Zhiyenbai Sandugash Baurzhankyzy
FULL NAME: Zhiyenbai Sandugash Baurzhankyzy
Current position: senior lecturer
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Contact number: 87028832980
Teaching disciplines: Evolutionary doctrine, Biology of plants and animals, Biology of animals, Methods of teaching biology of updated content, Microbiology and biotechnology
Academic degree: Master in Geoecology and Nature Management
Name of the training direction (educational program): 6В01505-Biology, 6В01510-Chemistry-biology, 6В01512-Biology-geography
Data on professional development and retraining:
2018 - Course on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train pedagogical personnel in the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, CPE "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Almaty
2018 - English course for training in connection with the renewal of secondary education, KazNTU named after K. Satpayev, Almaty
2014 - Course under the advanced training program for teachers of pedagogical specialties in the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu", Almaty
Total work experience: 17 years
Work experience in the specialty: 17 years
Number and title of scientific publications: 12
Main scientific publications:
1. Amirov M. S., Ermekbaeva A. T., Erkin A., Zhienbay S. B. biological and ecological features of the family BOIDAE. II international scientific and practical conference "Ecology and conservation of biodiversity". Almaty, October 23-24, 2019, pp. 385-388.
2. Formation of the ESD system. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Foreign and domestic experience of formation of education for sustainable development". Astana, "Turan-Astana" University, 2018
3. Effectiveness of teaching biology students in small groups. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Tulegen readings-2018 "on the topic" Digital education-advanced knowledge and competencies" in education within the framework of "Spiritual revival". Arched, April 12, 2018
4. Influence of environmental factors on the development of storage forms and types of mushrooms from the fields. Bulletin of al-Farabi Kazakh national University / Ecology Series. - Almaty, 2018. - P. 5-11.
5. Zhienbay S. B., Dosmagulova K. K., Yesilbaeva A. Kh., Khamit A. G. Introduction of content elements in the education system by training for sustainable development of the Arkalyk district. XXX international scientific and practical Internet conference "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization". Ukraine, 2017
Number and name of teaching aids:
1. Yermekbaeva A. T., Zhienbay S. B., Amirov M. S. Molecular Biology. - Arkalyk, 2018.
2. Yermekbaeva A. T., Zhienbay S. B., Amirov M. S. evolutionary teaching/electronic textbook. - Arkalyk, 2018.
3. Kurmanbaeva A. B., in Particular, S. B. Zhumagalieva B. collection of tests in biology. - Arkalyk, Arkspi, 2013. - 296 p.