periodization of the spirituality of the Kazakh people// International Scientific and Practical Conference" seven facets of the Great Steppe and actual problems of Kazakh philosophy", Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 2019.
71.History and prospects of the transition to Latin graphics// "improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual renewal of Society" International Scientific and practical conference "Altynsarin readings - 2020" February 7, 2020.
72.Great person, great teacher – Abu-Nasir Al-Farabi//Regional Student Conference"harmony of pedagogical views of great educators with the modern educational process", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev within the framework of the subprogram "Bolashakka bagdar Rukhani zhangyru", "Tarbi Zhane bilim", within the framework of the traditional "KULZHANOVA readings" Arkalyk-2020.
73. Abay and Kazakhstan in the XXI Century// Regional Student Conference "harmony of pedagogical views of great educators with the modern educational process" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev within the framework of the traditional "KULZHANOVA readings" within the framework of the subprogram "bolashakka bagdar Rukhani zhangyru", "Tarbi Zhane bilim"//Arkalyk-2020.
74.Formation of basic competencies in teaching history// collection of scientific works of scientists of Y. Altynsarin Arkspi and partner foreign universities – 2019.
75. Abay-poet, thinker / / international scientific and practical conference" Abay Alemi " Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin October 9, 2020
76. Words of edification of Abay Kunanbayev / / international scientific and practical conference" Abay Alemi " Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin October 9, 2020
77.Prospects for the development of business projects in the context of Public Investment//Karaganda economic University kazpotrebsoyuz international scientific and practical conference"modern trends in the development of Science and education in the context of information globalization" October 16, 2020, Karaganda, 2020.
78. Formation of competence in teaching history / / Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin Republican Conference "Kazakhstan – the cradle of the Turkic World" November 6, 2020
79.Influence on the development of urban culture in Kazakhstan through the Great Silk Road// Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin Republican conference on the topic "Kazakhstan is the cradle of the Turkic World" November 6, 2020.
80.The importance of using new information technologies in education in small schools // Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin Republican conference on the topic "Kazakhstan – the cradle of the Turkic World" November 6, 2020.
Number and (name) manuals, release date -
1.The use of visual aids in teaching history// was considered at the scientific and methodological Council of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin and recommended by the decision of the Academic Council. Protocol No. 11 dated 25.04.2018
2. Updated educational content of history in the secondary school curriculum//2019-ISBN 978-601-7654-03-0

Full name-Oteuli Maksat Serikulu
Position held-Teacher
Disciplines –Modern history of Kazakhstan, Socio-political knowledge module, Philosophy
Academic degree (in the presence of)-Master of History
Academic title (in the presence of)-
Name of areas of training or specialty- 5В011400 – History
Data on professional development and (or) retraining)-
«National center of Excellence «Orleu». Took a course on «Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education institutions within the updated content of education», Kostanay, 2018 year.
Total work experience- 11 years
Work experience in the specialty- 5 years
Number and (name) of scientific article:
1. Vozmezdnyi M. S., Zhumakanova U. K .. Correctly educate your generation, save your homeland/ / scientific and pedagogical journal "BILIM-OBRAZOVANIE-EDUCATION" №10-11 (12-13) October-November 2017-Petropavlovsk.
2. Zarazdny M. S., Eleusov B. A. "Historical and cultural monuments of the Turgay region - as an important value of the project "Sacred Kazakhstan".// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local lore", April 12, 2019. Beam.
3. Zarazdny M. S., Eleusov B. A., Nagizkhan E. the Role and place of culture in the upbringing of the young generation / / improving the quality of education in the conditions of social and spiritual renewal of society "materials of the international scientific and practical conference"Altynsarin readings-2020" February 7, 2020
4. Paid M. S., Of The Eleusa B. A., E. SanatbaevThe era of globalization and contradictions in Kazakh culture//improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual modernization of society "materials of the international scientific and practical conference"Altynsarin readings-2020" February 7, 2020
Number and name of the manuals, release date -
1. Collection of test questions on the discipline "modern history of Kazakhstan" ("for specialties of knowledge groups") training manual: Arkspi 2018. - ISBN 978-601-7947-26-2
Full Name - Gulzada Bizhanova
Position held - MA, Senior Lecturer
Disciplines: History of Kazakhstan, political science, Local history.
Scientific (academic) degree (if available) – Master of juridical Sciences
Scientific (academic) title (if available): -
Name of training areas and (or) a speciality - 5В011400 History
Data on professional development and (or) retraining:
1. "Interactive teaching methods in high school." KazEU KazEU. 21-23.12.2009
2. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2014.
Work experience – 18 years
Work experience in the speciality – 18 years
Number and (name) of scientific article:-
1. Some aspects of personal (civil) and political rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan. // Scientific discussion: innovations in so/?in the temporary world: collection of articles based on the materials of the Lxxi International scientific and practical conference "Scientific discussion: innovations in the modern world". - No. 11 (70). - M., publishing house "Internauka", 2017. - P. 128-134.
2. Fight against corruption in Kazakhstan: legal formation and development. Scientific and methodological journal "Kazakh tarikhy", No. 9 (166), 2018. The magazine is part of the VAK-MVK.
3." CRITERIA-BASED ASSESSMENT IN THE SUBJECTS OF HISTORY - AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO ENHANCE LEARNING ""CRITERION EVALUATION IN THE SUBJECTS OF HISTORY - AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION".// International scientific-practical conference "pedagogical innovations as a resource for the development of the modern education system", Aktobe, 11 Jan 2019.
4. "the IMPORTANCE of TRAINING on the UPDATED CONTENT of EDUCATION". / / Scientific and methodological journal "Kazakh tarikhy". Magazine as part of the IAC-VAK. # 5 (172), 2019
5. "Legal bases of regulation of social activity (on professional development, retraining)" / / scientific and methodological journal "Kazak tarikhy". Magazine as part of the IAC-VAK. # 7 (174), 2019
6. the Essence and content of social activity as a social institution / / collection of scientific papers of scientists of the Altynsarin state pedagogical University And foreign partner universities-2019.
7. Shakshak Zhanibek Tarkhan-a major political figure, statesman/ / Academy of sports and tourism, Almaty. 2019.
8. Museum-the spiritual heritage of the people / / materials Of the international scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings-2020" on the topic "Improving the quality of education in the conditions of social and spiritual modernization of society". February 7, 2020
9. Ancient art of the great Steppe-Kuznechnoe / / materials Of the international scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings-2020" on the topic "Improving the quality of education in the conditions of social and spiritual modernization of society". On 7 February 2020.
10. Social and educational significance of the great Abai's statements about religion in modern society//materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Abai Alemi". Arkalyk, October 9, 2020
11. the Importance of youth education in the fight and prevention of corruption / / sixth international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism, Almaty, may 3-4, 2020
Number and (name) manuals, release date –
1. Methods of teaching the history of ancient Kazakhstan in high school/ / textbook / / publishing house of Arkspi, 2018.
2. Updated content of history in the secondary school program / / educational and methodological guide / / publishing house of the Arkspi, 2019.
3. History of Asian and African countries in the Middle ages / / training manual / / 2019-ISBN 978-601-7947-59-0 / / Arkspi publishing House, 2019.
4. Collection of test questions on the discipline "local history" / / educational and methodological guide/ / 2019-ISBN 978-601-7947-61-6 / / arkspi publishing house, 2019.
5. Features of teaching history in secondary General education / / textbook / / Arkspi Publishing house, 2020.
Full Name - Ilyas Kamidenovich Adilbekov
Position held-teacher
Disciplines – Teaching social subjects in Russian and foreign languages at the Altynsarin state pedagogical Institute. Arkalyk.
Academic degree (in the presence of)-Master of Humanities and Social Sciences
Academic title (in the presence of)-no
Name of training areas and (or) a specialty - 5В011500 History
Advanced training and (or) the internship:
1. Advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Branch of JSC "National Centre of Excellence" Orleu "National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan. 2015
Total work experience- 19 years
Work experience in the specialty- 18 years
Main significant educational and scientific publications:
1. Socio-economic transformation of European universities in the context of the Bologna reform. Scientific and analytical journal "Scientific perspective", No. 6, 2018 Ufa.
2 Soviet education system as an example of effective reforms and competent administration XXVII International scientific conference EUROPEAN RESEARCH: / / collection of articles XXVII International scientific and practical conference.// At 2 p.m. 2. - Penza: ICNS "Science and Education". - 2020. - 210 p. ISBN 978-5-00159-440-6 Part 2 ISBN 978-5-00159-438-3
3. Bologna reform and transformation of academic values of the University Collection of scientific papers of scientists of the South Ural state pedagogical University and the Altynsarin Arkspi. ISBN 978-601-7947-34-7 2018
4.The implementation of the Bologna process in the countries of the former Soviet Union. MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: CURRENT ISSUES, ACHIEVEMENTS and INNOVATIONS: collection of articles of the XII International scientific and practical conference. In 3 hours Part 3. – Penza: MCNS "Science and Education". - 2020. - 220 p. ISBN 978-5-00159-434-5 H. 3 ISBN 978-5-00159-431-4
5. the Bologna process and the transformation of the post-Soviet education system. PEDAGOGY AND MODERN EDUCATION: TRADITIONS, EXPERIENCE and INNOVATIONS: collection of articles of the XI International scientific and practical conference. At 2 p.m. 1. - Penza: ICNS "Science and Education". - 2020. - 224 p. ISBN 978-5-00159-428-4 Part 1 ISBN 978-5-00159-427-7
6. Innovative ideas of A. S. Makarenko and ideas of Europeanization of the education system. PEDAGOGICAL HERITAGE of A. S. MAKARENKO AND MODERN EDUCATION: TRADITIONS, EXPERIENCE, INNOVATIONS: collection of articles of the International scientific and practical conference. - Penza: ICNS "Science and Education". - 2020. - 70 p. ISBN 978-5-00159-442-0
7. European reforms in the education system and cultural values of Eurasianism. SCIENCE and EDUCATION: PRESERVING the PAST, CREATING the FUTURE: collection of articles of the XXVIII International scientific and practical conference. At 2 p.m. 2. - Penza: ICNS "Science and Education". - 2020. - 178 p. ISBN 978-5-00159-446-8 Part 2 ISBN 978-5-00159-444-4
Number of learning books and date of edition - The Bologna process and problems of harmonization and transformation of University systems in post-Soviet countries, Arkalyk K, 2015. (ISBN 978-601-7556-96-9)