Uspanova Venera Zhumabaikyzy
Full name – Uspanova Venera Zhumabaikyzy
Position - teacher
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87014733296
Teaching disciplines – Physics, Optics
Academic degree – master
Academic status – no
Name of specialty – 5В011000- physics
Qualification, professional retraining – no
length of service – 5 years
length of service on specialty – 5 years
Number of scientific works (name) – international – 3, VAK – 1, national – 5, regional – 1
1. Физикадан сапалы білім берудің өзекті мәселелері. " The modern system of education : preparation of the future" "read Tulegenov 2014 "Republican scientific - practical conference - Arkalyk , then Altynsarin ArkGPI, 2014 – 504-508 p.p.
2. Сапалы білім берудегі оқытудың жаңа технологиясы. 80 -year-old Semipalatinsk teacher training anniversary "Development vectors modern pedagogical education of Kazakhstan" in the international scientific - practical conference - Vatican City , named after Shakarim, 2014 – 201-205 б.б.
3. Mektep kursynda physicist Bohr postulattaryn Sapaly oқytudyң Zholdary. The scientific journal Bulletin of ENU. LNGumilev, I part, №4 (101) - Astana, 2014 - page 294-298
4. Mektepte atomdyқ physics bөlіmіnen Sapaly Bilim berude esepter shyғarudyң maңyzdylyғy. Content XII International scientific and practical Internet-conference "Problems and prospects of development of science at the beginning of the third millennium in Europe and Asia" Part 2 - Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, 2015. - S.146-148
5. Мектепте атомдық физика бөлімін сапалы оқытудың жаңаша технологиялық жолдары.
"Innovative trends in education" , "read Tulegenov 2015 "Republican scientific - practical conference of Arkalyk , the Altynsarin ArkMPI, 2015–103-108 p.p.
6. Физиканы оқытуда білім алушыларға экологиялық білім бере отырып құзыреттілігін дамыту. «READING Tulegenov», «Modern development of research competence of students in educational process» Republican scientific - practical conference. Arkalyk. February 25, 2016.
7. Физика пәнінен кейбір есептерді шешу әдістері. «READING Tulegenov», «Modern development of research competence of students in educational process» Republican scientific - practical conference. Arkalyk. February 25, 2016.
8. Физикалық білім беру мазмұнының сапасын арттыруда жаңа ақпараттық технологиялардың маңызы. International scientific – practical conference young scientists, masters, students and schoolchildren «Satpayev readings ХҮІ». Tom 23. Pavlodar 2016 y.