Information about the results of the implementation of the higher educational institution's strategic plan
Post-accreditation monitoring of the activities of the I.Altynsarin Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute was carried out within the framework of the action plan for implementing the recommendations of the EEC and was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the regulations on post-accreditation monitoring.
Based on the results of institutional accreditation, an external expert Commission formed 50 recommendations for improving the University's activities and educational programs. To implement the recommendations, the Institute developed a roadmap for 2017-2021.
The results of the planned activities of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography for 2018-2020 are as follows:
Standard "Strategic development and quality assurance"
According to the recommendation "Involve the pedagogical community of the region, students and other interested persons in the discussion and formation of the mission, strategic goals and objectives of the University"
Every year, at the meetings of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography, the implementation of measures for the strategic development plan of the Arkalyk pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin for 2017-2021 was discussed (Protocol No. 1 of 27.08.2019; Protocol No. 3 of 04.10.2019), the Report on planned work for 2019 is considered at the meeting of the Department of 08.01.2020, Protocol No. 6.
Senior lecturer of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography Boltirik M. published an article "Mamandyk tandau-bolashakka Bastar Zhol" in the city weekly newspaper "Arkalyk Khabary", No. 14 (757) (12.04.2019).
Achievements, news, and information about the work performed in accordance with the strategic development plan of the I.Altynsarin Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute for 2017-2021 are also published in social networks Instagram, Facebook, Twitter accounts of the Institute.
The Department of chemistry, biology and geography has an Instagram channel kafedra_hbg, where explanatory work is conducted, feedback from students and achievements of the Department are published.
In September, October and January of each academic year, students enrolled in the educational programs of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography discuss the strategic objectives and directions of development of the University for 2017-2021, determine the necessary positions and qualities of future teachers. In the 2019-2020 academic year, students of the Department organized and conducted an educational hour on the theme "Mission-the key to social development".
In order to implement the recommendation "Provide alternative plans for achieving strategic goals in case of anticipated risks»
Every year, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography recommends teaching staff for targeted training in doctoral studies. For example, for the 2018-2019 academic year, 2 places were received for doctoral studies in OP 6B01505-Biology and OP 6B01506-Geography, and 2 teachers are trained in the doctoral program at Abai KazNPU: A. Kaldarbekova (OP "Biology") and S. Kalkashev (OP"Geography"). Also, for the 2019-2020 academic year, the Department recommended 2 teachers of the OP "Geography" for admission to the target doctoral program (1 place was obtained), but due to the lack of an IELTS certificate and the required level of English language proficiency, applicants did not apply for a doctoral program at KazNPU named after Abay. Only in the 2019-2020 academic year, due to the successful completion of the English language (Duo), teacher salimzhanov N. O. entered the doctoral program in the specialty "Geography" at Abai KazNPU.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography from 01.09.2020 accepted Tasbulatova G. S., a graduate of the 2020 PhD doctoral program in the specialty 6D060700-Biology of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU.
Standard ''Management and management’’
According to the recommendation "Improve the system of informing decisions of collective management bodies of all interested parties: students and their parents, teaching staff, employers".
Regularly at the meetings of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography, a Protocol discussion of the decisions of the rector's Office and the Academic Council is held in order to inform the faculty and implement solutions to achieve the goals and plans of the Institute. At the meeting of the Department dated 4.12.2019 (Protocol No. 5), the issues of replenishment of the electronic resource and placement of video lectures in the Youtube channel of the Institute were considered.on February 6, 2019, the Department decided to implement elective courses aimed at developing the digital competence of students: computer chemistry, bioinformatics and Biophysics, fundamentals of Geoinformatics and ICT in inclusive education in the OP for admission in 2019 (Protocol No. 7).
Every academic year, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography invites employers – teachers and principals of secondary schools in Arkalyk to a meeting of the Department to discuss the implementation of educational programs 6B01504-Chemistry, 6B01505-Biology, 6B01506-Geography, 6B01510-Chemistry-Biology, 6B01511-Geography-History, 6B01512-Biology-Geography. On January 9, 2020, the following teachers took part in the regular meeting of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography: Tasmagambetova Almagul Galimzhanovna, chemistry teacher of the Y. Altynsarin gymnasium, Nurtazina Khaliya Seifulovna, biology teacher of secondary school No. 6, zhumagulova Tolganay Serikovna, geography teacher of secondary school No. 1 named after sh.Ualikhanov, Taskozhin Kairat and Director of secondary school No. 2, teacher-researcher of geography Zainullin Murat rauilovich.
Senior lecturer of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography Boltirik M. published an article "Mamandyk tandau-bolashakka Bastar Zhol" in the city weekly newspaper "Arkalyk Khabary", No. 14 (757) (12.04.2019), which examines the achievements of graduates and students of educational programs of the Department OP 6B01504-Chemistry, OP 6B01505-Biology and OP 6B01506-Geography.
According to the recommendation "To work more actively to identify the degree of satisfaction of employers with the programs implemented at the University".
The Department of chemistry, biology and geography conducted a survey among teachers and principals of secondary school No. 1 named after sh. Ualikhanov, secondary school No. 3 named after B. Maylin, secondary school No. 4, secondary school No. 5 named after M. Auezov and secondary school No. 6 to determine employers ' satisfaction with the level of knowledge, competence and demand in the labor market in the period from 29.10.18 to 05.11.18. The results of the survey were discussed at the meeting of the Department (Protocol No. 4 of 07.11.2018) to assess the current state of the OP, the weaknesses and strengths of the educational process, and they were prerequisites for planning the development of the OP for the next academic year. According to the results of the survey, the opinion of school leaders is as follows:
- Currently, the provision of schools with qualified personnel at a good level
- recruitment of specialists is carried out both directly during the interview and through job fairs;
- The dynamics of the school community in the next 5 years, there has been significant growth in work;
- the quality of knowledge of Arkspi graduates is rated as "good" (80%);
- specialists of Arkspi have high professional training in comparison with other universities (80%).%);
- Expected results from graduates of the Institute: General theoretical education (33%), specialists who know modern teaching methods (27%) and have practical skills (20%) ;
- in General, it is important for specialists to have the qualities of responsibility (33%), creative thinking (27%) and professional interest (20%).
- the lack of specialists leading classes in Russian classes, specialists in biology, geography, chemistry, etc. was revealed.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, a survey was conducted in schools No. 10, No. 6, No. 4 and the I. Altynsarin gymnasium in Arkalyk, as well as in some schools of the Akmola region in March 2020 to study the opinion of subject teachers on satisfaction with graduates of The new generation of the I. Altynsarin state pedagogical Institute in the system of updated secondary education content. The results of the survey are as follows (Protocol No. 8 of 04.03.2020): currently, the provision of educational institutions with qualified teachers is at a good level. Assessment of the level of graduates ' mastery of teaching methods and principles in the updated content of education showed the following results:
- style of writing a lesson plan and teaching-100%;
- teaching according to the updated content of secondary education-80%;
- preference for traditional teaching methods-51.7%;
- ability to use information technology in the classroom - 86.2 %.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the majority of graduates possess a system of communication work, understand the principles of the new curriculum, but there is an incomplete development of the assessment system. In other words, difficulties were identified in the organization of formative and summative assessment. Most teachers are able to use the methods of the updated program of the education system, but still use elements of traditional training.
Standard "Educational programs’’
According to the recommendation "Step up activities to attract employers to the development and implementation of educational programs"
In the 2019-2020 academic year, the regular meeting of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography (Protocol No. 6 of 09.01.2020) discussed the implementation and development of educational programs for admission by 2020 with the participation of a working group of an external expert group. At the meeting of the Department as members of the external examination was attended by the following teachers of secondary schools in Arkalyka: chemistry teacher of the Y. Altynsarin gymnasium Tasmagambetova Almagul Galimzhanovna, biology teacher of secondary school-gymnasium No. 6 Nurtazina Khaliya Seifulovna, geography teacher of secondary school No. 1 named after sh. Ualikhanov zhumagulova Tolganay Serikovna, biology teacher Taskozhin Kairat, school Director, geography teacher of secondary school No. 2 Zainullin Murat Rauilovich.
In connection with the updating of the content of the secondary education system in Kazakhstan, school teachers considered issues related to determining the content of educational programs and the expected results of training future young professional teachers. According to the recommendations of the working group members, such issues as the preparation of tasks for SOR and SOC on bloom's taxonomy, the development of modern information technologies, the formation of environmental competence in the content of disciplines in all educational programs of the Department 6B01504-Chemistry, 6B01505-Biology, 6B01506-Geography, 6B01510-Chemistry-Biology, 6B01511-Geography-History, 6B01512-Biology-Geography were introduced.
According to the working group on the development of educational programs, assessment of the quality of education, it was determined that the process of implementing educational programs at the Department is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the content of the secondary education system.
The Department of chemistry, biology and geography regularly publishes on the Institute's website information about the implementation of the OP "Biology", OP" Geography "and OP" Chemistry " to inform employers. The main educational and educational, research activities, according to the plan of the Department is notified on the website in a timely manner, as well as institutional, faculty and Cathedral open classes, developed new educational programs, development plans of the OP, reports on the development plan of the OP. Achievements of the Department's teaching staff in the form of a portfolio is updated annually at the beginning of a new academic year.
In order to implement the recommendation "To work on improving the academic calendar, the timing of all types of practices; to consider the possibility of introducing elements of dual education"
All types of practices are reflected in educational programs and working training programs. The schedule of all types of practices in educational programs is discussed annually at the meeting of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography.
In order to implement the Strategic plan of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 "State program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019", "National Plan - 100 concrete steps for the implementation of Five institutional reforms", dual education is carried out at the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named After I. Altynsarin.
In 2018-2019 school year on the basis of bilateral cooperation agreements for the implementation of the dual training between the institution and the organization of education, by order of the Institute from 10 September 2018 No. 340, dated September 25, 2018 No. 375 November 26, 2018 No. 481, from September to November 2019 6 students completed dual training in educational institutions (table 1).
Table-1. List of students who received dual education for the 2018-2019 academic year
Name of educational institutions
№ order's
Student's full name
EP 5B011200-Chemistry
Akmola region, Zharkain district, Tashkentskaya OSH
№340 of 10.09.18
Kenzhegali Akgul
Kostanay region, Amangeldinsky district, Zhana Auyl village school
№340 оf 10.09.18
Jarkeeva Aidana
Arkalyk city, Tselinny village SOSH
№481 of 26.11.18
Nasukha Asylzat
Kostanay region, Karasu R-n, s. Komsomolskoe, Ilioska school
№375 оf 25.09.18
Arystan Zana
EP 5B011300-Biology
Akmola region, Zharkain district
№340 оf 10.09.18
Izbasar Aidana
Kostanay region. Of Naurzum district, Razdolnensky high school
№340 оf 10.09.18
Abasov Urazaly
In the 2019-2020 academic year, by order of the Institute No. 279 dated October 1, 2019, from the beginning of the academic year, 12 students completed dual training in educational organizations (table 2).
Table-2. List of students who received dual education for the 2019-2020 academic year
The name of the educational institution
№ order's
Student's full name
EP 5B011200-Chemistry
Kostanay region. Naurzum district, Karamendy Village, Zhambyl school
№279 of 1.10.19
Zholdas Ayakoz Amankeldievna
Akmola region, Zharkain district, Nakhimov school
№279 оf 1.10.19
Abdrakhman Laura Batyrovna
Akmola region, Zharkain district, village Tasotkel, Tashkentskaya school
№279 of 1.10.19
Tenizova Shynarai Myrzakeldievna
Karaganda region. Ulytau district, Tersakkan village, Tersakkan school No. 9
№279 оf 1.10.19
Esbolat Asel Esbolatovna
Akmola region. Ereymentau R-n
Oleninsky school
№279 оf 1.10.19
Raiymbekova Dilnoza Shuhratovna
Akmola region. Ereymentau R-n
Oleninsky school
№279 оf 1.10.19
Khudaybergenova Mamura Shakirbekovna
EP 5B011300-Biology
Kostanay region. Naurzum R-n, s. SS, Solociccia school
№279 оf 1.10.19
Sovet Shungyskhan
Kostanay region. Naurzum R-n, Allerbeste S. O., village Kalkanis, A. Nurmanov school
№279 оf 1.10.19
Satay Madina Karsakbaevna
Karaganda region. Ulytau district, Tersakkan village, Tersakkan school No. 9
№279 оf 1.10.19
Omirkhanova Symbat Bolatbekovna
Akmola region, Yerementau,
Secondary school №4
№279 оf 1.10.19
Misurova Diana Daurenovna
EP 5B011600-Geography
Kostanay oblast Amangeldy R-N. C. Baygabyl, S. Nurimanovsky school
№279 оf 1.10.19
Zharylkasyn Togzhan Myrzakasymovna
Arkalyk city, Tselinny village SOSH
№279 оf 1.10.19
Adilbay Turar
Monitoring of the implementation of the principles of dual education for the last 3 reporting academic years is shown in figure 1.according to the data shown in Figure -1, there is an annual increase in students enrolled in dual education.

Figure 1. Monitoring the number of students enrolled in dual education
According to the recommendation "Review the list of elective subjects in accordance with the logic and sequence of development of professional competencies in a particular specialty"
Every year, the catalog of elective subjects is updated taking into account the recommendations of employers when developing educational programs 6B01504-Chemistry, 6B01505-Biology, 6B01506-Geography (table 3).
Table 3. information about updating the content of educational programs
Educational program
Name of elective courses
2018-2019 academic year (Protocol No. 7 of 06.02.2019)
1. The structure of the substance
2. Organization of a chemical experiment using the design method
3.Green chemistry and engineering
1. Biophysics and bioinformatics
2. Methods of conducting a biological experiment and solving problems
3.Methods of teaching biological processes
1. Fundamentals of Geoinformatics
2. Methods of conducting geographical research and solving problems
3.Methods of teaching natural science
2019-2020 academic year (Protocol No. 7 of 05.02.2020)
Inorganic and organic synthesis
Social geography
Neutral geography of Kazakhstan
In order to implement the recommendation "Introduce a system of additional education taking into account the requirements of the regional labor market, including the features of the MCS"
Regional Center "BILIM" Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarina organized a course to improve the qualification of teachers of schools and colleges of Arkalyk Kostanay region on the topic: "using the CLIL method in trilingual educational programs in teaching natural sciences" from 21.01.2019 to 02.02.2019 G. (lecturer-PhD KORAZBEKOVA K. U.)
In order to introduce the system of additional education, taking into account the requirements of the regional labor market, including the specifics of MCS, the introduction of teaching methods for the teaching staff of MCs on the topic " methodology for conducting integrated classes in Chemistry and biology»
Standard "Student-Centered learning, teaching and assessment of academic performance"
According to the recommendation "Improve the feedback system on the use of various teaching methods and knowledge control"
Students' knowledge is monitored via a social network, i.e. tasks are sent, assessment and monitoring of the SRS is constantly carried out by the Department's teachers (email, VK, You Tube, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram).
News and achievements of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography are actively published in social networks, for example, in Instagram-kafedra_hbg and feedback is made with students. There is a PLATONUS system for corporate communication . It implements such functions as sending mass mailings of messages to students and faculty, notifying students and teachers with ads. Since 2020, in connection with the transition to distance learning, the "Task" module has been connected for the exchange of tasks for intermediate, mid-term and current control and feedback.
In the training process were introduced the learning and methodological recommendations "Chemistry and biology boiynsha kerchen Saba tcsu dememes and Biologian oitda Damita oito technologiesin aldana" in 2018.
The developed video lessons of the faculty of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography are posted on the YouTube channel of the Institute according to the schedule. Information about written video lectures for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years is shown in table 4.
Table 4. Prepared video lectures at the Department of chemistry, biology and geography
2018-2019 academic year
Физикалық химия
Химиялық термодинамика
Senior lecturer, master Hamit A. Zh.
Химиялық термодинамиканың заңдары
Химиялық процестердің бағыттары
Ерітінділердің жалпы сипаттамасы
Химиялық кинетика
Senior lecturer, master Dosmagulova K. K.
Химиялық және фазааралық тепе-теңдік
Беттік құбылыстар. Адсорбция.
Электрохимия негіздері
Адам анатомиясы
Тәнтану, міндеттері
Senior lecturer, master Amirov M. S.
Сүйектер туралы ілім
Бұлшықеттер физиологиясы
Senior lecturer, PhD Ermekbayeva A. T.
Бұлшықеттер түрлері, қызметті
Тыныс алу физиологиясы
Senior lecturer, master Jienbai S. B.
Ішкі секреция бездері. Гормондар.
Қан айналым
Senior lecturer, PhD Korazbekova K. U.
Жүректің құрылысы, қызметі
Қазақстанның физикалық географиясы
Қазақстанның географиялық орны
Senior lecturer
Boltirik M. S.
Қазақстанның географиялық құрылысы
Қазақстанның климаты
Senior lecturer
Nurkhanov M. A
Қазақстанның ішкі сулары
Қазақстанның флорасы мен фаунасы
Senior lecturer, master Balykbaeva G.
Қазақстанның табиғи зоналары
Қазақстан территориясының физикалық-географиялық аудандастырылуы
Senior lecturer, master Imankulov K. E.
2019-2020 academic year
Өсімдіктер әлемінің пайда болуы және дамуы
Senior lecturer, master Amirov M. S.
Өркен және өркендер жүйесі
Өсімдіктердің вегетативтік мүшелері
Senior lecturer, PhD Ermekbayeva A. T.
Гүл және жеміс
Клетка туралы ілім
Senior lecturer, master Jienbai S. B.
Өсімдіктердің экологиялық топтары және тіршілік формалары
Өсімдік ұлпалары
Senior lecturer, PhD Korazbekova K. U.
Ұрық пен өскін гүлді өсімдіктер онтогенезін бастапқы кезеңі
Senior lecturer, master Kemelbaeva A. K
Сабақтың анатомиялық құрылысы
Химиялық технология
Химиялық өндірістердің маңызы мен дамуы
Senior lecturer, master Nurkenova A.D.
Химиялық өндірістердің шикізаты
Химиялық өндірістердегі судың алатын орны және суды тазалау
Отынды химиялық өңдеу
Senior lecturer, master Dosmagulova K. K.
Байланысқан азот технологиясы
Минералды тыңайтқыштар өндірісі
Үлкен молекулалы қосылыстар технологиясы
Казақстанның экономикалық және әлеуметтік
Қазақстанның металлургия және машина жасау өнеркәсібі
senior lecturer
Boltirik M. Y.
Қазақстан Республикасының экономикалық географиялық жағдайы және табиғи ресурстары
Senior teacher Nurkhanov M. A.
Қазақстанның химия және құрылыс материалдары өнеркәсібі
Senior lecturer, master Balykbaeva G..
Қазақстанның агроөнеркәсіптік кешені. Тамақ және жеңіл өнеркәсіп салалары
Senior lecturer, master Imankulov K. E.
Қазақстанныңотын- энергетикалық кешені
senior lecturer Baigukin G. T.
Қазақстанның көлік кешені және аумақтық- өндірістік байланыстары
Salimzhanov N. O.
According to the recommendation "To work on further improvement of the content of education, learning technologies in the context of the development of functional literacy and critical thinking of students"
On April 9, 2019, a webinar (online seminar) was held using proprietary Skype software on topical issues of teaching in universities in connection with the update of the content of education in the country on the topic "Kazirgi Bilim Beru salasyndagy okytudyn ozekti maseleri" with universities in Kazakhstan. The webinar was attended by the teaching staff of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography and methodologists, teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students and methodologists of Abai KazNPU (Almaty) and SKSPU (Shymkent). On the online seminar on behalf of the Department were PhD Korazbekova K. U. and T. A. Ermekbaeva on "Chemistry, biology pnder ailrine timd oito Zholdary". Also, from KazNPU Ph. D., associate Professor Zhumagulov K. A. shared their views on the theme "Future Maman daiundoukai sect of", candidate of pedagogic Sciences, associate Professor Karabaev S. S. has acted with the report "Oito glera the new tadapter" and discussed the theme "Chemistry PNN guartela Badalona boiynsha outway ditemelo erektiler" Rapporteur Ph. D., associate Professor Z. U. anarbaeva the Next side of the webinar on behalf UCHPU, candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor Khalikov G. S. online presented his report on "bloom taxonomies boiynsha elitestroy balau tavsirlari kurastyru Zholdary".
The Department of chemistry, biology and geography held an annual online competition among 4th-year students of the OP "Biology", OP" Geography "and OP" Chemistry "on the theme"Enbek zholyn sattilik, Bolashak Maman". The contest was held online in the temporarily created web-platform file-exchanger ( during the period from February 11 to April 10, 2019 during the internship of 4th-year students. All students were registered in the platform, a total of 48 students, each with their own username and password to log in. According to the contest regulations, participants uploaded their open video tutorials, best short-term plans, and portfolios. The aim of the competition is to develop the pedagogical skills of young trainees, show love for their profession, and encourage and support future teachers. In the 2018-2019 academic year, the following student interns were awarded by the decision of the competition Commission: under OP "Geography", nomination "uzdik A Saba Gaspari" student Alydar Begaiym Kagiraneza, nomination "uzdik A portfolio" Omirtai Korkem Calability, under OP "Chemistry" was awarded the nomination "uzdik A Saba Gaspari" the student Kamalchari Nargis Nullibicity, nomination "uzdik A ashy Saba" Orynova Amin Abuovna, nomination "uzdik A portfolio" Nauryzbek Connor Naurazbekova. According to the OP "Biology", the nomination" EN uzdik portfolio " was awarded to the student Zhundibay zhaina Turgankyzy.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, 4th-year students were awarded according to the results of the competition "Enbek zholyn sattilik, Bolashak Maman"
Full name of students
Educational program
I degree diploma «For the best work»
Shaikgali Altynay
Amanzholova Altynay
Abdikayim Ulzhalgas
«The best class hour»:
Raiymbekova Dilnoza
Yerasyl Zhansaya
Berdaly Laura
«Best lesson plan»:
Abdrakhman Laura
Misurova Diana
«The best open lesson»:
Khudaybergenova Mamura
Orynbasar Aida
Ospanova Aizat
«Best extracurricular activity»:
Seilkhanova Aigerim
«The best summative assessment»:
Bulat Mendykol
Standard "Students"
In order to implement the recommendation "Develop and implement measures to attract a contingent of students, taking into account the expansion of geography"
In order to attract a contingent of students in the educational programs "Chemistry", "Biology" and "Geography", online presentations are held annually in April in the districts of Akmola, West Kazakhstan and Kostanay regions together with graduates of Arkspi. Due to the fact that the Internet of district schools is not suitable for online presentations, the following graduates annually present videos about the Department of chemistry, biology and geography, presentations and booklets.
1. Orynbay Turaly Orynbayuly graduated from the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named After I. Altynsarin in 2017 with a degree IN 5b011600-Geography. Currently, he works at the Sapar yergaliev secondary school of the education Department of the Taranovsky district akimat of Kostanay region. On April 17, 2019, Arkspi held a campaign presentation for schoolchildren in the specialties 6B01504-Chemistry, 6B01505-Biology, 6B01506 - Geography, 6B01505 - Chemistry - Biology, 6B01511 - Geography - History.
2.Dauren Aldiyarov Abdakhatovich graduated from the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin in 2014 with a degree IN 5b011600-Geography. Currently, he works as a geography teacher in Zaporozhye secondary school of Zhaksyn district of Akmola region. 22.04.2019 for students of Zaporozhye secondary school was held propaganda work about the Arkpi.

3.Muratov Sanzhar Abzalovich graduated in 2015 from the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named After I. Altynsarin. Graduated from the specialty 5B011600-Geography. Currently, he works as the head of the Karatobinsky district methodological Department of education, Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region. 05.04.2019 for students of the Karatobinsk school-gymnasium, propaganda work was carried out on the ArkSPI.
According to the recommendation "To work on the introduction of multilingual education, to work on the development of English language skills"
The faculty of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography annually organizes seminars, coaching sessions and other educational and methodological events for teachers and students in order to introduce the practice of studying disciplines in English.
On April 9, 2019, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography held a methodological seminar on "Effective methods of teaching chemistry and biology in English". The seminar was attended by the teaching staff of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography and methodologists from other universities of the country, teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students. The head of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography, PhD korazbekova K. U. made a speech.She noted that our Institute is working on the implementation of the trilingual policy, the formation of linguistic abilities of specialists. Senior lecturer of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography, PhD yermekbayeva A. T. made a report on the importance of the English language, its relationship and the path to a global educational and scientific space. In his speech, the speaker raised questions about the advantages of teaching subjects in English for students of the educational program 5B01505-Biology, the state of the level of language knowledge of students, etc. PhD doctor A. T. yermekbayeva gave examples from open lessons conducted in English and in practical terms revealed the possibilities of a foreign language.
In order to implement the recommendation "Develop and implement a mechanism for attracting students of Arkspi to research work, contractual activities, as well as to participate in international competitions"
The Department of chemistry, biology and geography annually sends a team to the Republican subject Olympiad from 2018-2019 in the specialty 5B011300-Biology. In the 2018-2019 academic year, a team consisting of 3rd-year students of the specialty 5B011300-Biology participated in the Olympiad organized at Korkyt-ATA Kyzylorda state University (April 18-19, 2019) and was awarded a letter of thanks for high performance . In the 2019-2020 academic year, the team of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography participated in the online subject Olympiad (April 16-18, 2020) among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5B011300 – Biology (educational), which was held at the Karaganda state University named after academician E. A. Buketov. The purpose of the Olympiad is to reveal creative abilities, create conditions for the development of individuality, multi-faceted personality development, support the most talented students and expand the scientific potential of the country. According to the results of the team competition, the team Of the I. Altynsarin arkspi "Torgay tolkyny" (Orynbasar A., Amanzholova A.) under the leadership of PhD, head of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography korazbekova K. U. took 2nd place.Also, the participant of the Olympiad, Orynbasar Aida, was awarded a diploma of the III degree based on the results of a personal test among 28 participants of the subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B011300-Biology.
In order to implement the recommendation "Expand the opportunities of the alumni Association in the framework of joint organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables to improve the quality of education"
In order to activate the work of the alumni Association, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography collects and processes information about successful graduates and publishes the annual magazine "Department of tulekteri – bizdin maktanyshymyz" since 2018. The first persons of pride of the Department were-Baigukin Tursyn Ulysbaevich-Akim of the village "Zhanakala", Aktoty Zhanaralovna Kisikova-Director of the gymnasium named After Y. Altynsarin, Ibraeva Gulnara Kulmukhamedovna-Director of the center for modernization of education in Astana, Kempirova Asemgul Sailaubekovna-expert teacher of biology and geography of secondary school No. 4.Arkalyk, Baitursynov Nariman Bakytzhanovich – Director of the secondary school "Ayinde", Kasenov Askhat Amanzholovich Director of the city Museum "Gave lkes of history".
Graduates of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography are invited to participate in scientific, educational and image events: conferences, seminars, Olympiads, webinars, etc. For example, graduates participated in the III city subject Olympiad in biology, chemistry and geography "Zhas Erudit", organized on April 24-25, 2019 and may 27-29, 2020 in the IV city online subject Olympiad for schoolchildren "ZHAS KEMENGER-2020", dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous thinker, scientist Abu Nasir al-Farabi as leaders:
- A.V. PEK-teacher of the Y. Altynsarin gymnasium
- Ulysbay sh. E. - secondary school teacher " Karatorgay»
- Taskozhin K. K. - teacher of secondary school No. 1 named after sh. Ualikhanov
- Kempirova A. S.-teacher of secondary school No. 4
- Mukhambetova A. K. – the teacher of secondary school №3 named after B. mailin
- Nurtazina Kh. S. – teacher of secondary school No. 6 named after A. Kunanbayev
- Mukhtarova M. M.-teacher of secondary school No. 10
- Nurkhanova A. A.-teacher of the Y. Altynsarin gymnasium
- baimuratova A. B.-teacher of secondary school No. 1 named after sh. Ualikhanov
- Zhumagulov S. B.-teacher of secondary school No. 1 named after sh. Ualikhanov
- Husayynova S. J. - teacher of secondary school №6 named after A. Anbesa
- Karasyov B. S. - teacher of secondary school №10
In addition, graduates took an active part in the master class on "Features of the organization of the learning process in the framework of updating the content of education" on November 22, 2019. Graduates-teachers of schools of the town of Arkalyk, ESEA Noyan Agenbite (biology teacher at a gymnasium named after You.Altynsarin), Casein Airat Kultala (teacher of chemistry and biology No. 1 secondary school named after sh), Matarawa Moldir Martiz (biology teacher No. 10 secondary school) and lecturer in chemistry, biology and geography, Moscow Ali Kozkina in their speeches, showed elements of a modern lesson and methods applied in the learning process on the updated content of education.
21 December 2018 in the online seminar "problems of introduction of the updated content of education in the educational process" ("Bilim Guartela take mazmun excellent Derse endrod of") was attended by the graduates of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography, who are teachers of the Polytechnic College of Arkalyk, Arkalyk College teachers of chemistry and biology secondary schools № 10, № 5, № 3, № 6.
On April 11-12, 2019, graduates-teachers of geography of schools in Arkalyk took part in a 12-hour master class on the topic "Zhanartylgan Bilim bagdarlamasy", doctor of Economics, Professor of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU Mazbayev ordenbek Blisbekovich (teacher-researcher of geography Zainullin Murat Rauilovich - secondary school No. 2, Karashinov B. S. - teacher of secondary school No. 10, Zhumagulov S. B. - teacher of secondary school No. 1 named after sh.Ualikhanov)
Standard "Teaching staff"
According to the recommendation "To Step up work to increase the number of faculty members with academic degrees"
Every year, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography recommends teaching staff for targeted training in doctoral studies. For example, for the 2018-2019 academic year, 2 places were received for doctoral studies in OP 5B011300-Biology and OP 5B011600-Geography, and 2 teachers are trained in the doctoral program at Abai KazNPU: A. Kaldarbekova (OP "Biology") and S. Kalkashev (OP"Geography"). Also, for the 2019-2020 academic year, the Department recommended 2 teachers of the OP "Geography" for admission to the target doctoral program (1 place was obtained), but due to the lack of an IELTS certificate and the required level of English language proficiency, applicants did not apply for a doctoral program at KazNPU named after Abay. Only in the 2019-2020 academic year, due to the successful completion of the English language (Duo), teacher salimzhanov N. O. entered the doctoral program in the specialty "Geography" at Abai KazNPU.
According to the recommendation "Create conditions for improving the level of it competence of teaching staff, the use of innovative methods and forms of training"
- 9 April 2019 held a webinar (online seminar) using proprietary software Skype on topical issues of teaching in the universities in connection with updating the content of education in the country on the theme "Modern Bilim take salesindia outway sect of" with the universities of Kazakhstan. The webinar was attended by the teaching staff of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography and methodologists, teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students and methodologists of Abai KazNPU (Almaty) and SKSPU (Shymkent). On the online seminar on behalf of the Department were PhD Korazbekova K. U. and T. A. Ermekbaeva on "Chemistry, biology pnder ailrine timd oito Zholdary". Also, from KazNPU Ph. D., associate Professor Zhumagulov K. A. shared their views on the theme "Future Maman daiundoukai sect of", candidate of pedagogic Sciences, associate Professor Karabaev S. S. has acted with the report "Oito glera the new tadapter" and discussed the theme "Chemistry PNN guartela Badalona boiynsha outway ditemelo erektiler" Rapporteur Ph. D., associate Professor Z. U. anarbaeva the Next side of the webinar on behalf UCHPU, candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor Khalikov G. S. online presented his report on "bloom taxonomies boiynsha elitestroy balau tavsirlari kurastyru Zholdary". At the end of the webinar, all participants were awarded electronic certificates.
- On November 13, 2019, traditionally for the second year, the Department of Chemistry, biology and geography held a webinar on the topic" Formation of IT competence of students in the field of natural science "within the framework of the Republican forum" Digital education: features and development processes". In the 2018-2019 academic year, a webinar was organized for the first time with the participation of scientists from the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University and South Kazakhstan state pedagogical University on the topic "Current problems in the field of modern education". The webinar was attended by 8 Universities of Kazakhstan, including KSU named after sh. Ualikhanov, KazNU named after al-Farabi and SKSPU, SKSU named after M. Auezov presented a joint project on "Development of online courses in the field of sustainable waste management in Universities of Russia and Kazakhstan within the framework of the Edu Envi project" with a speech by botakoz zhaksylykovna Mutalieva, associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology at SKSU named after M. Auezov. During the online webinar, the following participants presented computer programming and the use of IT technologies in the field of teaching chemical disciplines: - Nurlan Manapov Tursynbek, senior lecturer at KazNPU named after Abai (Almaty). Topic "Jiminy oito rdside computerl Badalamenti mmchat". - Danagul Zhaskairatovna kalimanova, Ph. D., senior lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and chemical technologies of the ASU named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov (Atyrau). The presentation topic was "Byorganic chemistry cursin oitda electrode oulimata oldano dememes". - Madieva Lyubov Kaipkalievna, master's degree, teacher of the Department of Chemistry and chemical technologies of the ASU named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov (Atyrau). The presentation topic was "Jiminy oitda IT texnologiyalari mausdale". The use of digital technologies in the field of biology teaching, the possibility of using digital microscopes in the design and educational process were demonstrated in the reports of the following participants: - Elmira Zhapparbergenova, Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of Biology of SKSPU (Shymkent). The topic of the presentation is "Modern digital technologies in the field of Microbiology and biotechnology". - Shaimerdenova Gulsana Zalkyzy, PhD, acting associate Professor of the Department of Biology, Taraz state University (Taraz). The presentation topic was"Virtually sertanly mustardy orindeed biologially mazmunda rgteu erektiler". - Korazbekova Karlygash Usypkhankyzy, PhD, associate Professor, Head of the Department of Chemistry, biology and geography, Altynsarin state pedagogical University. Topic "Garcillano baetidae amandurdy gianduja semenawi sandy men oldnude Ali of Sartori". During the discussion of the webinar, students, undergraduates of the presented departments of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan took an active part
Standard "Scientific-research work"
According to the recommendation "Strengthen the strategic plan for the development of the University for 2013-2020 tasks for the development of research activities at the University"
Regularly, students of the Department of Chemistry, Biology and geography take part in various research projects. In 2018-2019 academic year, on April 5, 2019, the Department organized a competition of student scientific projects (works) at the high school stage to select pretenders for the award of the rector of Arcipi. Students of OP 5B011300-Biology, 5b011200-chemistry and 5b011600-geography were presented with scientific and intended work. The general policy of the competition of student scientific works, approved at the meeting of the Department (Protocol No. 1 of 28.08.2018), was developed on the basis of the strategic plan for the development of the Arcgpi, the competition was developed for the award of the arcgpi rector for the best scientific work of students and the annual plan scientific research activities Department of Chemistry, Biology and geography for 2018-2019 academic year. "According to the decision of the Competition Commission, subsequent scientific works of students were recommended for participation in the competition of scientific projects for the award of the rector of Arcipi and were nominated in the categories" "Best Young Researcher""," "Best scientific research work"," "Best scientific novelty"", "Best project": Nurullaeva D., theme "research of the antibacterial activity of propolis", scientific supervisor Dr. PhD korazbekova K. U.; mysirova D., theme "study of bioindicationof blood vessels", scientific supervisor Dr. PhD yermekbayeva A. T.; Tanirbergen zh., theme of Work "Smart City", head of Master Salimzhanov N. O.; Abdrakhman L., theme "principles and capabilities of the Arkalyk reservoir", head of Master Dosmagulova K. K. selected scientific works of students on April 22, 2019 were included in the program of the competition for the award of the rector arkhip is aimed at developing scientific and research work of students organized by the Department of Science, Strategic Planning and international cooperation. For the best scientific work, the following works were awarded: diploma II degree (prize 20 000 tenge) was awarded to a student of the 3rd year of OP 5B011300-Biology Nurullayeva Dina (Scientific Supervisor Dr. PhD Korazbekova K. U.) and diploma III degree (prize 15 000 tenge) was awarded awarded to a student of the 3rd Year op 5b011600-geography tanirbergen Zhan (scientific supervisor: master salimzhanov N. O.)
In 2019-2020 academic year, April 17, 2020, 6 students of the Department of Chemistry, Biology and geography took part in the annual online competition of student scientific work for the award of the rector of the Arcipi in humanitarian, technical and natural scientific areas. Student of the 2nd year specialty 5B011600-geography Yerbolat Elay "desertification processes and prevention measures in Kazakhstan" (scientific director: Baigukin Galymbek Tursynovich) was awarded the Diploma of the III degree (prize 15000 tenge)
On the recommendation "To Consider the acquisition of multidisciplinary research laboratories"
The Department of chemistry, biology and geography equipped the complete set of educational laboratories in chemistry in the areas of "Environmental monitoring" and "General chemistry". The following equipment was purchased: drying Cabinet SHS 10-02 (24.04.2019), pH meter (2019), muffle oven PM8 (15.08.2019), water bath (29.05.2019), dry-air thermostat TS-1/20 SPU (24.04.2019), digital laboratory for environmental monitoring (13.08.2019), portable steam autoclave PA - CM 18L series (27.11.2019), bactericidal irradiator 1x15 – 01 "GENERIS" 1-lamp (20.12.2019), levenhuk d870t digital microscope with 8 Mpix, trinocular (31.12.2019), de distiller-4-02-"EMO" (2020), photometer KFK-3 - " ZOMZ "(2020), laboratory utensils such as tripods, crucibles, spirit lamp. - 1, pycnometer (21.11.2019), polypropylene washer (13.12.2019), chemical reagents (24.12.2019), chemical dishes (06.06.2019).
Standard "Educational resources and student support systems"
According to the recommendation " to Step up work on creating a complete electronic scientific library of the Institute"
Teachers of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography Imankulov K. E., Baigukin G., salimzhanov N. O. 2019 prepared and released an electronic textbook "kazakstannyn fizikalyk geografiyasy" to replenish the electronic scientific library of the Institute on OP 6B01506-Geography (Protocol No. 9 of the Academic Council of 14.03.2019)
Standard "Public Awareness and reporting"
According to the recommendation "Activate the work of the alumni Association"
In order to activate the work of the alumni Association, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography collects and processes information about successful graduates and publishes the annual magazine "Department graduates – our proud" since 2018. The first persons of pride of the Department were-Baigukin Tursyn Ulysbaevich-akim of the village "Zhanakala", Aktoty Zhanaralovna Kisikova-Director of the gymnasium named After Y. Altynsarin, Ibraeva Gulnara Kulmukhamedovna-Director of the center for modernization of education in Astana, Kempirova Asemgul Sailaubekovna-expert teacher of biology and geography of secondary school No. 4.Arkalyk, Baitursynov Nariman Bakytzhanovich – Director of the secondary school "Ayinde", Kasenov Askhat Amanzholovich Director of the city Museum "Gave lkes of history".
According to the recommendation "Activate the feedback system via web resources (social networks and other portals)"
News and achievements of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography are actively published in social networks, for example, in Instagram-kafedra_hbg and feedback is made with students. There is a PLATONUS system for corporate communication. It implements such functions as sending mass mailings of messages to students and faculty, notifying students and teachers with ads. Since 2020, in connection with the transition to distance learning, the "Task" module has been connected for the exchange of tasks for intermediate, mid-term and current control and feedback.