Literary evening “The Poetic World of Abdilda Tazhibaev”

Literary evening “The Poetic World of Abdilda Tazhibaev”

On February 5, 2024, a literary evening “The Poetic World of Abdilda Tazhibayev” was organized in the information and complex library, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding poet, people’s writer of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abdildy Tazhibayev.

The literary evening was held with the aim of introducing the life and work of A. Tazhibayev, expanding the horizons of readers through the poet’s poems on the theme of his native land, life, friends, poetry of nature, developing creative abilities, and attracting readers to the library.
During the evening, students of the faculty of “Pedagogy and Philology” spoke about poems and excerpts from “Tynyksyn, timender adamga”, “Omirim menin”, “Son of turaly syrshyl dospen kenesu”, “Zhas akynga”, “Eske alu”.
Also, the participants of the literary evening read with trepidation the songs “Abdildaga” by the Kazakh poet M. Makataev and “Abdilda agany oylaganda” by T. Moldagaliev and performed kui on the dombra.
As part of the event, participants answered questions in a quiz dedicated to the life and work of A. Tazhibaev from the collections of the public library, and also viewed the book exhibition.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502