Student Headquarters "Talapker" Launched at Altynsarin Institute

Student Headquarters "Talapker" Launched at Altynsarin Institute

Student activists of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin organized the Talapker headquarters for future first-year students of the university.

The work of the student headquarters is designed to help yesterday's schoolchildren adapt to completely new conditions. There are representatives of different faculties in the headquarters, so they can answer the questions of applicants and their parents in full.
At first, a WhatsApp group was created, where undergraduates help prospective students navigate the flow of information about the conditions and specifics of studying at the university, the terms of enrollment and arrival, what documents need to be submitted, about living in a hostel, how to spend their free time and where you can find yourself asking about the interests and hobbies of former schoolchildren.
According to the rector of the Altynsarin Institute, Yerzhan Amirbekuly, the primary task of the student headquarters is to help ArkPI beginners take their first steps.
“After all, not only parents who find it difficult to let their child go to study in another region, but also the applicants themselves are worried. And here, students who were in their place 1-3 years ago can give more to yesterday's schoolchildren. In order to reduce their emotional burden, our students help solve problems, “equip” future students, talking about the opportunities that open up at the university,” the head of the university noted.
It is worth noting that student activists began work in July, as part of the admission committees as student advisory teams. At the same time, work is carried out not only on the basis of the university, but also in the places of residence of the students themselves.
According to the activists, this initiative will create conditions for self-realization of future students in the field of social activities, development of their leadership skills, popularization of the youth movement and attraction of new activists to the ranks of the youth organization.
The student headquarters plans to interact with groups of first-year students for at least one semester, hold meetings, prepare for initiation into students, and teach them to be part of a team. Further cooperation is a matter of mutual interest of the parties.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502