A round table was held on the topic “artificial intelligence and science”

A round table was held on the topic “artificial intelligence and science”

On February 28, 2024, a joint round table “Artificial Intelligence and Science” was held at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin and Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after A. Margulan.

The event was organized by the faculty of “Pedagogy and Philology”, educational programs “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education”.
The purpose of the meeting is to draw attention to the problem of using artificial intelligence in science, to discuss the advantages and difficulties of using artificial intelligence in education.
The opening speech of the round table was given by Ph.D. Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after. A. Margulan, Associate Professor Baglan Japarova and Associate Professor Altynsarin Institute, PhD Tatyana Karataeva.
Senior lecturer of KazNPU named after KazNPU also took part in the event and made a presentation on the topic. Abay, PhD Doctor Baktygul Atabekova “Artificial Intelligence and Creativity”, Associate Professor of West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M. Ospanova, PhD Malika Knisarina “Artificial Intelligence and Responsibility”, Associate Professor of Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after Margulan Ph.D. Olga Botalova “Possibilities of using ChatGPT in research work”, Meruert Uakasova from the Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University “Virtual assistants and technologies for the treatment and transfer of patients”, Tatyana Karataeva “Artificial intelligence as a factor in the professional development of teachers”, associate professor of PPU named after. A. Margulan Gulmira Aspanova “Artificial intelligence and pseudoscientific research.”

The round table provided a discursive platform for participants, where faculty, undergraduates and students were given opportunities to exchange ideas.
They asked their questions and exchanged experiences and ideas in the field of application of artificial intelligence in science.


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