Psychological training “Educating a girl – educating society”

Psychological training “Educating a girl – educating society”

The Scientific Center of Ethnopedagogy and Ethnopsychology “Kazyna” conducted a psychological training “Educating a girl - educating society.”

The purpose of the event was to provide psychological counseling to girls in terms of their role in society, the ethics of self-education, and exchange opinions on morality and legal education.
Senior teachers of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology” Anar Elamanovna, Altynay Kamshybekovna and about 30 female students took part in the training, organized by the center’s researcher Zaure Toyshybekovna.

The participants widely discussed current issues about girlhood, the role of national education in the development of personality, and the thinking of educated, professionally mature girls.

At the event dedicated to the traditional continuity of the “Ana” school, “Zhenge”, videos dedicated to girlish ethics were shown.
Student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology Zhumagazy Merey noted: “There are a lot of paid coaches who are popular today. And this training, which took place within the walls of our educational institution with specialist psychologists and an employee of the Kazyna center, is in no way inferior to them. We created free communication without thinking. We are very pleased that such a platform existed at the institute.”
Participants expressed confidence in the continuation of psychological training of such content.


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