Research directions

Direction of research work of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports:
"Research activity in the process of physical education"
The purpose of the research work of the department:
Organization of scientific work of students and teachers using modern methods.
The tasks of the research work of the department:
1. Forming the skills of research work of teachers of the department in the education system.
2. Assisting the students in their research and development.
3. Improvement of the research work of the department with the help of innovative technologies.
4. Participation of teaching staff and students in scientific and practical conferences of various levels.

Scientific directions of the professorial teaching staff of the department
of Physical Culture and Sports

Surname, name of lecturer

Name of scientific directions


Senior lecturer
Beisenbaev S.K.

Importance of enhancing the competence of national sports games in future educators

Senior teacher
Togelenov T.

Importance of improving the competence of sports games in future teachers

Senior lecturer Rakhimova Zh.Sh

Psychological training of athletes

Senior lecturer Yershatov K.B.

Investigation of the methodological basis of physical education

Senior lecturer Konysbaev K.B.

Ways of improving physical culture in the formation of social competence of specialists in the methodology of playing volleyball

Senior lecturer Abilkhairov O.E.

Investigation of the physical development of athletes


Senior lecturer D.Kultanov

Research of the development of the athlete’s strength abilities

Senior lecturer
Rassulov S.M.

Modern content, forms and methods of training students of physical culture and sports in the process of vocational training

Senior lecturer
Koshanov N.

Pedagogical ways of increasing the interest of young children to football



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502