Harmonisation of the content of educational programs with the educational programs of the leading Kazakh universities

Harmonization of the content of educational programs with the educational programs of leading Kazakhstani universities
Comparative analysis of educational programs

In order to improve the quality of implementation of educational programs of the Department of history of Kazakhstan, law and fundamentals of Economics 6В01601 - history, 6В01602-fundamentals of law and Economics, a comparative analysis of the harmonization of the content of the OP among Kazakh universities that occupy leading positions in national rankings of bachelor's degree programs is carried out on an ongoing basis. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that OP 6В01601-history, 6В01602-fundamentals of law and Economics, will be coordinated with the OP of leading Kazakh universities for admission in 2020. The contents of OP in General is determined in accordance with state educational standards of higher education approved by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 31, 2018 No. 604 and compare basic and specialized subjects and academic disciplines component of choice of other areas conducted in the EIS.
The results of the study of coordination of the content of the OP, 6b01602-history, 6B01602-fundamentals of law and Economics, between the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University, Kostanay pedagogical University, and the Kazakh state women's pedagogical University revealed the following:
- all higher education institutions are based on a single structure of higher education programs;
- there are small differences between the subjects taught, depending on the choice;
- there are mutually agreed items.

ArkPI them.

Y. Altynsarin

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Kostanay State Pedagogical University

Kazakh state women's Pedagogical University

ЕР 6В01601 «History»

History of the ancient East and antiquity

History of the ancient East and antiquity

History of the ancient East and antiquity

Ancient history

History of ancient Kazakhstan

History of ancient Kazakhstan

Ancient history of Kazakhstan

Ancient history of Kazakhstan

New history of Kazakhstan

New history of Kazakhstan

New history of Kazakhstan

New and modern history of Kazakhstan (mid-XVII century-beginning TWENTY-first century.)

ЕР 6В01602  «Fundamentals of law and Economics»

Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Constitutional and administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Economics of enterprise

Fundamentals of Economics and business

Economics of enterprise

 Fundamentals of Economics and entrepreneurship


Finance, money circulation and credit


Fundamentals of Finance and financial literacy


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