Report on the chairs interaction activity with educational and others authorities

Joint Implementation Program Implementation Plan

Name of event


Event types


Name of joint venture


The timing




Put on your hand



Exchange of views with representatives of employers on the development and implementation of educational programs


At a meeting of the department


Secondary school No. 3 named after B. Maylin and secondary school named after No. 6, 4 March 2020


Baybosyn L.S. Bizhanova G.Kh.



Choosing a profession is the key to the future


Open Day


City schools




Nurkanov J.K.




As a scientific consultant on science projects for high school students in urban schools


Scientific projects


No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 6, No. 10, city gymnasium, Rodinsky high school


2019-2020 academic year


Bizhanova G.Kh., Oteuly M.S.




Annually update 10% of elective discipline based on the proposals of employers in the development of CBM


Development and approval of  MUP specialties



Secondary school number 6 named. A.Kunanbaeva,Secondary school number 4




Baybosyn L.S.Bizhanova G.Kh.Edresova K.G.




Provide an article on the scientific project "Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Turgai Region" for 2017-2020.

Science project

Secondary school number 6




Teachers of the department



 Reporton the implementation of the plan for the implementation of the joint cooperation programfor the 2018-2019 academic year

Name of event Event types Name of joint venture The timing Responsible Put on your hand


Competitions in the subject "History" among students in grades 10-11 of city schools Olympiad City schools November, 2018 Aymaғambetuly R.Oteuli M. On March 19, 2019, fourth-year students of the specialty “History” and teachers of the department organized an interschool olympiad in historical subjects on the topic “Leader of the 21st Century” in the framework of cooperation with city schools.

 (Appendix 43)


Exchange of views with employers on developmentand educational programs


At a meeting of the department No. 3 averageSchool named after B. Maylin, No. 4 Secondary School, No. 6 Secondary School named after Abay March,2019 Aimagambetuly R. Baybosyn L.S. From 05.12.2018, by Order No. 3429, the State Educational Institution of the Akimat of Arkalyk, a working group was created to analyze and propose the development of educational programs for specialties. The working group included Zhamanova Gulnar Kurmangalievna, a teacher of history at school No. 1, Rakhimova Saniya Mustakhimovna, a teacher of history at the city gymnasium named after Y. Altynsarin.In the specialty “Fundamentals of Law and Economics”, the working group included KozhykovZhanatbek, teacher of school No. 3 and Gulden Gazezovna Kurmangalieva, teacher of the Altynsarin gymnasium. (Minutes No. 7 dated 02/06/2019)(Appendix 39)


Choosing a profession - the way to the future


Open Day

With city schools March,2019 Boshybaev T.B. At the beginning of April 2019, an open door day was held in the auditorium of the institute for school graduates of the city of Arkalyk, organized by the senior teacher of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, the foundations of law and economics responsible for career guidance T. B. Boshybaev.(Appendix 43)


To be a scientific consultant on research projects of high school students in urban schools


Science project No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 6, No. 10 schools, high school, Rodinsky secondary school

2018-2019 academic year

Bizhanova G.Kh.,Oteuli M. A student of the 11th grade of Y. Altynsarin gymnasium Saruar Akbota took part in the III Republican contest of schoolchildren and students “Modern Science” in Almaty, took part with a scientific project on the topic «The role of Dautbek dynasty in the Kazakh society»  and won the first prize. The scientific leader of this project is Ph.D. Konkina G.S.Ст.преподаватель Aitmagambetuly R. wrote a review of a scientific project on the topic “Archaeological sites in the Kostanay region” Baluto Valeria, a student of grade 7 of school number 2 in Arkalyk.(Appendix 42)


Every year, when developing a municipal unitary enterprise on the recommendation of employers in mastering specialties10% of elective disciplines

Development and approval MUP specialties

No. 4 secondary school, No. 6 secondary school named after A.Kunanbaev

April, 2019

Aimagambetuly R. Edresova K.G. Baybosyn L.S.

In November 2018, on the basis of an official letter from the Department of Education, a module-based curriculum for the department for the 2019-2020 academic year was introduced (Minutes No. 9 of 04/03/2019) 10% percentage changes(Appendix 40)


Provide articles related to the scientific project "Historical and Cultural Monuments of Turgayskograi" for 2017-2021.

Science project No. 6 secondary school named after A.Kunanbaev

April, 2019

Teachers of the department An article entitled “Torah Kypshaik taipasynan shykan Tabay sheshen” was co-authored by a teacher of history at secondary school No. 6 named after A. Kunanbaev K. Baldaeva, organized on January 31, 2019 at the Republican scientific-practical conference “Altynsarin readings-2019” on the topic “ Training competitive teaching staff in the context of updating and modernizing the content of education. ”(Appendix 41)


Review Reviews on the thesis of students of 4 courses


Teachers of Colleges and City Schools

May, 2019

Teachers of the department

In the 2018-2019 academic year, only 35 students graduated in two specialties of the department.Reviews of graduate students were reviewed by secondary school teachers in the city. (Appendix 44)


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502